Transition element
A block d element which forms one or more stable ions with incomplete d orbitals
A molecule/ion with one/more lone pairs of electrons which form dative covalent bonds to a central transition element atom/ion
Complex ion
A central transmission metal/ion surround by ligands, bonded to the central ion by dative covalent bond
Co-ordination number
The number of co-ordinate bonds formed by ligands
Ligand forming 1 co-ordinate bond with a transition element ion, using 1 lone pair of electron
Ligand forming 2 co-ordinate bond with a transition element ion, using 2 lone pairs of electrons
Ligand exchange
Ligands can be exchanged, wholly or partially for other ligands.
Condition for ligand exchange
New complex formed is more stable than the original complex
Degenerate orbitals
Atomic orbitals in the same energy level in a given subshell
Non-degenerate orbitals
Atomic orbitals in the same sub-shell that has slightly different amount of energy
Stability constant
Equilibrium constant for the formation of a complex ion in a solvent from its constituent ions or molecules