Q: What is a medium in communication?
A medium is an entity or technology that facilitates the transmission of information, signals, and messages between a sender and receiver.
Q: How is a mass medium different from a medium?
A: A mass medium can reach a large audience simultaneously, while a general medium may not have the same reach or impact.
Q: What makes mass communication unidirectional?
A: It involves one-way communication where feedback from the audience does not affect the message or its quality.
Q: How did the internet change mass communication?
A: The internet democratised mass communication, allowing individuals to share content on a scale previously restricted to media producers.
Q: What are the primary functions of mass media?
A: Advocacy, entertainment, public service announcements, and news reporting.
Q: What is journalism?
Journalism is the discipline of collecting, verifying, and presenting information about current events and trends.
Q: What are the three stages of interpersonal communication?
A: The Phatic Stage, Personal Stage, and Intimate Stage.
Q: What are some physical barriers to communication?
A: Time, place, space, climate, and noise.
Q: How do psychological barriers affect communication?
A: Psychological states, such as stress or mental disturbances, can obstruct effective communication.
Q: What are linguistic and cultural barriers?
A: Differences in language and cultural norms can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
Q: What is a mechanical barrier in communication?
A: It refers to technical issues with the machinery or instruments used for communication, such as poor signal reception.