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internal surfaces of organs
What does epithelial tissue cover?
low, high density of cells
does epithelial tissue have low or high intercellular space?
ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm
what are the three embriony layers?
the embryonic layer ectoderm turns into the....
gastrointestinal tract
the endoderm becomes epithelial lining found in the...
urinary epithelium
what does the mesoderm become in regards to epithelial lining?
what is the function of keratin?
increases surface area for absorption
function of microvilli
a basement membrane
what do epithelial cells sit on?
anchors the epithelium to the connective tissue below it
what does the basement membrane do?
epithelial tissue is non-vascular. how does it transport nutrients?
physical protection- protects from UV light
function of melanin
mechanical protection
what is the function of keratin?
chemical- protection from stomach acid
function of stomach mucus
passive and active
two forms of substance transport
active or passive transport?
active or passive transport?
active transport
which form of substance transport requires ATP?
intestines, kidneys
in which organs does absorption occur?
transport of substances
secretion of mucus
stimulus reception
5 main functions of epithelial tissue
olfactory epithelium of nasal mucosa
where in the body does epithelial tissue perform stimulus reception?
epithelial lining with one layer is called...
epithelial lining with more than one layer is called...
squamous, cuboidal, columnar, pseudostratified
what types of epithelial cell shapes exist?
mechanical stress
simple epithelium is NEVER in an area with...
simple squamous epithelium
classify this epithelial lining
transport and absorption
function of simple epithelium
simples squamous epithelium
classify this epithelial lining
mesothelium and endothelium
two types of simple squamous epithelium
internal wall of lymphatic and periferal blood vessels
endothelium (a type of simple squamous epithelium) covers...
organs and body cavities
mesothelium (a type of simples squamous epithelium) covers...
simple cuboidal epithelium
classify this type of epithelial lining
tracts (collecting tubule, kidneys)
simple cuboidal epithelium is found in..
simple cuboidal epithelium
classify this type of epithelial lining
simple columnar epithelium
which type of epithelial lining has only one layer of cells, but is elongated with a nucleus located at the base?
microvilli, cilia
what are the projections at the top of columnar epithelium called?
simple columnar epithelium
classify this epithelial lining
pseudostratified columnar epithelium
which type of simple epithelium falsely appears to have more than one cell layer?
respiratory system
where is this type of epithelium located?
pseudostratified columnar epithelium
classify this epithelium
simple squamous epithelium
classify this epithelium
pseudostratified columnar epithelium
classify this epithelium
the lumen
what is the white portion that the cells surround?
more than one
how many layers does stratified epithelium have?
function of stratified epithelium
by the layer closest to the lumen
how would you classify the morphology (shape) of stratified epithelium?
non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
classify this epithelial lining
is this epithelium keratinized or non-keratinized?
keratin- protects areas susceptible to abrasion and water loss
no keratin- protects areas with mechanical action (such as esophagus)
function of layer with keratin vs. no keratin
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
classify this epithelium
layer 5 represents
connective tissue
the bottom white layer represents
a nucleus
keratin cells lack ___
Columnar Stratified Epithelium
classify this epithelium
cuboidal stratified epithelium
classify this epithelium
exocrine glands
what does cuboidal stratified epithelium cover?
paratid gland and pancreas
where does columnar stratified epithelium exist?
Columnar Stratified Epithelium
classify this epithelial lining
transitional epithelium
what is the only type of epithelium that can change shape?
urinary tract
where would transitional epithelium exist in the body?
is this transitional epithelium contracted or relaxed?
to respond to tensional forces caused by amount of urine
what is the purpose for transitional epithelium to be able to change shape?
very stained and compact cells
what does transitional epithelium look like when contracted?
less stained, and thicker layer
what does transitional epithelium look like when relaxed?
simple squamous epithelium
the bowman's capsule in the kidney is surrounded by which type of epithelial lining?
simple cuboidal epithelium
the kidney tubules are surrounded by which type of epithelial lining?
simple columnar epithelium
the intestinal crypts are surrounded by which type of epithelial lining?
pseudostratified columnar epithelium
the trachea is surrounded by which type of epithelial lining?
respiratory system
where would you locate cilia?
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
the lip and the foot pad of a dog would contain what type of epithelial lining?
would the squamous stratified epithelium in the esophagus be keratinized?
the urinary bladder contains what type of epithelium?
Bowman's capsule
what structure is this in the kidney?
simple squamous epithelium
this structure in the kidney is surrounded by what type of epithelial lining?
what type of epithelial lining has a flat nucleus?
the white structures found in a kidney sample are ___
simple cuboidal epithelium
kidney tubules are surrounded by which type of epithelial lining?
intestinal crypts, surrounded by simple columnar epithelium
in the small intestine, what are these structures? what type of epithelial lining surrounds them?
trachea, because it has pseudostratified epithelium with cilia
this is a sample of the ______, because ______
pseudostratified epithelium
what type of epithelial lining is found in this sample of the trachea?
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
in this sample of a lip, the epithelial lining is ____
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
this is a sample of a foot pad of a dog. what epithelial lining is present?
foot pad because it requires more protection as it is more susceptible to abrasion
which, foot pad or lip, has a thicker keratin layer?
what color does the keratin layer appear?
the esophagus
where is non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium found?
non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, esophagus
since this sample has ________ epithelium, what part of the body did it come from?
transitional epithelium, contracted
this is a sample of the urinary bladder. what type of epithelial lining is there? is this part contracted or relaxed?
is this transitional epithelium contracted or relaxed?