DNA is stored as chromosome inside of the nucleus.
Chromosomes in eukaryotic cells are linear in shape.
To tightly coil the DNA to fit in the nucleus as chromosomes the DNA is tightly wound around proteins called histones.
This complex on DNA wrapped around a histone is called a nucleosome.
a single polynucleotide strand with a clover shape
has an amino acid attached to it and an anticodon that’s complementary to an mRNA codon.
It’s universal - the code is the same for all organisms.
It’s degenerate - more codons than amino acid so some codons encode the same amino acid e.g CAA and CAG both encode glutamine.
Non- overlapping - each base is only part of one codon so each codon is read as a discrete unit.
Transcription = DNA to pre-mRNA
Splicing = pre-mRNA to mRNA
Translation = mRNA to protein (using tRNA)
DNA helicase ‘unwinds’ the two DNA strands by breaking hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs. Only 1 DNA strand acts as the template.
Free mRNA nucleotides align and pair with their complementary base.
RNA polymerase joins the mRNA nucleotides to form pre-mRNA.
Introns (non-coding) are removed
Exons are attached back together via a condensation reaction.
mRNA is formed which then exits the nucleus through the nuclear pores in the nucleus.
* this does not occur in prokaryotes as they do not have introns, mRNA production is direct
Ribosome attached to the start codon of the mRNA (AUG)
tRNA with complementary anticodon aligns with mRNA and brings an amino acid.
Ribosomes moves along mRNA, allowing another tRNA to attach to the next codon.
The 2 amino acids attached to the tRNA molecules are joined by peptide bonds.
This continues until the ribosome reaches a stop codon, where the ribosome detaches and translation ceases.
Polypeptide chain has now been created.
A change in the base sequence of DNA
Can occur during replication
single substitution of one base for another
meaning a change in the amino sequence
change in the primary thus tertiary structure, possibly affecting protein structure and function
deletion of a base in a DNA sequence
causing a frameshift
has a larger impact on amino acid sequence
example is the muscle-wasring disorder Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
formation of cell division that produces 4 daughter cells that are genetically different from each other.
involves two separate divisions
haploid (n) cells are formed
produces gametes
There’s a variety of different phenotypes within a population
An environmental change occurs and as a result of that the selection pressure changes.
Some individuals posses advantageous alleles which give them a selective advantage allowing them to survive and reproduce.
The advantageous alleles are passed onto their offspring
Over time, the frequency of alleles in a population changes and this leads to evolution.
Directional selection
Stabilising selection
Anatomical - Physical adaptations either internal or external e.g length of the loop of henle - in dessert mammals this is very long to produce concentrated urine and minimize water loss.
Behavioral adaptations are changes in behavior which improve the organism’s chance of survival e.g. mating calls.
Physiological adaptations are processes inside an organism’s body that increase its chance of survival e.g. regulation of blood flow through the skin
Using the binomial naming system. Every species is given a name with two parts, based on Latin and Greek.
The generic name is the genus to which the organism belongs. If a species is closely related it will share the same name
The specific name is the species to which the organism belongs. When hand writing these the names must be underlined and the first letter of the generic name must be capitalised.
In order for members of the same species to recognise one another during mating courtship behaviour is often used. Members of the same species share similar physical, biochemical and behavioural characteristics. Courtship behaviour takes place before mating and enables individuals to:
recognise members of their own species
Synchronise mating
forming a pair bond
become able to breed