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What percentage of animal species are invertebrates?
How long have invertebrates been in the fossil record?
600 mya
Where do a majority of invertebrates live?
-Most of the earth’s surface is marine
-Very stable
aquatic animals that are able to swim and move independently of water currents
aquatic animals that are carried by tides and currents
animals living on the surface of the seabed or a riverbed, or attached to submerged objects or aquatic animals or plants.
invertebrates living within the matrix of aquatic sediments
minute animals living in soil and aquatic sediments.
Why are there less invertebrates in freshwater habitats?
-More unstable
What does lentic mean?
Lakes and ponds
What does lotic mean?
Rivers and streams
Why are estuaries and coastal marshlands not a top choice for invertebrates?
Unstable, mixing of fresh and marine waters
Why are terrestrial habitats a struggle for invertebrates?
-No hydrostatic pressure to maintain the skeletal system
-More water loss
-Need adaptations to excrete waste
-Internal fertilization to protect young
an association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm.
association between organisms of two different species in which each benefits
the practice of living as a parasite in or on another organism.
an organism is not parasitic, symbiotic, or sessile, and is capable of movement and metabolic independence
permanently attached and unable to move around
Deposit Feeder
an organism that eats organic matter from sediment, either by moving along the surface or burrowing into it
Includes ancestral species and all descendants
All are descendants of a common ancestor but group does not contain all descendants
Group contains species from two or more different ancestors
What can cladistics be based on?
Anatomical, morphological, and embryological
a character or trait that is shared by two or more taxonomic groups and is derived through evolution from a common ancestral form
a unique, specialized trait or character that has evolved from an ancestral form
Convergent evolution
the process where two or more unrelated species independently evolve similar traits or features, usually as a result of adapting to similar environmental pressures or ecological niches, even though they do not share a recent common ancestor
Homologous structures
similar anatomical features found in different organisms that share a common ancestor
Molecular phylogenies
DNA sequence data to determine relatedness
What is bauplan?
a set of structural features that characterize a group of organisms, such as a phylum
places constraint on an organism either structurally, genetic, developmental, cellular, or metabolic
What invertebrates have asymmetrical symmetry
What invertebrates have spherical symmetry
Rare, protists
What symmetry do most invertebrates have?
Bilateral symmetry allows what?
What are the pros and cons of cephalization?
-Can lead to more complex neural tissue and complex behavior
-Sensitive and vital organs are left vulnerable in a centralized region
Contains two tissues: ectoderm and endoderm, with an unofficial layer called the gastroderm
Three layers: endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm
No body cavity, no spaces
Body cavity not fully lined with mesodermE
Body cavity is fully lined with mesoderm
the process by which some animal embryos develop and the origin of the cells involved
a process by which some animal embryos develop a secondary body cavity, or coelom
Spiral determinant cleavage
Yolk on one end of the egg, first two divisions are equal, the next division is unequal, this forms micromeres and macromeres, with a rotation to the right
Radial indeterminant cleavage
Yolk that is evenly distributed throughout the egg, all divisions are equal so there are no micromeres, cell fate is not determined until later in development
ectoderm invaginate inside to form endo and mesoderm tissues
Mouth first development from the blastopore, schizocoelous in nature (split-cavity), spiral determinant cleavage.
Groups: Mollusca, Arthropoda, Annelida
Other first, blastopore develops into the anus, and the mouth develops later. Enterocoelous. Radial indeterminant cleavage.
Groups: Chordata, Echinodermata
Metazoa origins
colonial theory: single celled organisms grouped together for their mutual benefit, and certain organisms specialized until they became the planula larva (with flagella), and they had primitive radial symmetry
Syncytial Theory
A ciliated protist had multiple nuclei
Polyphyletic Origin
Multiple ancestors, different origins for different groups. Flagellates became sponges, ciliates became flatworms
Monophyletic Theory
Singular ancestor, evidence based on 18s rDNA, and the origins are from choanoflagellates
“Pore bearers”
Sponges - simplest metazoans
Sessile - larvae are motile
Lack symmetry
Few mm to over 2m
8.3k species - 98% marine
Defining characteristic
-Generate water currents
-Food capture
-Sperm capture
General Characteristics of sponges
-No true germ layers, cell acting independently of one another
-No musculature, neurons, or organs
-Filter feeders, intracellular digestion inside single cells, archeocytes deliver food to the individual cells
-No specialized gas exchange, works on diffusion
-Spongocoel lined with choanocytes
Outer layer of poriferan body with pinacocytes (contractile cells)
Gelatinous material between the pinacoderm and choanoderm in poriferans, archeocytes inside this layer the move the food into cells
Inner layer of the poriferan body with choanocytes
Aquiferous system
Reliant on water currents. The poriferan body has ostium/dermal pores to allow incurrent water flow. The internal system of the sponge, has three possibilities, (asconoid and syconoid types have spongocoel, and leuconoid types have incurrent canals and choanocyte chambers). Osculum allows outcurrent water flow
Asconoid body
Vase like body, one large osculum and several small ostia, large spongocoel, simplest and least efficient sponge. Leucosolenia is an example we saw in lab.
Why is the asconoid body inefficent?
As the body increases in size, the ostia do no grow larger, meaning that the sponge is not drawing in more water with the increased size
Slight large than asconoid
-More infoldings of body wall - more surface area that form flagellates canals
-More efficient
-Still small
-Scypha and Grantia specimens in lab
Most sponges
-Reduction of the spongocoel
-More infoldings with choanocyte chambers
-Many oscula
-Most efficient body type
-More common, much larger
Collar cell
-Long thin pseudopodia and flagellum
-Responsible for generating water currents
-Can form eggs and sperm
-Amoeba-like, undifferentiated cells
-Responsible for food digestion (nutrient storage)
-Waste removal
-Can form eggs and sperm
Sponge cell types
Porocyte - Form the ostium
Myocyte - Contractile elements
Sclerocytes - make needle like structures (spicules makes of CaCO3 or SiO2)
Spongocyte - scattered within the mesohyl, secretes spongin that allow support and flexibility
Support structure that is glass-like, the spicule types can help identify different species
Filter feeder
Phagocytosis and intracellular digestion - involving the choanocyte and archeocytes
Eats DOM (Dissolved Organic Matter)
Parazoan Reproduction
Gemmules like a little egg
Freshwater and some marine
Archeocytes covered with spicules
Micropyle - spicules go out of this opening
Will form a new sponge
When sponges are cut into small pieces, each growing into a new sponge. If cells are separated, they will reaggregate
Other methods of sponge reproduction
Gametes develop from archeocytes and choanocytes
Fertilization can be external or internal, and the sperm is captured by choanocyte
Developing embryos may be retained for a period, and brooded
Flagellated larvae
Parazoa: Blastula Larvae
Hollow blastula
One end develops the flagella
Blastula opens and inverts -Amphiblastula
Groups: Calcarea and some Demospongiaia
Parazoa: Parenchyma larvae
Solid mass of cells that are flagellated, this includes most demospongia
Parazoa biotoxins
They can produce biotoxins and allelochemicals that reduce predation and help with space competition
Example: Tedania - fire sponge
Parazoan medical applications
Antimicrobial and antitumor compounds
-Arabinosides, manoalide, halichondrins: eribulin
Class: Calcarea
Spicules of CaCO3, that are 1, 3, or 4 rayed
All three body types are possible, but out of living species are asconoid types
All marine
Class Hexactinellida
6 rayed silicon spicules
Glass sponges
Live in soft sediment
Sycanoid or leuconoid
Layers are syncytical
May have radial symmetry
All marine in deep water
Class Demospongia
80-90% of species - alSuppl freshwater sponges
All leuconoid
Many growth forms
Supported by spongin
Cladorhizid sponges
From class demospongia
No ostia or oscula
Carnivorous on arthropods
Class Homoscleromorpha
Spicules lacking or silicon based spicules
Basal membrane under pinacoderm
Pinacoderm cells are ciliated
May be linked to other metozoans
Phylum Placozoa
-3 Described species (molecular data suggests more)
-Discovered in a marine aquarium in 1883 (Trichoplax adherens)
-2-3 mm
-Motile (ameboid movement and cells are flagellated)
Placozoa characteristics
Several 1000 cells arranged in double layer plate.
Ventral layer has columnar cells with single flagellum and glandular cells that perform extracellular digestiion
Dorsal layer has flagellated cells and shiny spheres that are defensive
Layers are separated by fluid layer with fibrous cell network and the fibers may have contractile functions
Placozoan Reproduction
Asexual - budding, fission, and fragmentation, they can regenerate lost parts
Sexual - genetic evidence shows this occurs and embryos never develop past 64 cells
Phylum Cnidaria
12,000 species
Radial symmetry
All aquatic and mostly marine
Two body forms: Polyp (sessile) and Medusa (free swimming)
Two life forms
Cnidaria: Characteristics
Cnidae - stinging thread, organelle produced in cnidocyte/cnidoblast
3 Types of Cnidae
Nematocysts - Most common, 30 different types, may contain toxins
Spirocysts - Only in anthozoa
Ptychocyst - Only in Ceriantharians
More about cnidae
Protein capsule that is closed on the top by an operculum, with a hollow coiled tuber, trigger is cnidocil.
Cnidocil is a modified cilium that detects mechanical and chemical stimuli, coiled tube is forcefully everted, potentially with barbs and toxins.
Cnidae function in food collection, defense, locomotion
Common characteristics of Cnidarians
Diploblastic with ectoderm and gastroderm, mesoglea
Mouth and gastrovascular cavity, have digestive and circulatory function, and perform extracellular digestion
Cnidarian muscles
Have muscle and nervous tissue, they have myoepithelia, nerve net, and specialized sensory structures
Cnidarian nerve net
Non centralized
Composed of neurons and neurites that multipolar and bipolar
2 reticular arrays
Between the epidermis and mesoglea (fast conducting)
Between gastrodermis and mesoglea (slow conducting)
Better development in the medusa form, forming nerve rings
Special sensory structures in cnidarians
Ocelli - light
Statocysts - balance
Sensory lappets - touch
Rhopalia - guage and control swimming and muscle contraction
Cnidarian lifestyle
Mostly carnivores - some are parasitic, some have symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae (corals, jellyfish, hydra)
No specialized gas exchange or waste excretion structures, relies on diffusion
Cnidarian anatomy
Incomplete digestive system, no circulatory system, that all occurs in the gastrovascular cavity.
Cnidarian reproduction
Asexual budding or fission. Sexual reproduction also happens. Gametes develop in the gastrovascular cavity and are expelled through the mouth.
Class Hydrozoa
Primarily marine (a few freshwater)roder
3000 species
Hydroids and hydromedusae - polyp form is more dominant life phase
Lack cnidocytes in gastrodermis
Alternation of generations is common, but one may be reduced, medusae may be retained
Colonial polyps, individuals are not large
Forms: Zooids, Stolon, and Hydranth
Perisarc made of chitin - Thecate vs athecate
Gastrovascular cavity is continuous
Having a sheath or being contained within a sheath. Athecate is without a sheath
Hydrozoan polyp specialization
Gonozooid —> Gonophore
Hydrozoan medusa
Small and have a velum
Muscular ring of tissue inside the opening of the hydrozoan
Hydrozoan reproduction
Asexual budding
solitary polyps form a sporosac
colonial form produce gonophores
medusa may be retained or released
gametes are released (spawned), and there are separate sexes
Produce planula larvae
Only the polyp stage with no planula or medusae
Polyps are not colonial
Have both seual and asexual reproduction