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Mediate immune responses in the central nervous system by acting as macrophages, clearing cellular debris and dead neurons from nervous tissue through the process of phagocytosis (cell eating)
The myelin sheath is formed by:
The cell membranes of glial cells (Schwann cells in the peripheral and oligodendroglia in the central nervous system).
Provide support and insulation to axons in the central nervous system of some vertebrates, equivalent to the function performed by Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system
Excretion of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft
If a small stimulus (depolarization) is enough to produce an action potential in a neuron, then a larger depolorizing stimulus will:
Activate a similar action potential. Action potentials don't change in amplitude
What causes an action potential?
Voltage-gated Sodium (Na+) channels opening up (depolarization)
What causes the action potential to end (repolarize)?
-voltage gated Na+ channels close and inactivate
-voltage-gated K+ channels open
Refractory period
the amount of time after an AP when it is more
difficult (relative refractory period) or impossible (absolute refractory
period) to fire another AP
Multiple sclerosis is caused by the destruction of:
Major difference between neurons and glia
1. glial cells do not have action potential
2. neurons so not regenerate except in the olfactory cortex and the hippocampus
3. neurons are much longer (axons)
Resting potential
The outward flow of K+ (concentration) balances the inward flow of K+
3 Na+ for every 2 K+
Membrane potential is more negative
One important principal of neural division is:
The fate of cells is progressively restricted
Tripartite synapses
1) NTs from the synapse can "spill over" and affect perisynaptic astrocytes.
2) NT receptors on glia can trigger Ca2+
signals in glia.
3) Ca2+ in glia can evoke local release of NT back onto neuron (extrasynaptic).
Dominant excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain:
Ventral horn
Description: part of gray matter, contains somatic motor nuclei
function: transmission of neural signals
6 layers of the neocortex each serve different functions. The function of layer 6 is:
Send information from the neocortex to other structures
Divisions of the autonomic nervous system:
Sympathetic and parasympathetic
Autonomic nervous system
The part of the nervous system responsible for control of the bodily functions not consciously directed, such as breathing, the heartbeat, and digestive processes
Broken up into the parasympathetic and the sympathetic systems
Sympathetic nervous system
The part of the autonomic nervous system that contains chiefly adrenergic fibers and tends to depress secretion, decrease the tone and contractility of smooth muscle, and increase heart rate (fight or flight)
Radial glia function:
Migrate neurons
Temporal summation
Several weak pinches in rapid succession
Spatial summation
Several weak pinches i adjacent locations
Bind to receptors and activate them
Block receptors:
a. competitive-directly compete with binding of natural agonist
b. non-competitive-decrease activity of receptor, not by competition
Binds to a given molecule
1. ionotropic-nicotinic (nicotine=agonist)
a. generally excitatory
b. in PNS-released by motorneurons, cause muscle contraction
c. in CNS-modulation?
2. metabotropic-muscarinic (muscarine=agonist)
Glutamate (amino acid)
most common excitatory neurotransmitter in CNS
a. ionotropic
i. AMPA -rapid excitation, "normal" transmission
ii. NMDA -unusual ion channel
a. gated by glutamate and depolarization =coincidence detection?
b. passes calcium into neuron
c. important for learning, development, toxicity
b. metabotropic
GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid) (amino acid)
dominant inhibitory NT in brain
a. ionotropic and metabotropic receptors
b. prevents "runaway" excitation
c. block of GABA can cause epilepsy
d. sedation
Glycine (amino acid)
Dominant inhibitory neurotransmitter in spinal chord
Dopamine (catecholamines) (monoamines)
i. involved in reinforcement/addiction, voluntary movement
ii. deficit in dopamine in basil ganglion leads to Parkinson's
Single amine group.
Two types: catecholamines and indoleamines
Norepineohrine (catecholamines)
i. neurotransmitter in central nervous system - arousal/modulation/learning
Epinephrine (catecholamines)
i. released from the adrenal gland activates sympathetic nervous system: "fight or flight" response
Serotonin (indoleamines)
Synthesized from tryptophan (amino acid)
short chain of amino acids (proteins are long chains of amino acids)
1. require protein synthesis machinery
a. in nucleus (maybe in nerve terminals)
2. generally modulatory (metabotropic)
3. endorphins
a. opiates (morphine, heroin) are agonists at these receptors
b. first peptide receptor isolated
4. many others
Dale's principal
A neuron releases one neurotransmitter type at all of its terminals
Intrinsic (nature)
Can occur in isolation, based on genetic programs
Extrinsic (nature)
Triggered by environmental factors
Critical period
A period during development during which a process is susceptible to modification
If, for some reason, the organism does not receive the appropriate stimulus during this "critical period" to learn a given skill or trait, it may be difficult, ultimately less successful, or even impossible, to develop some functions later in life
Generates most internal organs
Nervous system, skin, sensory organs
Muscles, bones, connective tissue, vascularure
Flow of visual information
Photoreceptors, bipolar cells, retinal ganglion cells, optic nerve, brain
Rods (photoreceptor)
Abundant in the periphery of the retina. Outnumbers cones by about 20 to 1. Responds to faint light but are not useful in daylight. Gives the best resolution
Cones (photoreceptors)
Abundant in and near the fovea. Essential for color vision
Bipolar cells
Found in the retina and sends their information to ganglion cells
Magnocellular (retinal ganglion cell)
Large cell bodies and receptive fields, specialized for detection of movement (peripheral retina)
Parvocellular (retinal ganglion cell)
Small cell bodies and small receptive fields, specialized for object/detail perception (central retina)
Koniocellular (retinal ganglion cell)
Small cell bodies, similar to the parvocellular neurons, but they occur throughout the retina
3 major streams
Motion, shape, and color
Dorsal stream
Visual path in the parietal cortex that helps motor system locate objects. The "WHERE" path (mostly magnucellular)
Ventral stream
Visual path in the temporal cortex that are specialized for identifying and recognizing objects. The "WHAT" path (mostly parvocellular)
Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)
Information from magno and parvocellular ganglion cells stays separated (SEGREGATED) in the visual thalamus
3 types of mechanosensation
1. somatosensation
2. proprioception
3. vestibular sensation
Somatosensation (mechanosensation)
Sensation of the body and movement (touch, pressure, vibration, pain, thermal sensation)
Proprioception (mechanosensation)
"body sense"/ where your are (muscles)
Vestibular sensation (mechanosensation)
Substance P
Primary afferent that responds to painful stimulation, gives a burning sensation
Pariaqueductal gray area
Primary control center for decreasing pain modulation surrounding the cerebral aqueduct in the midbrain
Painful stimuli can increase the responsiveness of nearby painful stimuli
"other pain": painful/inflammation can convert non-painful stimuli to painful (sunburns)
mechanical: just
wearing a shirt
thermal: warm or cool =pain
Vestibular system
Sensory information about motion, equilibrium, and spatial orientation is provided by the vestibular apparatus which includes the utricle, saccule, and 3 semicircular canals in each ear
Utricle & saccule
Respond to changes in the position of the head with respects to gravity (linear acceleration)
Semicircular cannals
Linned with cilia (microscopic hair) filled with a liquid substance, know as endolymph. The body's balance organs responsible for detecting acceleration in the three perpendicular planes
Found inside the saccule or utricle of the inner ear. Involved with sensing gravity and movement (it's a little ball that can come in contact with cilia)
Gate theory
Non-painful stimuli (mood, stress, etc.) can modulate pain (rubbing an area in pain reduces the sensation)
Dorsal column pathway
Touch, vibration, etc.
Spinothalamic tract
Pain and temperature
The intensity of a sound wave (height of each wave)
A sensation related to amplitude but not identical to it
The number of compression of a sound per second, measured in hertz (umber of waves per second)
Related aspect of perception. Higher frequency sounds are higher in pitch
External acoustic meatus (outer ear)
Funnels in sound and protects tympanic membrane
Pinna (outer ear)
Helps locate the source of a sound by altering the reflections of sound waves
Tympanic membrane (middle ear)
Vibrates at the same frequency as the sound waves that strike it and transmits the vibrations to the ossicles
Ossicles (middle ear)
Amplifies pressure/sound waves
1. Hammer (Malleus)
2. Anvil (Incus)
3. Stirrup (Stapes)
Place theory
Basilar membrane resembles the strings of a piano in that each area along the membrane is tuned to a specific frequency
Volley principle
Groups of neurons of the auditory system respond to a sound by firing action potentials slightly our of phase with one another so that when combined, a greater frequency of sound can be encoded and sent to the brain to be analyzed
Frequency theory
Basilar membrane vibrates in synchrony with a sound, causing auditory nerve axons to produce action potentials at the same frequency
Tonotopic map
Located in the primary auditory cortex (PAC) in which cells in each area respond mainly to tones of a particular frequency
Sound localization
1. time of arrival
2. loudness
3. phase difference
Responsible for emotion (enjoyment of food-hedonics [pleasant/unpleasant])
Regulation thirst, hunger, sleep, etc.
Ingestive behaviors
Local reflex arcs in the MEDULLA can directly control ingestive behaviors like swallowing, vomiting, lip smacking, chewing, salvation
Smell (chemicals) which are transduced into action potentials. Enter the nose and bind with the olfactory cilia (dendrites)
The primary cell in sensation of smell which will then send projections for further processing. Works better with complex smells
Population coding
Different patterns of glomeruli are activated by different olfactants which produce different/unique smells
Parkinson's disease is caused by the loss of:
Dopamine containing cells
Cells in the primary motor cortex have direct projections to:
Spinal motorneurons
Mamallian olfactoy is different because of:
The hundreds/ thousands of receptor subtypes
Information from the tongue and mouth is directly sent to the:
Nucleus of the solitarius (NTS)
Motor unit
All muscles that a given motor neuron innervates
Motor Pool
All motor neurons that innervate a given muscle
Primary motor cortex (PMC)
Involved in executing an action (fine motor control)
Responsible for knowing where you are in space (coordination), making adjustments, and sends signals to the PMC. Involved in classical conditioning
Basil ganglion
Prevents unwanted/involuntary movement (resting hand tremor in Parkinson's disease)
Primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system is:
Primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain is:
Neuromuscular juntion
Neurotransmitter is acetylcholine acting at nicotinic receptors. Only one very elaborate synapse per adult muscle fiber.