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discontinuous variation
few, distinct categories
not affected by envt
show mendelian inheritance
controlled by few genes
continuous variation
no distinct categories
strong envtal influence
show complex inheritance
controlled by many genes
What is the difference, if any, between a gene, locus, and allele?
quantativave traits are traits
that vary continuously and are affected by many (sometimes thousands) of genes
for example:
skin color
milk production
these are call polygenetic traits
usually follow a normal bell shape curve
phenotypic distribution is
dependent on genetic and environmental factors
genetic factors
the more loci involved in a trait, the smoother the curve will be
Environmental factors
the more environmental variance the expression of a trait the smoother the curve will be
why does having more loci underly a trait smooth out the distribution curve?
There are more combinations providing more combinations
phenotypic variance
variance in a trait within a population
Vp = Vg + Ve + Vge
p = phenotypic variance
g = genetic variance
e = environmental variance
ge = gene x environment interactions
Phenotypic variance is a function of what
a. genetic variance
b. fitness variance
c. environmental variance
d. selection variance
genetic and environmental
genetic variance
is the part of phenotypic variance that is caused by variation in genotype and heritability
Heritability measures
the strenght of inheritance; how much a genotype can predict a specific phenotype
Environmental variance
the part of phenotypic variance that is caused by variation in environment rather than genotype
causes individuals with the same genotype to have different phenotypes
Phenotype plasticity
the ability of one genotype to produce more than one phenotype when exposed to different environments
reaction norms
a plot showing how environment affects phenotypes
The same genotype can respond to envt differently =
when plasticity is dependent on genotype and envt =
GxE interaction
Genotype envt (GxE) interactions
occurs when different genotypes respond to environmental variation in different ways
occur when phenotypic plasticity is different for different genotypes
Which graph(s) show ONLY plasticity
Only B bc they are changing with the envt and the slope is the same (they are both responding the same to the envt)
not C because there is a GxE interaction bc one is responding differently
Which graph(s) show both plasticity and GxE interactions
C and D
genotype-envt interactions
two different populations of water fleas have different responses to UV levels
those that have evolved with predators have little plasticity
those that evolved without predators have higher plasticity
is plasticity adaptive?
It depends because being plastic in one environment may be beneficial while in another it isn't; so it depends on the envt
Variegation in plants occurs as a result of a genetic mutation which reduces chlorophyll production and alters the coloration of the leaves. When grown under insufficient light, variegated plants will tend to lose their variegation and revert to a normal
a reaction norm
phenotypic plasticity and GxE interaction
phenotypic plasticity ONLY
GxE interaction ONLY
phenotypic plasticity ONLY
Can you have GxE interactions without plasticity