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Defines the international system as no hierarchy, all states are equal.
states main interest (goal) state security “self-help system”
explanatory variable (EV)
(sometimes called “independent” variable) = the factor whose variation we think leads to variation in the dependent variable
rational actors
states are ___
unitary actors
coherent units
process of inducting actors into the norms and/or identity of a given community
Balancing (internal and External)
economic, military power
alliances of convenience
International institutions
sets of rules meant to govern state behavior
international laws
international governmental organizations (IGOs)
influences construction of identities
US and Iran post 9/11 (effect of “axis of evil” discourse)
Relative gains
power in relation to another state
Absolute gains
What you actually gain
Dependent variable (DV)
what we are trying to explain variation in
falsifiable statements posting a particular relationship among 2 or more variables
Eg, the more authoritarian a state, the less respect for human rights we are likely to see.
Defensive realists
Argue that few wars actually end up benefiting the states that started them
If states balance against powerful state:
More powerful state will pursue policies of restraint
Balancing protects your from attack in the first place
Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait of 1990
offensive Realists
Argue that conquest pays - creates reputation for willingness to attack
Weaker states will bandwagon to avoid getting attacked
Libya 2003
Bottom Up liberal theory
Individuals and domestic groups most important actors
different groups in society have different interest
groups that government is responding to define state action
state preferences
neoliberal institutionalism
international system is anarchic
states are rational actors
Interdependence of states
use of force is costly
repeated interactions over time - reciprocity
important in helping solve PD (cheating) problem
ideas, identities, and norms
Kantain peace theories
Economic Interdependence
International institutions
Marxist Theory Problems
overproduction of goods and services
underconsumption by workers/lower class → low wages
over savings from upper class
Multinational corporations (MNCs)
key players in establishing and maintaining dependency relationships
Agents of penetration - forge relationships with elites in developing countries
Legal conditions of war (under international law)
acting in self-defense
UNSC approval
realist argument to PD
Accept assumptions of anarchy & unitary, rational state actors that pursue own self-interest
NLI argument to PD
self-interest points to cooperation
states interact continuously → have opportunity to reciprocate cooperation or noncooperation