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to be carefully informed about the study’s hypothesis
principle of respect for persons
a principle that states individuals potentially involved in research should be treated as autonomous agents
informed consent
each person learns about the research project, considers its risks and benefits, and decided whether to participate
principle of beneficence
a principle that states researchers must take precautions to protect participants from harm and to ensure their well being
anonymous study
a study where researchers do not collect any potentially identifying information
confidential study
a type of study where researchers collect some identifying information, but prevent it from being disclosed
principle of justice
a principle that calls for a fair balance between the kinds of people who participate in research and the kinds of people who benefit from it
institutional review board
a committee responsible for interpreting ethical principles and ensuring that research using human participants is conducted ethically
when researchers withhold some details of the study from participants.
deception through omission
deception through withholding details
deception through commission
deception by actively lying to participants
Data fabrication
when researchers invent data that fit their hypotheses instead of recording what really happened
data falsification
when researchers influence a study’s results possibly by deleting data sets or influencing participants
recycling portions of the methods section from previous version of your own work