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oxidizing carbon sources to release energy
allows glucose to be converted into 2 pyruvate along with 2 ATP and 2 NADH
glucose + 2 ADP + 2 NAD+ + 2 Pi —> 2 pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 NADH + 2 H+ + 2 H2O
losing e-
gaining e-
substrate-level phosphorylation
enables net ATP production
step 1 of glycolysis, ATP donates a phosphoryl group to glucose to form glucose 6-phosphate
this traps the glucose molecule in the cell because glucose transporters cannot transport G-6P
phosphoglucose isomerase
step 2 of glycolysis, convert glucose 6-phosphate to fructose 6-phosphate
aldose —> ketose (carbonyl moves from C1 to C2)
fructose can readily by cleaved into 2 3C fragments
step 3 of glycolysis, fructose 6-phosphate becomes fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
ATP donates a phosphoryl group to F-6P (uses 1 ATP)
now molecule has 2 phosphoryl groups
step 4 of glycolysis, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate is cleaved into dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
a 6C unit cleaved into 2 3C units, products are isomers
cleaved at bond B to carbonyl (labile bond)
triose phosphate isomerase
step 5 of glycolysis, dihydroxyacetone phosphate is isomerized to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
thus at the end of the preparation stage, 1 glucose yields 2 GAPs
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase
step 6 of glycolysis, GAP donates e- to NAD+ in a redox reaction forming NADH then Pi is attached to form 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate
NAD+ is reduced and GAP is oxidized
phosphoglycerate kinase
step 7 of glycolysis, 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate donates a phosphoryl group to ADP to form ATP and 3-phosphoglycerate (substrate level phosphorylation)
phosphoglycerate mutase
step 8 of glycolysis, 3-phosphoglycerate becomes 2-phosphoglycerate
phosphoryl group moves from C3 to C2
*mutase looks like an isomerase but there is an enzymatic difference
step 9 of glycolysis, 2-phosphoglycerate becomes phosphoenolpyruvate
dehydration forms a double bond
pyruvate kinase
step 10 of glycolysis, phosphoenolpyruvate becomes pyruvate
PEP donates a phosphoryl group to ADP to form ATP (2nd substrate level phosphorylation)
glycolysis under cell conditions
negative DG, reaction quotient Q allows for spontaneous reactions
possible fates of pyruvate
ethanol fermentation
lactic acid fermentation
tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle
ethanol fermentation
pyruvate —> acetaldehyde —> ethanol
anaerobic (no O2), only in yeast and some bacteria
CO2 released and NAD+ regenerated
lactic acid fermentation
pyruvate —> lactate
anaerobic (no O2), in humans
regenerates NAD+
tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle
pyruvate —> acetyl CoA
aerobic (O2)
pyruvate turns into more energy (ATP)
pyruvate decarboxylase
enzyme involved in ethanol fermentation
pyruvate undergoes decarboxylation, releasing CO2 to form acetaldehyde
alcohol dehydrogenase
enzyme involved in ethanol fermentation
acetaldehyde is reduced to ethanol while NADH is oxidized to NAD+
lactate dehydrogenase
enzyme involved in lactic acid fermentation
pyruvate is reduced to lactate while NADH is oxidized to NAD+
NAD+ regeneration
NAD+ consumed in glycolysis needs to be regenerated for glycolysis to continue
fermentation reoxidizes NADH to NAD+ so then NAD+ may continue to fuel glycolysis under anaerobic conditions
needed to maintain redox balance
3 irreversible steps of glycolysis
pyruvate kinase
important for regulation
regulation of glycolysis
mainly regulated at the 3 irreversible steps, regulation by allosteric effectors or covalent modification
occurs differently in different tissues
allosteric regulation
effector molecule binds to allosteric site (not the active site) on the enzyme that can either activate or inhibit the enzyme’s activity
more temporary, diffusible
covalent modification
attachment or removal of chemical group from an enzyme that can either activate or inhibit the enzyme’s activity, eg. phosphorylation
on or off switch
phosphofructokinase (glycolysis regulation in skeletal muscles)
allosterically inhibited by ATP
activated by AMP - during low ATP, AMP is produced
AMP competes with ATP for the binding site, reversing the inhibitory actions of ATP
hexokinase (glycolysis regulation in skeletal muscles)
allosterically inhibited by its own product (glucose 6-phosphate) - negative feedback
when PFK is inhibited, fructose g-phosphate and glucose 6-phosphate accumulates
pyruvate kinase (glycolysis regulation in skeletal muscles)
allosterically activated by fructose 1,6-bisphosphate - feedforward stimulation
allosterically inhibited by ATP
regulation of glycolysis in the liver
glucose can be stored as glycogen in the liver
liver regulates blood glucose levels
high glucose —> stores glucose as glycogen
low glucose —> releases glucose from glycogen stores
phosphofructokinase (glycolysis regulation in liver)
liver does not have urgent ATP needs, regulation by other metabolic signals
citrate as allosteric inhibitor
fructose 2,6-bisphosphate as allosteric activator - feedforward stimulation - abundant fructose 6-phosphate is converted to fructose 2,6-bisphosphate
F-2,6-BP increases PFK’s affinity for F-6P and decreases the inhibitory effects of ATP
F-2,6-BP levels also modulated by enzyme PFK2
hexokinase (glycolysis regulation in liver)
glucokinase (hexokinase IV) isozyme in liver, not inhibited by glucose 6-phosphate
Km for glucose is 50x higher than hexokinase (low affinity), does not catalyze when glucose is limited to ensure that the brain and muscles has first dibs on glucose supply
enzymes that catalyze the same reaction but have different primary structures, leading to different regulation and kinetic properties
pyruvate kinase (glycolysis regulation in liver)
inhibited by reversible phosphorylation with ATP
allosterically inhibited by ATP and alanine (derived from pyrvuate) and activated by fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
glucose transporter in liver and pancreatic B cells
pancreas - plays a role in the regulation of insulin
liver - removes excess glucose from the blood
2 pyruvate —> glucose (reverse of glycolysis), mainly occurs in the liver
can also be done with non-carbohydrate molecules (eg. lactate, specific amino acids, glycerol)
mostly in cytoplasm
gluconeogenesis equation
2 pyruvate + 4 ATP + 2 GTP + H+ + 6 H2O —> glucose + 4 ADP + 2 GDP + 6 Pi
pyruvate carboxylase
1 of two enzymes responsible for reversing the pyruvate kinase reaction from glycolysis
carboxylation of pyruvate (3C) to produce oxaloacetate (4C), driven by ATP hydrolysis
occurs inside the mitochondrion
produced in gluconeogenesis from pyruvate catalyzed by pyruvate carboxylase
cannot be transported into the cytoplasm from the mitochondrion, must be reduced to malate first
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
1 of two enzymes responsible for reversing the pyruvate kinase reaction from glycolysis
generates phosphoenolypyruvate from oxaloacetate, removes a CO2, GTP donates phosphoryl group
fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase
removes a phosphoryl group from fructose 1,6-bisphosphate with water to produce fructose 6-phosphate
reverses the phosphofructokinase reaction in glycolysis
glucose 6-phosphatase
reverses the hexokinase reaction from glycolysis, removes a phosphoryl group from glucose 6-phosphate with water
but most tissues stop at glucose 6-phosphate because they want to retain glucose while the liver controls blood glucose levels
NADH in gluconeogenesis
equation does not take into account cytosolic _____ produced during oxaloacetate transport from mitochondrion into cytoplasm
Cori cycle
for regenerating glucose, lactate from anoxic glycolysis in muscles can cycle back in and be released back into the bloodstream as glucose
using stores of glycogen and fatty acids to drive glucose production
regulation of PFK and F-1,6-bisphosphatase
bifunctional regulatory enzyme regulates intercnversion between F6P and F16BP by controlling levels of F26BP
enzyme has two domains - PFK2 and FBPase2
when PFK2 is phosphorylated
PFK2 is inactivated and FBPase2 is activated
when PFK2 is not phosphorylated
PFK2 is activated and FBPase2 is inactivated
when glucose is high
PFK2 is dephosphorylated and becomes active, PFK2 phosphorylates F6P to produce fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, F26BP allosterically activates PFK
stimulates glycolysis and inhibits gluconeogenesis
when glucose is low
PFK2 is phosphorylated and becomes inactive, while FBPase2 is activated, FBPase2 dephosphorylates fructose 2,6-bisphosphate back to fructose 6-phosphate
PFK is not activated by fructose-2,6-bisphosphate
inhibits glycolysis and stimulates gluconeogenesis
pyruvate kinase regulation in the liver
allosterically inhibited by ATP and alanine
activated by fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
inhibited by reversible phosphorylation with ATP when blood glucose is low (regulated reciprocally to PFK2)
diabetes type 2
due to glucose insensitivity
insulin insensitivity downregulates the signaling pathway, yielding high levels of PEPCK and higher gluconeogenesis
metabolic flux
amount of metabolites passing through a metabolic reaction/pathway over time
futile cycle
flux through two opposite metabolic pathways are equal, resulting in no net useful output
will result in the loss of energy
prevented by tight regulation, ensuring only one pathway is active at a time