emotion focused coping
attempting to alleviate stress by avoiding or ignoring a stressor and attending to emotion needs related to our stress reaction
positive form of stress which stimulates motivation and awareness, allowing people to adapt and respond to stress in healthier ways
problem focused coping
attempting to alleviate stress directly - by changing the stressor or the way we interact with that stressor
ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
range of negative and traumatic experiences that occur during childhood, like abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction
negative form of stress caused by life stressor or internal conflicts which are referring to emotion or mental suffering
fight or flight response
automatic reaction to an event perceived as stressful or frightening, the body prepares for combat or escape
GAS (General Adaptation Syndrome)
the body’s three stage response to stress, this stage include alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion
Alarm reaction
initial response of your body when faced with a stressful situation
Resistance stage
when your body adapts and tries to cope with ongoing stress
Exhaustion stage
final stage of GAS when prolonges stress depleted your body’s resources
common condition of pain in the head, can very in intensity and duration
known as blood pressure, is a medical condition characterized by an abnormal elevate of blood pressure in the arteries
Immune suppression
can be a response to stress and a result of medical interventions that weakens the body's ability to fight infections and diseases.
state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from demanding circumstances
Stress reactions
Tend and befriend theory
theory that suggests humans respond to stress by nurturing others (tending) and seeking social support (befriending).
state of psychological well-being and the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, encompassing mental, emotional, social, and behavioral aspects.