which of the following was not a symptom of decline in the arabic caliphite by 1400
the decline of the Surfis
Which of the following statements concerning arabic trade after 1100 is most accurate
although arabic trade was reduced, muslims remained active in world markets
What of the following statements concerning the political fragmentation of the arabic world in the 1400s is most accurate
after the fall of the abassid caliphate the emerging ottoman empire soon mastered most of the land of the old caliphate plus the byzantine corner
Which of the following statements concerning the ottoman empire is most accurate
turkish rulers didnt promote maritime trade as vigorously had the arabs
what area represented a new conquest for the ottoman empire in the late 1400s
which of the following statements concerning the ottoman empire is most accurate
Turkish rulers promoted trade more actively than their arab predecessors
Which of the following civilizations first attempted to fill the commercial vacuum
What Chinese dynasty succeeded the Mongol Yuan dynasty?
What was the innovation launched by the ming dynasty
mounting huge, state-sponsored trading expeditions throughout Asia and beyond.
What Admiral commanded chinas great overseas expedations between 1405 and 1433
general zhenghe
Which of the following was not a reason used by the ming dynasty to halt the trading expeditions
the tech inferiority of chinese ships and navigations
Which of the following statements concerning the cessation of state sponsored trade by the ming dynasty is most accurate
The end of international trade signaled a general decentralization of government in ming china
Which of the following was not a contributing factor to the economic crises of the 14th century
withdrawal from the global trading network
What proportion of the european population died as a result of the 14th century plauge
Which of the following was not a source of western dynamism in the 14th and 15th century
Two centuries of peace among the major European nations
In which region of Europe did the renaissance culture begin
In comparison to medieval culture renaissance culture was
more concerned with things of the earthly world.
Which of the following was not one of the reasons that Italy emerged as the center of the early renaissance
Italy was spared the black plauge due to its geographic location
Along with Italy a key center for change in the 14th and 15th centuries was
The Iberian Peninsula
What was unique about the development of states in the iberian peninsula
Spain and Portugal developed effective new governments with a special sense of religious mission and religious support
What was the western response to the problems of international trade that they experienced in the 1400
western nations began explorations of alternative routes to asia that would bypass the mid east and muslim realms
The Key theme of polynesian culture from the 7th century to 1400 was
spurts of migration and conquest that implanted Polynesian culture beyond the initial base in the Society Islands
Which of the following was not characteristic of Hawaiian culture
Which of the following statements is most accurate
because of internal weakness both the inca and the aztec empires were receding and might not have survived even if the europeans didn't arrive
Which of the following was not a result of the european contact with sub Saharan Africa after 1500
Regional kingdoms lost all influence in West Africa and were replaced by European governments.