where were most sea based empires
european maritime technologies (adopted not invented)
1) magnetic compass
2) astrolabe (measured longitude and latitude)
3) lateen sail
4) astronomical charts
european shipbuilding innovations
1) caravel (Portugal)
2) parrack (big ship from Portugal)
3) fluyt (ship just for trade from the Dutch)
what sponsored sea based empire building
motivation for european maritime exploration
desire for asian spices, PEPPER!!
alpha sea based empire
prince Henry the navigator
Portuguese blud sponsoring first European attempt to find all water trade route
portugal religion
vasco da gama actions
established trading posts in Africa and Indian ocean/southeast asia
christopher columbus
discovered Caribbean under impression it was spice islands
ferdinand magellan
spanish explorer who landed at east indies
why did other European states copy Portugal and spain’s flow
1) political rivalry
2) envy
3) desire for wealth
4) need to find alternative routes 2 asia
sent expeditions looking for westward passage to Indian ocean (didn’t exist they wasted money fr)
what trade did france gain access to
fur trade
french colony
queen elizabeth the first supported…..
westward expansion
england’s first colony in the americas. terrible but !!!!!!JAMESTOWN!!!!! saved it
who did Dutch get independence from
dutch republic huge deal thing
richest state in europe
kings of indian ocean trade (taking title from Portuguese)
dutch republic
henry hudson
sent by dutch to establish Dutch presence in the new world, founded new amsterdam
columbian exchange
transfer of new diseases, food, plants, and animals between the eastern and western hemispheres
cause of Columbian exchange
contact with other continents when Europeans sponsored sea based expeditions
disease vectors
rats and mosquitoes
diseases brought from old world to new world
1) malaria, brought by enslaved africans
2) measles, spread in densely populated areas
3) smallpox, cooked EVERYONE
what do Indigenous ppl call spread of smallpox
the great dying
how did Europeans take over americas so easily
food Europeans brought 2 new world
wheat, grapes, olives, bananas, sugar
foods new worlders brought to old world
maize, potatoes, manioc
new world old world food exchange caused……..
population growth
new world crops were grown in Europe as…….
cash crops
cash cropping
agriculture method where food is grown for export to other places
example of coerced labor
caribbeans harvest sugar cane
food enslaved africans brought to americas
okra and rice
animals europeans brought to new world
pigs, sheep, cattle
how did new animals in new world multiply so quick
no natural predators
negative effect of animals brought to new world
environmental strains on farmers, EROSION!!!
beneficial animal introduced to new world
horse (allowed them to hunt buffalo)
european motivations for joining Indian ocean trade
1) gold (get rich)
2) God (spread christianity)
3) glory (be greatest state)
portugal was first to establish
trading post empire
did Portuguese want to insert themselves into trade network or own/control
what did British eventually turn Indian trading posts into
full blown colonial rule in india (Dutch did in Indonesia)
merchants like the ….. in the Mughal empire used Indian ocean trade to increase wealth
tokugawa japan
united and anti European in Indian ocean trade bc they were a threat
what religion was expelled and suppressed in japan
ming china
anti European trade, wanted 4 themselves
china trade laws
asante empire
west African empire trading gold, ivory, and slaves with Portuguese and british
kingdom of the kongo
african empire trading gold, copper, and enslaved laborers with Portuguese
religion of kingdom of the kongo
christianity (converted 2 facilitate trade)
existing labor systems in americas used by europeans
1) Inca mit’a system (for silver mining)
new labor systems in americas used by europeans
1) chattel slavery (laborers owned & race based + hereditary)
2) indentured servitude
3) encomienda system (feudalism vibes)
4) hacienda system (encomienda but economics)
african slave trade new or already present
alr present (Africans got culturally assimilated!)
domestic work new or already present
alr present
could slaves hold power
yes (military + political)
male or female slaves more purchased
was the trans atlantic trade or Indian ocean trade larger
trans atlantic trade
dominant European economic system
state driven economic system emphasizing the buildup of mineral wealth by maintaining a favorable balance of trade (they want the most pie!!!!!!!)
favorable balance of trade
exports > imports
joint-stock companies
limited liability businesses chartered by the state and funded by a group of investors
dutch east India company
chartered by the Dutch state who had a monopoly on Indian ocean trade (they rich and Dutch got to expand power!)
anglo-dutch war
dutch vs England over mercantilism
why did spain and portugal’s power wane slightly
trade and imperial ventures were through the state
atlantic system
movement of goods, wealth, and laborers between east and west hemispheres
important goods in americas
sugar & silver
site of Bolivian silver mine
effects of silver
1) satisfied Chinese demand for silver
2) increased profits
laborers making goods by hand
effects of African slave trade
1) gender imbalance
2) changed family structures (polygamy rise)
3) cultural synthesis (Creole languages created)
las casas
defended indigenous americans from abuse of europeans
french resistance against increased taxation (didn’t work)
queen ana nzinga’s resistance
african resistance where ana nzinga & the Dutch fought the portuguese
pueblo revolt
north American revolt against the Spanish forcing coerced labor (spain left but came back)
maroon societies
caribbean and brazil communities of free blacks (tried 2 save their people!)
stono rebellion of 1739
slaves sent to south Carolina killed enslavers
jew treatment in Spain and portugal
refuge for jews
ottoman empire
tax non Muslims paid in ottoman empire
discrimination in qing dynasty
only ethnically Manchu people could hold position, men required to wear queue
mughal response to ethnic diversity
akbar nice
casta system
imposed on new world by spanish leaders based on race and heredity
order of casta system
1) peninsulares (born on iberian peninsula)
2) creoles (European born in new world)
3) mestizos (european + indigenous)
4) mulattoes (European + African)
5) native americans
5) African slaves
russian boyars
aristocratic land-owning Russian class exerting great power in the administration of russia
who took power from the boyars
peter the great
ottoman timars
land grants made to ottoman empire to an aristocratic class in payment for military service to gov