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One who has received the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders and is a successor to the Apostles; takes care of a particular geographical area; is a sign of unity in his diocese and a member of the College of Bishops; refers to role granted after receiving the third degree of ordination
a particular geographical area of the Church overseen by a bishop
ordering one's life by listening to and following a teacher
Holy Spirit
Third person of the Trinity whose actions help the human aspects of the Church put us in touch with its divine component
to enter into conversation with other Christian communities aimed at restoring unity; the work of Catholics and other Christians aimed at restoring unity among Christians
Bishop of Rome and the successor of Peter; pastor of the whole world who is entrusted with the job of care of the souls of all the members of the Church
first bishop of Rome
Great Commisison
when Jesus tells the Apostles to go and make all people his disciples
name for all non-ordained faithful
priestly role of laity
to worship God by the way we live (actions and prayer)
prophetic role of laity
to announce the Good News of Jesus Christ through our words and actions
kingly role of the laity
to be a servant king like Jesus through caring and serving others, especially those in need
poverty, chastity and obedience
evangelical counsels
evangelical counsel
public vows or promises of poverty, chastity and obedience
vow of chastity
a promise to remain unmarried and celibate; keeps them free to dedicate all their efforts to bringing Christ to the world
vow of poverty
a promise to live simply; means to own nothing of their own
vow of obedience
to listen attentively to God's will; obeying the Laws of God and the Church; following the rules of their religious order or community
consecrated religious
men and women who dedicate their lives to Jesus by living a religious vocation in the Church
marks resembling the wounds on the crucified body of Christ
St. Catherine of Siena
Convinces the Pope to move back to Rome; first layperson named a Doctor of the Church
Doctor of the Church
A title officially bestowed by the Church on those saints who are highly esteemed for their theological writings, as well as their personal holiness.
Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions
Vatican Council II document that the Church deeply respects other religions and emphasizes that we can know the fullness of God's Revelation only through the Catholic Church
degrees of ordination
diaconate (deacon); presbyterate (priest) and episcopate (bishop)
St. Stephen
one of the first seven deacons; died for his faith; is the first Christian martyr
called to serve as Jesus did; special role of service to the poor; refers to role granted after receiving the first degree of ordination
transitional deacon
hose who are ordained a deacon in preparation for becoming a priest; refers to role granted after receiving the first degree of ordination
permanent deacon
Those who are ordained to serve permanently as a deacon. A deacon may be married but can not remarry should his wife die.
Priest, Prophet, King
As members of the Body of Christ, we join in his three-fold mission as:
an ordained minister of the Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican Church having the authority to perform certain rites and administer certain sacraments; refers to role granted after receiving the second degree of ordination
chi rho
symbol for Christ; comes from the first two letters of Christ in Greek