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Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act
A federal law providing funding to improve and expand career and technical education programs, requiring student participation in CTSOs.
Career and Technical Student Organizations that provide leadership, community service, and career skills development opportunities.
Nationally Recognized CTSOs
Organizations like DECA, FBLA, SkillsUSA, FCCLA, HOSA, and FFA that offer students opportunities to build leadership and technical skills.
Parliamentary Procedure
A set of rules for conducting meetings fairly and efficiently, ensuring everyone has a chance to speak.
A formal proposal made during a meeting.
A group formed to focus on specific tasks within a CTSO.
Health Literacy
The ability to access, understand, and use health information to make informed decisions.
Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare
Situations like resource allocation, informed consent, and confidentiality that require careful ethical consideration.
Community Mobilization
Engaging community members in collective efforts to address social or health issues.
Health Disparities
Differences in health outcomes between populations, often influenced by socioeconomic factors.
Social Determinants of Health
Factors such as income, education, and environment that impact individual and community health outcomes.
Environmental Justice
The fair treatment of all people regarding environmental risks and benefits.
Intervention Strategies
Actions taken to improve health outcomes in specific populations, such as community education or direct healthcare services.
Public Health Educators
Professionals who develop programs to promote health awareness and prevent disease.
Scientists studying disease patterns to develop prevention strategies.
Registered Nurse (RN)
A healthcare provider with a degree in nursing, required to pass the NCLEX-RN for licensure.
Health Services Managers
Professionals overseeing healthcare facility operations and ensuring efficient service delivery.
Community Health Workers
Liaisons between communities and healthcare organizations, aiding individuals in accessing services.
Health Promotion Programs
Initiatives designed to enhance public health knowledge and encourage healthy behaviors.
Professional Organizations
Groups like the APHA and ANA that provide networking and advocacy for health professionals.
Case Definition
A set of criteria used to identify and classify cases in a health investigation.
A public health measure restricting movement to prevent disease spread.
Vaccination Campaigns
Public health initiatives aimed at promoting immunization against diseases.
Culturally Competent Care
Healthcare that is respectful of and responsive to the cultural needs of patients.
Remote healthcare delivery using telecommunications technology.
Environmental Health Specialists
Professionals monitoring and regulating environmental factors that impact public health.
Onboarding Healthcare Workers
The process of integrating new staff into healthcare organizations.
Financial Assistance for Education
Programs providing aid for students in healthcare fields, including scholarships and grants.
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
A U.S. government agency providing access to essential healthcare services for the underserved.
Cross-Sectional Studies
Epidemiological studies assessing data from a population at a specific point in time.
Longitudinal Studies
Research that follows subjects over time to observe changes and outcomes.
Descriptive Studies
Studies that describe disease distribution without investigating causes.
Analytical Studies
Research designed to identify the causes of diseases through comparison.
Public Health Surveillance
Systematic collection and analysis of health-related data to inform public health action.