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Northern Whigs who opposed slavery on moral grounds. They sought to prevent the annexation of Texas as a slave state, fearing that the new slave territory would only serve to buttress the southern “slave power.”
Amendment that sought to prohibit slavery from territories acquired from Mexico. Introduced by Pennsylvania congressman, the failed amendnment ratcheted up tensions between North and South over the issue of slavery.
(1790-1862) Tenth president of the United States. A Whig in name only, opposed central tenets of the Whig platform, including tariffs, internal improvements, and a national bank.
(1786-1866) Military officer and presidential candidate, he first made a name for himself as a hero of the War of 1812. During the war with Mexico, he led the American campaign against Mexico City, overcoming tremendous handicaps to lead his men to victory. He later made an unsuccessful bid for the presidency in 1852 as the Whig candidate.
(1814-1868) Pennsylvania congressman best known for his failed amendment that would have prohibited slavery from any of the territories acquired from Mexico. He later went on to help organize the Free Soil and Republican parties, supporting Abraham Lincoln in 1860.