Ap WH Unit 3 Review:

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Toyotomi Hideyoshi

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Toyotomi Hideyoshi

________ followed Nobunaga and expanded until all of Japan was united.

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Louis XIV

________ built the palace of Versailles to show off wealth as well as to keep his nobles close and ensure their loyalty.

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Henry VIII

Anglicanism: ________ wanted a male heir desperately and went through many wives, by the time we hit the last wife and he wanted a divorce the pope wouldnt let him.

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The Ming were overthrown by the foreign Manchu people from ________ who established the Qing Dynasty which remained until 1911.

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Martin Luther

________: a monk, very upset with the process of indulgences,"Sola Fide "(faith by you alone), ties in if it werent for the printing press.95 thesis, 95 problems with the catholic church.Believed women should have a bigger role in religion.

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Decline: Corruption, not being able to keep up with military.Tensions between ________ and Muslim populations caused revolts and this instability allowed the French and British to come in and assert dominance in India.

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Architectural achievements

________ are a hallmark of Mughal culture.

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Bureaucratic Elites

________- the Justice of the Peace, collect taxes, weakened feudal lords.

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________: Akbar consolidated and unified his empire by tolerating all religions.

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Peter the Great

________: Defeated his sister and a boyar led army (the Streltsy) to take control after Ivan.Consolidated rule by eliminating threats.Expands borders.

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major religion schisms

Beliefs:* Religions was a unifier, as well as to create division.Some rulers converted to solidify their power.This time is also marked by two ________ (splits) on in Catholicism and another in Islam.

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Tokugawa Shogunate

________ consolidated power by:* Creating centralized control & ending the feudal system* Dividing Japan into 250 hans, or territories, each controlled by a Daimyo.

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Scientific Revolution

________:* In the 1600s in Europe, scientific thinking and the ideas of the Renaissance like curiosity, discovery, and investigation began to spread.

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John Calvin

________: preaches the idea of predestination.Created calvinism.

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Tokugawa Ieyasu

________ followed him (Toyotomi Hideyoshi) and his successors ruled Japan into the mid- 19th century in what is called the Period of Great Peace.

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Protestant Reformation

________:* corrupt catholic church, people started to realize and formed reform movements which were successful* John Wycliffe: Priests are not necessary for salvation.

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Shia Islam

Safavid: ________ was the dominant religion.

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