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Romberg’s test
Test for equilibrium.
→ Patient stands with feet together, arms at side and eyes open then with eyes closed for 20 seconds
Coordination tests
Standing and hopping on 1 foot
• Finger to nose test
• Walk on heel to toe
Antalgic Limp
Patient limits the time of weight bearing on the affected leg to limit pain.
Tabetic Gait
Legs are positioned far apart lifted high and forcibly brought down with each step, the heel stamps on the ground
Sensation tests: • Stereognosis
→ With eyes closed. Ability to recognize solid object by touch
Sensation tests: • Graphesthesia
→ Ability to recognize writing on the skin purely by the sensation of touch
Increased ICP assessment: Manifestations: Decorticate posture
→ Pressure exerted in Midbrain
Increased ICP assessment: Manifestations: Decerebrate posture
→ Pressure on Upper pons
Nudge test
• Assesses risk of falling backward.
• Stand behind the client and put your arms around the client while you gently nudge the sternum.
Tinel’s sign
→ Elicited by tapping over the medial nerve (+) if with Tingling sensation
Phalen’s sign
→ Allow wrist to fall freely into maximum flexion and maintain the position for longer than 60 seconds.
→ (+) tingling sensation in the distribution of median nerve
Extra finger
Fused fingers
Swan Neck Deformity
Joint at the base of the finger bends in (flexes), the middle joint straightens out (extends)
Boutonniere deformity
Middle finger joint is bent in a fixed position inward (toward the palm) and the outermost finger joint is bent excessively outward (away from the palm).
Heberden’s node
Distal interphalangeal Swollen and tender and deformed joints
Bouchard’s node
Proximal interphalangeal Swollen and tender and deformed joints
Foot Drop
• Problem: Peroneal nerve
• Inability to lift front part of the foot
Kernig’s sign
→ Extend the leg while you keep the hip flexed
→ Pain and spasm in hamstring muscle and resists further extension
Nuchal rigidity
→ Passively flex the patient’s neck and touch his chin to the chest.
Brudzinski sign
→ Severe neck stiffness causes a patient's hips and knees to flex when the neck is flexed.
Loss of voluntary movements
“Dysphasia”, Impaired ability to communication
> Frontal lobe damage
> Frequently speak in short phrases that makes sense but are produced with great efforts
> Patient: “walk dog”
> Appropriate: I will walk the dog
> Extensive damage in the language center
> Limited ability to speak and comprehend language
> Left temporal lobe damage
> Speaks in long sentences with no meaning
> “jargon speech”
> E.g. You know the smoodle pinkered and that I want to get him round and take care of him.
Homonymous hemianopsia
→ Spatial perceptual problem
→ Blindness occurs in same half of the visual field of both eyes
→ Inability to recognize an object by sight, touch or hearing.
Other symptoms (CVA):
• Facial drooping
• Pupils unequal in size
• Sudden paralysis
• Paronchyia
→ Inability to carry out learned sequential movements on command
– Small, cramped handwriting
– Reduced arm swing on the affected side
– Loss of facial expression due to rigidity of facial muscles
– “Masked like face”
Spinal Cord Injury Assessment:
• Diagnostics: X-ray, CT-Scan and MRI
Deep Tendon Reflex:
Assess integrity of Spinal Reflex (Sensory and Motor component).
Deep Tendon Reflex: Areflexia
0 → absent
Deep Tendon Reflex: Hyporeflexia
1 → Diminished
Deep Tendon Reflex: Normal
2 → Average
Deep Tendon Reflex: Brisk
3 → Exaggerated
Deep Tendon Reflex: Hypereflexia
4 → Clonus, Very brisk