an individual about whom or which we have data - who was measured
information about an individual in a database
data table
an arrangement of data in which each row represents a case and each column represents a variable
a person who responds to a survey
all the cases that exist - the larger group we want to draw a conclusion about
systematically recorded information, whether numbers or labels, together with its context
the cases we examine in seeking to understand the larger population - a subset of the population
a human experimental unit, also called a participant
a human experimental unit, also called a subject
categorical variable
a variable that names categories using words or numbers
ideally tells Who was measured, What was measured, hoW the data was collected, Where the data was collected, and When and Why the study was performed
quantitative variable
a variable that measures something, always with units
experimental unit
an individual in a study for whom or for which data values are recorded
holds information about the same characteristics for many cases - what is measured
a quantity or amount that is a standard of measurement, such as dollars, hours, or grams
identifier variable
a categorical variable that assigns a unique value for each case, naming or identifying a case