Creating this from are dnga chapter then creating flash cards from what I think is important to know for the exam
identify parent chain
number the chain
name substituents
assign number to each substituent
complete name
substituents are placed in abc order
number goes in front of substituent
numbers are separated by commas
words are separated by dashes
finish with parent chain name including highest functional group
What is a structural isomer?
Two molecules that have the same formula
What must be the same for structural isomers?
Molecular weight
For structural isomers, are chemical properties same or different?
For structural isomers, are physical properties same or different?
What kind of isomer are these?
What are stereoisomers?
share same atomic connectivity but differ in 3D orientation
What are conformational isomers?
molecules that differ in rotation around a single bond
What are configurational isomers?
molecules that can only be interconverted by breaking a bond
What is a good way to visualize conformational isomers?
Newman Projections
Where is a Newman projection visualized?
along line extending through C-C bond axis
What conformation is the lowest energy-state for straight-chain conformational isomers?
anti conformation
What is staggered conformation?
No overlap of atoms along line of sight
What is Anti Conformation?
Two largest groups are in same plane but on opposite sides