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<b>New Social Structures</b>
- Elites (Manchus, Penninsulares, Creoles, Zamindars, Daimyo)
- Racial hierarchy (European colonies in Americas)
- Trans-Atlantic slave trade
<b>Major Empires: Maritime</b>
(Portuguese, Spanish, British, French, Dutch)
- Bureaucracy
- Divine Right of Kings
- Exploration across Indian and Atlantic Ocean
<b>Columbian Exchange</b>
- New crops = more food = more people
- Disease spread (killing most of Native American population)
<b>Little Ice Age</b>
- Drop in annual temperature average causing famine and political and economic instability
<b>Cultural Expansion</b>
- Christianity and Islam
<b>Cultural Syncretism</b>
- Virgin de Guadalupe in Mexico
- Vodun in the Caribbean
- Antonism in Africa
- Divine faith in India
<b>New Trade Forms</b>
- Joint stock companies, trading post empires, mercantilism
<b>Intensification of Trade</b>
- Atlantic Triangle Trade, silver flow from America to Asia
<b>Coerced labor in the Americas</b>
- Mita system, encomienda, chattel slavery, indentured servitude
<b>Sailing technologies</b>
- Lateen sail, star charts, compass and astrolabe
- Caravel, Carrack and Fluyt