Light dependent reaction
Chlorophyll absorbs light energy, which excites electrons
Electron move along electron transport chain releasing energy
Energy used to join ADP and Pi to form ATP
Photolysis of water produce produces protons, electrons and oxygen
NADP reduced by electrons
Light independent reaction
Carbon dioxide combines with RuBP
To produce two molecule of GP
Reduce to TP, using NADPH and energy from ATP
TP converted to other organic substances in Calvin cycle
Glycolysis in cytoplasm
Glucose phosphorylated to Glucose phosphate and ADP, using ATP
Use ATP to another ATP to form 2x Triose phosphate
Triose phosphate is oxidised, forming 2x pyruvate, 2x NADH and 4x ATP
Link reaction in mitochondria, matrix
Pyruvate is decarboxylated to form carbon dioxide
Pyruvate is oxidised to form acetate and NAD is reduced to form NADH
Acetate is combine with coenzyme A to form Acetyl CoA
Krebs Cycle in mitochondria, matrix
Acetyl CoA combines with 4C to form 6C
Coenzyme A goes back to link reaction
Decarboxylation and dehydrogenation occurs, produces CO2, FADH2, ATP and NADH
6C converted back to 4C
Oxidative phosphorylation
Protons and electrons released from oxidising NADPH and FADH2
Electrons pass through electron transport chain, releasing energy.
Provide energy to take H+ into space between membranes
H+ pass back into matrix down the electrochemical gradient through ATP synthase, drives synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi
Electron, H+ and oxygen combines to form water
Oxygen is the final electron acceptor
Chlorophyll molecule absorb energy from photons of light, excites 2 electron, causing the, to be released from chlorophyll