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Body 1 (fall of Rome) reason

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Body 1 (fall of Rome) reason

changes in trade relations and the economy

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Body 1 (fall of Rome) significance

challenges it caused

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body 1 (fall of Rome) corroborates

displacement if cultural advances and changes within military alliances

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Body 2 (middle ages) reason

changes in social structure from the Roman empire to secluded feudalism

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Body 2 (middle ages) significance

many disturbances caused

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Body 2 (middle ages) corroborates

changes within hierarchy and spread of diseas

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Body 3 (Rennisance) reason

introduction of new ideas and technologies

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Body 3 (Rennisance) significance

several advancement that helped cause golden ages

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Body 3 (Rennisance) corroborates

progress in ideology and technology

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Body 1 OSI

Decline in economy, Broke up politics, Less unification, germanic invasions, byzation empire, increase in Christianity, end of many

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Body 2 OSI

Bubonic plague, decrease in development of culture and science, crusades, feudalism

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Body 3 OSI

Advancements in arts and technology, maritime trade, philosophy, humanism, trade, scientific revolution, protestant reformation

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