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theodore roosevelt
suddenly became president after McKinley’s assassination; served in Cuba during the Spanish-American War
theodore roosevelt
youngest man to become a president
robert m. la follette
“Fighting Bob” because of his fight for good government
progressive era
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the ________ ____ is considered to have begun with Roosevelt’s presidency (1901)
list the progressive presidents
standard oil co.
american tobacco co.
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most important businesses broken up by the Supreme Court were ________ _____ ___. and the ________ _______ ___.
expedition act
facilitated antitrust cases in federal courts
trust buster
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Roosevelt was known as the ______ _______ for breaking up large trusts that he believed were harmful to Americans
department of commerce and labor
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laws that regulated business during Roosevelt’s Administration: Elkins Act, Hepburn Act, and the law that established a ________ ____ _______ ____ _______
united mine workers
went on strike for shorter work days and increase in pay (led by John Mitchell)
panic of 1907
cause by a sharp drop in stock prices on Wall Street during Roosevelt’s administration
lincoln steffens
wrote Shame of the Cities to condemn corrupt city politics
ida tarbell
History of the Standard Oil Companies attacking practices followed by big businesses
upton sinclair
Author of The Jungle exposing the terrible conditions of the meatpacking industry
meat inspection act
granted the power to inspect shipped meat
pure food and drug act
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Congress passed the _____ ______ ___ _____ ____ as a result to prevent the manufacture and sale of contaminated food and drugs
journalists who focused on all the problems and issues in society
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Because of Roosevelt’s love of the outdoors, he worked to promote ___________ (Gifford Pinchot would assist him)
roosevelt dam
Arizona’s Salt River
150 million
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Roosevelt added about ____ ______ acres to the national forest reserve