Thoracic Blood/Nerve Supply

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Anterior rami of T1-T11

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Anterior rami of T1-T11

These nervous structures form the intercostal nerves
- Bonus: "" T12 forms the subcostal nerve

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Posterior rami of T1-T12

These nervous structures pass posteriorly to supply the joints, muscles, and skin of the back in the thoracic region

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Between the pleura

In the posterior thorax, the intercostal nerve lies here instead of between the intercostalis intimi and internal intercostal muscle
- Top to bottom: VAN

<p>In the posterior thorax, the intercostal nerve lies here instead of between the intercostalis intimi and internal intercostal muscle<br>- Top to bottom: VAN</p>
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Group of muscles innervated by a single spinal nerve

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Area of skin supplied by a single spinal nerve
- T4 includes the nipple
- T10 includes the umbilicus

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First intercostal nerve (T1)

This spinal nerve joints the ventral ramus of C8 to form the lower trunk of the brachial plexus

<p>This spinal nerve joints the ventral ramus of C8 to form the lower trunk of the brachial plexus</p>
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Second intercostal nerve (T2)

This spinal nerve gives a branch that joins the medial cutaneous nerve of arm, called intercostobrachial nerve

- In CAD, pain is referred along this nerve to the medial arm

<p>This spinal nerve gives a branch that joins the medial cutaneous nerve of arm, called <strong>intercostobrachial</strong> nerve</p><p>- In CAD, pain is referred along this nerve to the medial arm</p>
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Due to:

- Deep infection of the neck

- Penetrating chest wound

- Esophageal perforation

Air can escape to CT spaces and produce subcutaneous emphysema (air bubbles below the skin)

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Diagnostic procedure to obtain tracheobronchial lymph specimens

- Small incision above suprasternal notch

- Superior mediastinum is explored

- Tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, lymphoma, lung cancer

<p>Diagnostic procedure to obtain <strong>tracheobronchial lymph specimens</strong></p><p>- Small incision above suprasternal notch</p><p>- <strong>Superior mediastinum</strong> is explored</p><p>- Tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, lymphoma, lung cancer</p>
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mediastinal lymph nodes

Lung cancer typically involves these.

Enlargement can compress:

- left recurrent laryngeal nerve (hoarseness)

- Superior vena cava (congestion of veins of upper body)

- Sympathetic trunk, phrenic nerves, trachea, bronchi, esophagus

<p><strong>Lung cancer</strong> typically involves these.</p><p>Enlargement can compress:</p><p>- left recurrent laryngeal nerve (hoarseness)</p><p>- <strong>Superior vena cava</strong> (congestion of veins of upper body)</p><p>- Sympathetic trunk, phrenic nerves, trachea, bronchi, esophagus</p>
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This organ is supplied as follows:

- Artery: Inferior thyroid, internal thoracic, mediastinal arteries

- Nerve: Small branches of the vagus, recurrent laryngeal, phrenic

- Venous: Drains into left brachiocephalic and internal thoracic veins

<p>This organ is supplied as follows:</p><p>- Artery: Inferior thyroid, internal thoracic, mediastinal arteries</p><p>- Nerve: <strong>Small branches</strong> of the vagus, recurrent laryngeal, phrenic</p><p>- Venous: Drains into left brachiocephalic and internal thoracic veins</p>
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DiGeorge Syndrome

Most common cause of thymic aplasia - thymus fails to develop > T cells do not mature - non-functional
- Immunodeficiency

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thymic hyperplasia

Idiopathic inflammation of the thymus often associated with steroids, rebound to chemotherapy, radiation, burns, or other systemic stress

- Lymphoid hyperplasia

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Tumor of the thymus, found in 10-15% of patients with myasthenia gravis (progressive muscular weakness at NMJ)

- Compression of the recurrent laryngeal nerve

- Treatment by complete thymectomy

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3rd/4th ICS

Where should the sternotomy be carried in a thymectomy procedure?
- For patients with myasthenia gravis and thymoma

<p>Where should the sternotomy be carried in a thymectomy procedure?<br>- For patients with myasthenia gravis and thymoma</p>
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Cervical esophagus (upper)

Artery: Inferior thyroid artery

Vein: Inferior thyroid vein

Lymph: Deep Cervical nodes

- This structure has skeletal muscle

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Thoracic esophagus (middle)

Artery: Esophageal branches of the aorta and bronchial arteries

Vein: Azygos and hemiazygos vein

Lymph: Posterior mediastinal nodes

- This structure has a mix of skeletal and smooth muscle

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Abdominal esophagus (lower)

Artery: Esophageal branches of left gastric and left inferior phrenic arteries

Vein: Hemiazygos vein, tributary of interior vena cava + left gastric vein, tributary of portal vein

Lymph: Left gastric nodes

- This structure has only smooth muscle

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Recurrent laryngeal and esophageal plexus (vagus nerves)

The parasympathetic nerve supply to the esophagus is supplied by these nerves

- 1st supplies the upper half, 2nd supplies the lower half

- These nerves are sensory, motor, and secretomotor in function

<p>The <strong>parasympathetic </strong>nerve supply to the esophagus is supplied by these nerves</p><p>- 1st supplies the upper half, 2nd supplies the lower half</p><p>- These nerves are <strong>sensory, motor, and secretomotor</strong> in function</p>
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Middle cervical and upper 4 thoracic ganglia

These ganglia supply the sympathetic innervation for the esophagus.

- 1st supplies the upper half, 2nd supplies the lower half as the esophageal plexus

- These nerves are sensory and vasomotor in function

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Portal hypertension

What condition leads to esophageal varices?

- The lower esophagus is drained by these - dilation of esophageal veins > rupture

- On barium swallow - worm-like shadows

<p>What condition leads to <strong>esophageal varices</strong>?</p><p>- The lower esophagus is drained by these - dilation of esophageal veins &gt; rupture</p><p>- On barium swallow - <strong>worm-like shadows</strong></p>
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Left atrial enlargement, aortic arch aneurysm, lymph node enlargement, abnormal right subclavian artery

What 4 conditions leads to dysphagia due to compression of the esophagus from the outside?

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Barrett's esophagus

Lower esophageal squamous epithelium > gastric columnar epithelium with goblet cells due to chronic acid exposure

- Typically due to malfunction in LES

- Associated with esophageal adenocarcinoma

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Lower 1/3

Malignant tumors of the esophagus typically affect this portion
- This drains to the celiac lymph nodes past the diaphragm, spreading to these nodes

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If there is a tumor of the esophagus, often the esophagus, stomach, spleen, and omenta will all need to be resected due to the communication with celiac lymph nodes.

How is the continuity of the gut restored?

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This structure is supplied by:
- Artery: Inferior thyroid arteries
- Vein: Left brachiocephalic vein
- Lymph: Pretracheal and paratracheal nodes

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Vagus and recurrent laryngeal

These nerves supply parasympathetic innervation to the trachea

- Sensory, secretomotor (to the mucus membrane), and motor (to the trachealis) in function

<p>These nerves supply <strong>parasympathetic</strong> innervation to the trachea</p><p>- Sensory, secretomotor (to the mucus membrane), and motor (to the trachealis) in function</p>
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Middle cervical ganglion

This ganglion supplies sympathetic innervation to the trachea

- Travels along thyroid arteries

- Vasomotor

<p>This ganglion supplies <strong>sympathetic </strong>innervation to the trachea</p><p>- Travels along thyroid arteries</p><p>- <strong>Vasomotor</strong></p>
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Mediastinal shift

The trachea is normally midline in position, any shift of the trachea indicates a _

- Palpated in the suprasternal notch

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Thyroid, thymus, lymph nodes, aortic arch

The trachea may be compressed by enlargement of these 4 structures, leading to dyspnea, cough, and hoarseness

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Between 2nd/3rd tracheal rings

Where is a tracheostomy typically done?
- In the case of blockage in nose/larynx

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