Synoptic Gospels PowerPoint

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What where the main messages of Jesus’ teachings?

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What where the main messages of Jesus’ teachings?

Repentance, humility, Kingdom of God, God’s compassion, mercy, and generous love, and forgiveness!

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How did Jesus teach?

Authentically, authoritatively, parables, and everywhere.

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What do all the Gospels attest?

That Jesus was a miracle worker who performed many signs to reveal that God’s Kingdom is at hand.

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What does “synoptic” mean?

It comes from two Greek words that mean ‘to see together’.

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How does Mark portray Jesus?

As the Suffering Servant.

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Describe Mark’s Gospel.

Stresses how God shares our pain and carries us through it; vivid, emotion driven, and intense; portrays Jesus as an active healer and miracle worker, who accepts loneliness and suffering at the cost of obedience to his Father’s will.

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Who was the author for Mark’s Gospel?

John Mark (a traveling companion of both St. Paul and St. Peter). He was most likely a Christian who came out of a Jewish background.

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When was Mark’s Gospel created?

65-70 AD - a time of persecution of Gentile Christians and the First Jewish Revolt.

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What was the goal for Mark’s Gospel?

To strengthen believers during a time of persecution, violence, and destruction.

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What is the symbol for Mark’s Gospel?

Winged lion

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What are the two essential questions of Mark’s Gospel?

Who is this person, aka who is Jesus?

Will you follow Jesus?

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Messianic Secret

Refers to Jesus’ directive that people - even his own disciples - keep quiet about his true identity. The fullness of his identity as the Suffering Servant would be revealed in and through his suffering and death.

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Mark’s Framwork

Jesus’ Baptism in the Jordan River

Preaching and Performing of Miracles in Galilee

His Journey to Jerusalem

Preaching, Rejection, and Crucifixion

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Son of Man

A title Jesus used to refer to himself. It emphasizes both Jesus’ humanity and his divinity.

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Mark’s Descriptions of Jesus- Authoritative Teacher

Message centers on the Kingdom of God

Calls his own students/disciples

Able to handle conflict and controversy

Original, creative, and influential

Uses parable to force his hearers to think and interpret

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Mark’s Descriptions of Jesus- Healer + Miracle Worker

Miracles are related to Jesus’ proclamation of the Kingdom

Jesus is able to battle the forces of good and evil

Miracles demonstrate that the power of God has broken into human history

Miracles call for faith in him and the Kingdom

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Mark’s Descriptions of Jesus- Passionate Human

Compassionate and loving

Occasionally angry

Other typical human emotions

Elicits strong passions from others

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The Way of Discipleship (Mark)

Jesus explains clearly that he is the Sufferng Servant who obeys his father’s will while teaching that his disciples must likewise humbler themselves and be servants to all.

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The Paschal Mystery in Mark’s Gospel

Christ’s work of redemption accomplished principally by his Passion, Death, Resurrection, and glorious Ascension whereby ‘dying he destroyed our death, rising he restores our life.

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What is the “Passion Narrative”?

Recounts the words and actions that encompassed the time beginning at the Last Supper through the Death on the Cross.

Mark’s version- continues the theme -Jesus’ path is a path of suffering and abandonment, and to be a follower of Jesus means to follow his path.

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Why did Jesus die?

Performed exorcisms, forgave sin, healed on the Sabbath, claimed to teach with authority, disregarded some Jewish laws (eg in the areas of cleanliness and diet), and associated with sinners and tax collectors, taught about God’s mercy to repentant sinners, cleansed the Temple and predicted its destruction.

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A liturgical celebration of three days’ duration. The Easter Triduum is the Church’s most solemn celebration of the Paschal Mystery. It begins with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, continues through the Good Friday service and the Easter Masses, and concludes with an evening prayer on Easter Sunday. Although it takes place over three days, the Triduum is considered one singly liturgy.

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The Gospel according to Matthew emphasizes that Jesus is the — promised to the Jewish people, the —, and the —.

Messiah; New Moses; Teacher

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Two Essential Questions in Matthew’s Gospel.

How could the Church legitimately lay claim to YHWH’s promises to Israel?

How should the Church include the Gentiles?

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Context of Matthew

Jesus is the only teacher worthy of obedience

Stresses how Jesus fulfills the promises of the Hebrew Scriptures

Written AD 80s

Author was a Jewish Christians scribe who may have known Matthew the Apostle

80% text from mark

Begins with an infancy narrative

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What were the 5 discourses of Mark’s Gospel?

Heart of Matthew’s Gospel and address how to live as a Christian

Shows Jesus having all authority to establish his rule

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What was Matthew’s first discourse?

The Sermon on the Mount

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What was Matthew’s second discourse?

Sharing the Faith with Others

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What was Matthew’s third discourse?

Parables about the Kingdom

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What was Matthew’s fourth discourse?

Jesus Founds and Instructs the Church

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What was Matthew’s fifth discourse?

The Final Judgement

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Themes of the 5 Discourses (expressions of Jesus’ thoughts) in Matthew’s Gospel

The Beatitudes

Love and Forgiveness

Standing up to ridicule

Pursuing God’s kingdom with single-minded devotion

Trusting God


Sharing with the needy

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What is the first and most important discourse?

The Sermon on the Mount MT 5: 1-7:29

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List the key aspects of the Sermon on the Mount

Summarizes the New Law of the Gospel- love, grace, and freedom!

Major theme- interior conversion that leads to putting into practice one’s discipleship.

Share in mission of salvation- one’s presence should help make the world more loving and consequently, more livable.

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The Sermon on the Mount Teachings

Chapter 5- The Beatitudes; Teachings about: the Law, anger, adultery, divorce, oaths, retaliation, love of enemies.

Chapter 6- Almsgiving, prayer, fasting, treasure in heaven, light of the body, God and money, dependents on God.

Chapter 7- judging others, pearls before swine, the answers to prayers, the golden rule, the narrow gate, false prophets, the true disciple, the two foundations.

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What is Matthew’s second discourse?

Sharing the Faith With Others Mt 10:1-11:1

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Summarize the Sharing the Faith With Others discourse.

Proclaim the Gospel, aka the Good News!

Have a spirit of poverty + receive hospitality

Holy Spirit will help

Relationships may be difficult

Suffering comes with the job

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Sharing the Faith With Others verses

What I say to you in the darkness, speak in the light; what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops.

Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth. I have come to bring not peace but the sword.

Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.

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What is Matthew’s third discourse called?

Parables about the Kingdom MT 13:1-53

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Summarize the Parables about the Kingdom discourse.


Reveal the nature of the Kingdom of Heaven

All are invited into the family of God

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What is a parable?

A short story that illustrates a moral or spiritual lesson.

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What is the fourth discourse called?

Jesus Founds and Instructs the Church Mt 18:1-35

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What are the featured stories in the fourth discourse? And what is the fourth discourse?

The Greatest in the Kingdom

Temptations to Sin

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

A Brother Who Sins

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

Jesus Founds and Instructs the Church

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What is the message of the Jesus Founds and Instructs the Church discourse?

Greatness lies in serving!

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What is Matthew’s 5th Discourse?

The Final Judgment Mt 24: 1-25:46

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Which parable is found in the Final Judgement discourse?

The Parable of the Talents

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Spiritual works of mercy

Instruct the ignorant

Counsel the doubtful

Admonish sinners

Forgive offenses

Comfort the afflicted

Bear wrongs patiently

Pray for the living and the dead

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Corporal works of mercy

Feed the hungry

Give drink to the thirsty

Shelter the homeless

Clothe the naked

Visit the sick

Visit the imprisoned

Bury the dead

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Key Themes in Matthew’s gospel

Judgement (always be ready for the Lord’s return)

Emmanuel (God with Us) and will the salvation of Jews and Gentiles alike

Discipleship (humility, rejection, even suffering)


Right Instruction (righteousness, prayer, conversion)

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Differences Between Mark + Matthew

Mark is shorter than Matthew, presents Jesus as a Teacher but lacks detail on the content of his teachings, portays the Apostles unfavorably (for example they do not understand Jesus’ life, Death, Resurrection, or teachings); begins with Jesus public ministry, and ends abruptly with no Resurrection appearances.

Matthew EXPANDS on Mark’s Gospel, explicitly connects Jesus with Jewish history, presents Jesus as the New Moses, begins with an Infancy Narrative (including a genealogy), and ends with two Resurrection appearances and a commission to preach the Gospel to all peoples.

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Commonalities Between Mark + Matthew

Follow a similar outline, include Jesus’ ministry in Galilee, include Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem, and include Jesus’ Passion, Death, and Resurrection.

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The Gospel According to Luke

Luke’s account of the Gospel emphasizes how Jesus is the Revelation of the infinite mercy of God, of the compassion and concern for all people, especially the poor and others marginalized by society in his time.

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The Gospel According to Luke (sum)

Jesus is the Compassionate Messiah and Universal Savior!

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“Fun” Facts about Luke

Native of Asia Minor

Doctor of Medicine

Gentile Convert to Christianity

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Who was Luke’s target audience?

Greek converts from paganism.

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What was Luke’s Goals?

Show Gentiles and Jews all are invited to be followers of Christ (i.e. God’s saving love extends to all people)

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Introduction of the Gospel of Luke!

Jesus is the Revelation of the infinite mercy of God, offering hope to those who seem to have lost hope and given up. In other words - Luke writes that Jesus is the saving God of all people, Jews and Gentiles, and defends Jesus’ Good News.

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Luke is actually Part 1 of a unified two-volume work -

Luke + Acts

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How does the word ‘fulfill’ show us why Luke wrote his account?

Fulfill - the story of Jesus isn’t ancient history. He wants to show how it is the fulfillment of the long covenant story of God and Israel. And of the story of God and the whole world.

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In Luke 3-9, Luke claims that Jesus is the Messianic Kind of Israel who will…?

Bring God’s blessing to not only Israel but to all of humanity. He is here for everyone. Brings good news.

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What does Luke uniquely highlight about Jesus’ mission?

Social implications of Jesus mission (freedom, aka release)

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Identify how the word ‘poor’ involves being a broader category?

poor- people of low social status, people with disabilities, women, children, elderly, people of other ethic groups, people with poor life choices.

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Luke shows us how Jesus’ Kingdom brought _ and _ of people’s whole life circumstances.

Restoration and reversal - how? We must practice radical generosity, live by peace making and forgiveness. Reject religious hypocrisy.

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What did Moses, Elijah, and Jesus talk about during his Transformation?

Jesus Exodus

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Key story in Luke’s Gospel

Parable of the Prodigal Son (15: 11-32)

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Parable of the Prodigal Son Background

This is unique to the Gospel of Luke. Why? To illustrate Jesus’ particular concern for the lost and God’s love for the repentant sinner.

Shows more about the boundless love of a father than a “lost” son.

God loves sinners and is merciful to everyone.

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Synoptic 101 Recap- Mark

Jesus- Suffering Servant

Stresses how God shares our pain and carries us through it

Vivid, emotion driven, and intense

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Synoptic 101 Recap- Matthew

Aimed at early Jewish audiences who had become believers in Jesus

Answers questions about Jesus from a Jewish POV, aka stresses how Jesus fulfills the promises from the ancient Scriptures.

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Synoptic 101 Recap- Luke

Audience was mainly non-Jews with no background in Hebrew scripture

Themes of mercy, justice, compassion for the poor

All are invited to follow Jesus

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Need to Knows About Luke

Originally Luke + the Acts of the Apostles were 1 book

God loves the poor and admonishes (reprimands, aka calls out) the rich for their lack of concern for the poor

10 Parables Unique to Luke

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Who did Luke write to? What does this person’s name mean?

Theophilus, which means “loved by God” or “friend of God”

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Luke was a companion of St. Paul


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Luke was and is the most _ Gospel. Its purpose was to _

Sophisticated; compile a carefully researched history of the life of Jesus

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God’s saving love extends to all people- Jesus’ mission included the _

Revelation that God is at work establishing peace + jet ice, aka also our work as disciples!

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God _ the poor and _ the rich for lack of concern.

Loves; admonishes

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What is the impact of women is Luke’s Gospel?

They were inferior in society at the time - but Luke relays Jesus had women disciples (from the start)

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Jesus - Revelation of infinite mercy of God. What does this give us?


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The Road to Emmaus

Unique to the Gospel of Luke

Summarizes the entire Gospel, aka, the journey!

Do we recognize Christ today? - We meet and receive the risen Lord through the Eucharist!

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When were the synoptics written?

Mark was the FIRST one to be written, around 70 C.E., while Matthew was probably composed in the late 70s or 80s, and Luke in the late 80s.

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Why is it important to know the order in which the gospels were written?

Knowing can shed light on how the different accounts influenced one another.

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