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Copper started to be explored in the early...
Golden Age of Philippine Big Mining
The period of 1960- 1980 was the
RA 7076
Peoples' Small Scale Mining Act of 1991
RA 7160
Local Government Code of 1991
RA 8371
Indigenous People's Rights Act of 1997
RA 6969
Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System
PD 1586
Environmental Impact Statement System
RA 9275
Clean Water Act of 2004
RA 8749
Clean Air Act of 1999
R.A. 7942
Philippine Mining Act of 1995
30M Hectares
Philippines' total land area
This is the most economically important mineral in the country
Benguet Corp.
The first and oldest mining company in the Philippines
An excavation made in the earth to extract minerals
The activity, occupation, and industry concerned with the
extraction of minerals.
Mining Engineering
The practice of applying engineering principles.
A naturally occurring inorganic element or compound having an orderly internal structure and a characteristic chemical composition, crystal form, and physical properties.
Any naturally formed aggregate of one or more types of
mineral particles.
A mineral deposit that has sufficient utility and value to be mined at a profit.
The valueless mineral particles within an ore deposit that must be discarded
The material associated with an ore deposit that must be mined to get at the ore and must then be discarded.
Metallic Ores
ferrous metals, base metals, precious metals, and radioactive minerals.
Nonmetallic Minerals
also known as industrial minerals
Nonmetallic Minerals
the nonfuel mineral ores that are not associated with the production of metals
Fossil Fuels
also known as mineral fuels
Fossil Fuels
the organic mineral substances that can be utilized as fuels, such as coal, petroleum, natural gas, coalbed methane, gilsonite, and tar sands.
amount of mineral or ore that makes exploration worthwhile
Ore Reserve
the part of the mineral resource that can be economically profitable to mine
Reserve estimation
the estimation or examination of the ore body
Raw gold
the regular trade medium
An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought
Philippine Bill of 1902
This is the second Philippine Mining Law
Rehabilitation of gold mines was done during...
Stages of Mining
Prospecting, Exploration, Development, Exploitation, Reclamation
Searching for ore
Prospecting Methods
a method that detects anomalies caused by the presence of mineral deposits, through the analysis of gravitational seismic, magnetic, electrical, electromagnetic and radiometric measurements.
the micro quantitative analysis soil and water sample
study of vegetational and plant growth patterns, also are being employed as prospecting tools
Defining extent and value of ore (examination/evaluation)
It determines as accurately as possible the size and value of a mineral deposit, utilizing techniques similar to but more refined than those used in prospecting. This generally shifts to surface and subsurface locations, using a variety of measurements to obtain a more positive picture of the extent and grade of the ore body.
Feasibility Study
This is done to know whether development on the ore body shall follow, delay, denied or further study.
The work of opening a mineral deposit for exploitation is performed.
Associated with the actual recovery of minerals from the earth in quantity.
- surface
- underground
2 main mining methods
Surface Mining
the soil and rock overlying the mineral deposit is removed
Underground Mining
used to access ores and valuable minerals in the ground by digging into the ground to extract them.
The process of closing a mine and recountouring, revegetationg, and restoring the water and land values.
This government sector regulates and administers the mining industry
1 opening or passage into a mine
an underground passage with two or more opening
Production Cycle
Drilling + Blasting + Loading + Hauling
Auger dril bit
A type of drill that utilizes a helical drill that digs through the material and acts as a conveyor to remove the material.
Percussion Drilling
a drilling method which involves lifting and dropping heavy tools to break rock, and uses steel casing tubes to stop the borehole from collapsing.
rotary drilling
the use of a continuous circular motion of the drill bit to make a hole.
Diamond drill bits
a form of core drilling which uses a rotary drill with a diamond drill bit attached in order to create precisely measured holes.
This is the most powerful explosive
placing fragmented/blasted rocks on hauling/transport vehicles
transporting broken ore/materials from minesite to stockpiles or to mill
Types of Ore Deposits
Vein Types
Swells, Pinches, Lenses
Laterite Deposit
Placer deposit
this type of ore deposit is voluminous/high tonnage
Placer Deposits
result of transportation and deposition of ore minerals from orebodies.
Auger Mining
a low-cost method of recovering coal from horizontal seams by drilling into the side of a wall
a type of aqueous mining, which has been used extensively for placer deposits; involves using high pressure fluids to erode banks and loose material
Type of surface mining in which chain buckets and draglines scrape up sand, gravel, and other surface deposits covered with water. It is also used to remove sediment from streams and harbors to maintain shipping channels.
Room and Pillar Mining
Common method of subsurface mining in which tunnels are dug underground
Sublevel Stoping
Is a vertical mining method in which a large open stope is created within the vein wherein the open stope is not meant for occupation of miners, and drilling and blasting must be performed from sublevels within the ore block.
Shrinkage Stoping
mining from the upwards in horizontal slices, broken ore left in place
Cut and Fill Stoping
most common supported method and is used primarily in steeply dipping metal deposits. It is practiced both in the overhand (upward) and in the underhand (downward) directions. As each horizontal slice is taken, the voids are filled with a variety of fill types to support the walls. This method is used popularly on vein deposits.
stull stoping
a supported mining method using timber or rock bolts in tabular, pitchin ore bodies. Can be applied to to ore bodies that have dips between 10 degrees and 45 degrees and often utilizes artificial pillars of waste to support the roof.
Square-Set Stoping
involves backfilling mine voids, however, it relies mainly on timber sets to support the walls during mining. Used in High-Grade ores where labor cost is low.
longwall mining
A form of underground coal mining where a long wall of coal is mined in a single slice
Block caving
Underground mining that involves building a concrete-lined tunnel under an ore deposit, then collecting the ore through openings in the liner.