Christian Beliefs Test 1

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What does it mean that scripture is sufficient

Scripture contains all the words of God He intended His people to have at each stage of redemptive history and that it now contains everything we need God to tell us for salvation.

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What is Deism

The view is that God created the universe but is not now directly involved in it.

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What is Teleological Argument?

The argument that the fine-tuning of the universe is highly suggestive of an intelligent designer since the likelihood of such a universe occurring through random occurrences is inconceivably low.

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What is microevolution

The view is that small developments occur within individual species without creating any new species.

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True or false: Christians are to add nothing to Scripture, and we are to consider no other writings or teachings equal to Scripture.


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What is natural selection

Survival of the fittest.

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T/F The will of God is most often revealed through scripture


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What is Tritheism

The belief that there are three separate gods (nothing to do with Trinity).

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These two early teachers began to enegage with the philosophy of the pagan world and show that the true philosophy was to be found within Christianity.

Origen and his teacher, Clement of Alexandria

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What is Special Revelation

God's word addressed to specific people about specific instances.

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What is Materialism

The view that the material world is all there is.

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What is Omniscience

God is all knowing.

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What is Homoouscious

Of the same nature.

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What is Post Mortem Evangelism

Those who die unsaved will have an opportunity to place their faith in Christ to be saved.

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What is Asaity

God is independent.

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What is Macroevolution

Large changes through mutation.

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What is a typical evangelical understanding about the Authority of Scripture

Disbelief or disobeying any part of the word is disobeying God Himself.

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What is Omnipotence

God is all powerful.

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What is Free Will from within a high calvinist tradition?

The ability to make willing choices that have real effects; however, these choices are wholly determined by God.

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Clarity of Scripture means that scripture is what?

The Bible is written so that it can be understood if time, effort, the use of ordinary means, a willingness to obey, and the help of the Holy Spirit are included in the process.

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What is free will from within an Armenian tradition?

The ability to make willing choices that have real effects. God, using prevenient grace, enables a person to come to a place where an awareness of a need for salvation exists.

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These two Church leaders in Rome argued about whether or not to remain faithful to the old tradition of refusing the forgiveness of certain sins or choosing to forgive them from within a sacramental rite called penance.

Novation and Cornelius

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Why can the Self-Attesting Authority of Scripture be an acceptable position?

For an authority to be supreme or absolute, it must have nothing above it to which it can appeal.

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The early Church (pre-3rd century) held that these three sins could not be forgiven within the Church, though God could choose to forgive them Himself. If guilty of these sins, the sinner must be placed outside the Church (excommunicated), and could not participate in the Lord's Supper.

Adultery, murder, apostasy.

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Philosophical Theology is...

Studying theological topics, largely without the use of the Bible, but using the tools and methods of philosophical reasoning and what can be known about God from observing the universe.

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What does Universalism teach

All people who ever lived will be saved because God loves everyone.

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The acceptance of Christianity by this Roman Emperor marked the end of 'catholic Christianity', and began the era of the 'Christian Empire', or 'Christendom'.


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What is immutability

incapable of changing or being changed. Also known as unchangeableness.

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True or False - to the early Church, the word "person" did not mean a distinct human being, but a mask (persona in Latin, and πρόσωπον (prosopon) in Greek), worn, not to hide the individual, but to show their true character.


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Origen believed that there were Three Levels of Meaning in Scripture

The literal sense, the moral application to the soul, and the allegorical (spiritual) sense.

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What is a Doctrine

What the whole Bible teaches us today about a specific topic.

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What is Creation Ex Nihilo

Latin phrase meaning 'out of nothing'. Refers to God's creation of the universe out of nothing, or without the use of any previously existing materials.

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What is Contemplative Prayer

when one brings no specific thing to God but remains silent before Him, allowing Him to speak into them-then meditating upon what (if anything) has been offered.

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What is infralapsarianism

The doctrine is that God foresaw and permitted the Fall of humanity and that after the Fall, He then decreed election as a means of saving some of the human race.

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What is a more historically accurate description of the label "Reformed" than the one provided by Grudem?

Any traditionally orthodox Christian who adheres to some form of the Augustinian doctrines of original sin, satisfaction-substitutionary atonement, and justification as imputation of Christ's righteousness.

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What are communicable attributes?

The attributes of God that He more readily and comprehensibly shares with humanity.

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True or False: It is wrong to pray to Jesus and the Holy Spirit instead of God the Father?


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What is the Apocrypha

Books that are considered by a small number of Jews, as well as Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christians to be inspired Old Testament Scriptures, but are considered by most Jews and Protestant Christians to be merely documents written by solely human authors without the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, during the Second Temple Period, and useful for study, but not worthy of elevation to the position of Spirit-inspired Scripture.

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Historical theology is...

A historical study of how Christians across time have understood various theological topics.

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By Paul writing to Timothy that, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness," (2 Timothy 3:16, ESV), Paul is affirming that Scripture claims...

To literally be the Word of God.

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Does God leave some prayers unanswered?

Some traditions interpret responses that are not fulfillments as being non-answers. Other traditions interpret all responses (such as 'Wait', 'You don't need to know', etc.) as answers.

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what does pluralism teach

a postmodern view that asserts that one cannot know any absolute truth.

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What is meant by "only begotten" if both the New Testament and Tanakh references are taken into consideration?

From the Greek word monogenēs which means 'unique' or 'one-of-a-kind'.

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General Revelation is...

The knowledge of God's existence, character, and moral law which comes through creation to all humanity.

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what is Molinism

The viewpoint that the future choices of people are not directly determined by God, but God knows them anyway, because he knows how each free creature would respond in any set of circumstances that might occur. Also called middle knowledge.

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What was the focus of the first messages of Jesus' early ministry?

The kingdom of God.

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What two groups of leaders did the apostle Paul set in place at the churches he planted during his missionary journeys?

Elders (also called presbyters, pastors, or bishops), and Deacons.

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The Greek word "ekklesia" means...

Both B and C (A civic association with a specific focus. + a gathering of persons and also the place within which they gathered).

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Of the three creeds read in class, this was the first to be widely recognized in the Church.

Apostle's Creed

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what is Meditative Prayer

communication with God on a specific topic with the intention of seeking understanding and a depth of wisdom and knowledge.

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There were different Jewish sects that existed in Palestine during the time of Jesus

Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots.

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What is the document clause of the new covenant in Christ's blood?

Communion/Lord's Supper/Eucharist.

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Did the deacon, Stephen, renounce the law of Moses?

No. He was accused of doing so, but since Christ fulfilled the law, one cannot renounce the law without renouncing Christ.

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In the ancient world, what did the word "testament" mean

A covenant; a special relationship between two parties.

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True or False - The early Gentile and Jewish Christians viewed themselves as a "new Israel" - as a fellowship of believers whose citizenship came from union with Christ.


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What is Compatibilism

Grudem calls it a "Reformed view of Providence". The notion is that a wholly determined existence can still render a person free because they are free to choose what is consistent with their nature as it is created. They are free to be what they are and to choose what they desire.

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What is Arianism

The erroneous doctrine of Arius denies the full deity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

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what is Ontological Argument

The argument for the existence of God is based on reason rather than on observation. It states that a designer greater than can be perceived created all things.

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what is Calvinism

A theological tradition named for John Calvin that focuses on the sovereignty of God, by which Calvin meant God's choice to predetermine all things that would come to pass.

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what is Arminianism

A theological tradition named for Jacob Arminius that states that God preveniently renders a person capable (by grace) of making a real choice that is not preordained, regarding the acceptance or rejection of Christ.

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what is Prayer

Prayer is personal communication with, and present communion with God.

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what is Supralapsarianism

A theological doctrine that states that God chose to elect some people for salvation and some people for reprobation before the creation of the world, and that He preordained the Fall to happen as part of his plan.

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what or who is the Mediator from within a Christian context?

the role that Jesus (the Son) plays in coming between God the Father and humanity, enabling us to come into the presence of God the Father.

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What does it mean to pray in Jesus' name

means to pray as one authorized by Jesus (in His authority), as one whose desires and behaviors are consistent with the character of Jesus, and as one who is in the presence of Jesus (spiritually).

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How does infinity differ from eternity

Infinity is limitlessness, incapable of being expanded and incapable of being contracted, and these attributes are true within space and time, and also outside of space and time because it is inherent in the condition of being infinite. Eternity is a construct of time and is seen from the perspective of time-bound creatures to mean "forever" (most often in one direction on the timeline). Eternity is always from a point in time from whence a contemplation of the movement through time occurs.

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This theologian (early Church teacher) was the first to put forth 'the whole intellectual framework of the Christian faith.' What we would call a systematic theology.

Origen of Alexander

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What is Pantheism

The idea is that the whole universe is the god or parts of the god.

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What does Homoiousios mean?

Greek word meaning 'of a similar nature', which was used by Arius in the 4th century to affirm that Christ was a supernatural heavenly being, but not of the same nature as God the Father.

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In theological terms, what is meant by Subordination

A heretical teaching that the Son was inferior or subordinate in being to God the Father. Also called ontological subordination.

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What is a Presupposition

An assumption that forms the beginning point of a study.

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what is Modalism

The heretical teaching that holds that God is not really three distinct persons, but only one person who appears to people in different 'modes' at different times. Also called Sabellianism.

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What is Theistic evolution

The theory is that God used the process of evolution to bring about all the life forms on earth.

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What is Scripture

The Old and New Testaments that have traditionally been viewed by the Church to be the authoritative, divinely inspired Word of God - also called the Bible.

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what does Inerrancy of Scripture mean

means that Scripture in the original manuscripts does not affirm anything which is contrary to fact.

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what is Omnipresence

The ability to be everywhere simultaneously.

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What does Grudem mean when he say that scripture is "Necessary"

means that the Bible is necessary for knowledge of the gospel, for maintaining spiritual life, and for certain knowledge of God's will.

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What does perfection mean when it is attributed to God? What does it mean when it is called for by God within humanity?

For God, it means that "God completely possesses all excellent qualities and lacks no part of any qualities that would be desirable for Him." He is flawless and incapable of being or becoming flawed in any way. He is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and immutable. For a human being, becoming "perfect" means the attainment of a state wherein one is mature and prepared to think and act in accordance with the purpose of their creation (dead to self, alive in Christ).

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Jesus' specially elected disciples (as distinguished from his followers) would eventually be given the title "apostle'. What does that mean?

means "sent one", but also implies that the one being sent carries the authority of the one who sends them.

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What are incommunicable attributes?

Aspects of God's character that He either fully withholds from humanity or shares less fully with humanity so that any comprehensive knowledge of them is not possible.

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True or false: The practice of elevating a single leader within a church to the title of Bishop who was supported by a group of elders and a group of deacons did not begin until the second century, with the city of Alexandria not implementing the system until roughly 180 A.D


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The main focus of the Athanasian Creed is...

The faith of Christians in a single God who exists in three distinct Persons.

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Why did Jesus submit to baptism from John?

To fulfill all righteousness.

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A disciple, in the biblical context, is...

A follower of a Rabbi who is seeking transformation into the image of the master.

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What is an apologetic?

Providing a defense of the truthfulness of the Christian faith for the purpose of convincing unbelievers.

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Systematic theology is...

Any study that answers the question, "What does the whole Bible teach us today about any given topic?".

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True or False - The employment of human reason must be avoided when studying Scripture.


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In the early Church, baptism (in addition to the symbolism of death and resurrection) was understood to represent...

People could enter life in the spiritual kingdom by faith in Jesus as Lord and witness to that faith by baptism.

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What is allegorical interpretation, and who is the most famous ancient proponent of this methodology?

The identification of an additional meaning found within a known story, by which another event or person can be seen and/or connected. Origen of Alexandria.

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What is meant in the Apostle's Creed by the term, "the holy catholic Church"?

The word "catholic" means "universal", so the term "catholic Church" simply means the Church is wherever Jesus is.

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