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Dissociative Disorders
Where a person becomes disconnected fromt their conciousness, thoughts, memories, and identity. Disrupting daily life.
Anything that reminds a person of past trauma can trigger a dissociative episode
Dssociative amnesia
Causes a person to forget important facrs or information about themselves and their history.
often relates to a traumatic event in the past.
Fugue: the nature of disociateive fugue in that involves an element of traveling or wondering away from one's present situation.
a form of reversible amnesia
involves wandering or unplanned travel
a person establishes a new identiy in a new location
also relates to traumatic events
Dissocatve dentity Dsorder
AKA multiple personality disorder
Switching between multiple identities.
Presence of two or more distinct identities
persistent gaps in memory of personal identities
Persistent gaps in memory of personal information, daily activities, and past traumas.
Significant distress and impaired functioning
A type of distressing event or experience that can have an impact on a persons ability to cope and fucntion.
can result in physical, psychological, and emotional
Trauma and Stressor related dsorders
charcterized by exposure to a stressful or psychologically distressing event.
could involve
social anxiety
emotional detachment
Possible causes: Possible causes of trauma and stressor-related disorders involve the experience of trauma or stress.
Dibilitating stress
Overwhelmed or about qualitative nature of a stressor
Hypertension, fatigue, suppressed immune
People who are on guard and prone to overreaction
intense and obsessive awareness of their surroundings, frequently scanning for threats and escape routes.
Undermines quality of life.
Posttraumatc Stress disorder (PTSD)
When people experience a variety of symptoms follwoing exposure to a traumatic event. These my include flashbacks nightmares, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, negative thoughts and beliefs.
Causes: any traumatic even
Obsessive- compulsive disorder
Characterized by obsessions and that interfere with daily life.
severe anxiety
Having “rituals”
fear of germs
Current, persistent, intrusive, and unwnted thoughts, images or urges that cause anxiety or distress.
thoughts or images that wont go away (what if i becom einfected with a deadly disease)
Behaviors that have to be done over and over again to relieve anxiety.
often related to obsessions
Hoarding disorder
extreme difficulty gettingr id of possesions even if they have little to no value
could be too much and obstruct a persons day to day life.
Feeding disorders
chaarcterized by altered consumption or absorption of food that impairs helth or psychological finctioning.
Psosible causes: biological, genetic, social, cultural, behavioral, or cognitive sources.
Eating disorders
Avoidant and restrictive food intake disorder → food avoidance because of textures, lack of interest or fear of choking or vomiting.
aren’t really to do with body image
Causes: medical conditions, sensory issues, anxiety, negative associations, poor feeding habits, food scarcity, learned avoidance,
Anorexia Nervosa
Restricting the amount of food or calories consumed. May feel preocupied with thoughts of restricting types of food.
disordered view of their body and feel overweight when even though they are dangerously underweight.
Fear of gaining weight
fine hair, dry hair and nails.
Bullimia nervosa
Consuming large amounts of food, follwoed by purging the food through vomiting or the use of laxatives.
binging on large amounts of food
feeling the need to purge after a large meal or snack
forcing yourself to vomit.