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fertilization, cleavage, morula, blastocyst, implantation
order of events in week 1
bilaminar disc, syncytiotrophoblast formation, prochordal plate formation
order of key developments during week 2 of embryonic development.
primitive node/streak/pit, gastrulation (endoderm and mesoderm), notochord, neurulation, neural plate
order of key processes during week 3 of embryonic development
neural tube, head folding, stomodeum, mandibular process, branchial archs/grooves/pouches, mand process join, buccopharyngeal mem rupture, nasal placodes form
order of major developments during week 4 of embryonic development.
nasal pit
key development during week 5
end of week 4
when does odontogenic epithelium form
meging and fusion of facial processes, naso-optic and bucconasal groove, nasal fin, oronasal membrane
key development during week 6
nasal fin, week 6
what is this structure and when does it form
oronasal membrane, week 6 after nasal fin
what is this structure, when does it form
end of week 6
when does the odontogenic epithelia merge to form primary epithelial bands
week 7-8
when does formation of secondary palate begin
nasal septum, frontonasal process, palatine shelves
what three structures merge together during weeks 7-9
1st arch/mandibular process
what structure is represented by the star
weeks 5-8
when does pouch/neck development occur
week 5
when do auricular hillocks form
weeks 4-9
when does tongue development occur