APUSH Quarter 3 Final Exam Key Terms

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"Revolution of 1800"

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"Revolution of 1800"

jefferson's election changed gov direction to republicans; goal - restore republican govt, check growth of gov power + halt decay of virtue set under federal rule

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Judiciary Act of 1801

1 of laster important laws passed by federalist congress; created 16 new federal judgeships + offices; adam's last try to keep federalist in power; goal - federalists to dominate judicial branch (positions for lifetime)

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"Midnight judges"

16 judges that were added by Judiciary Act of 1801; called this cuz adam signed their appointments late on his last day in office

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John Marshall

chief justice of supreme court; appointed by adams + a midnight judge; cousin of jefferson; shaped legal tradition more profoundly than anyone else; bolstered powers of fed govt at expense of states

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James Madison

secretary of state; federalist leader; sued by Marbury cuz he shelved his commission; 4th US president; had to enforce embargo w/brit; step towards war for brit + amer

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Marbury vs. Madison

marbury's petition based on judiciary act of 1789, which marshall states was unconstitutional as it wasn't in the constitution; helped establish judicial review

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"Judicial review"

idea that supreme court had last word on question of constitutionality

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Tripolitan War

4 year conflict between US navy + tripoli (north afr nation) over mediterranean piracy; tripoli wanted more shares of protection money so cut down flagstaff of amer consultation; secured peace treaty for $60k to release captured amer in 1805

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Louisiana Purchase

1803; US bought LA territory from fra for $15 million; fra wanted to reignite war w/Brit + LA would be hard to defend; doubled size of US; 3 treaties signed to buy it

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Lewis and Clark

explorers sent out to explore LA territory (2 yrs); took 33 explorers w/them

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Corps of Discovery

official name of Lewis + Clark expedition; 33 ppl were sent by Jefferson to explore territory

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Orders in Council

issued by london gov; vessels had to stop at british ports 1st before going to french ports; napoleon ordered all merchant ships that entered brit ports to be seized; amer vessels were in middle of dispute, despite being neutral

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forceful enlistments of sailors; brit ships would stop amer vessels + impress amer sailors; amer wanted war w/brit

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Embargo Act of 1807

ended export of all goods from US foreign ships; idea of peace coercion; would justify neutral nations' rights if worked; republic could die + can be brought into war; hurt US economy

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Non-Intercourse Act of 1809

replaced embargo act; only forbade trade w/fra + britain; didn't succeed in chiang brit/fre policy towards neutral ships

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Macon's Bill No. 2

replaced non-intercourse act of 1809; forbade trade w/brit + fra, unless whichever nation lifted its neutral trading restrictions first; fra repealed restriction, but brit had naval dominance + decided not to repeal; embargo forced only on brit

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Tecumseh & Tenskwatawa

shawnee chief + brother 'the prophet' worked to build confederacy of tribes east of MI; rejected white concepts of ownership + urged supporters to never cede land to white unless everyone agreed; killed fighting for brit during war of 1812 at battle of thames

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Battle of Tippecanoe

harrison gathered army + advanced at shawnee headquarters; prophet attacked army + failed; shawnee's settlement burned + routed

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William Henry Harrison

governor of IN area who defeated shawnee brothers; overtook + defeated Brit troops at battle of thames; made brit retreat from detroit + fort malden; whig candidate in election of 1836; 9th president

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Declaration of the War of 1812

madison asks congress to declare war due to macon's bill, brit armed natives on frontier (shawnees), war hawks pressure for wark (wanted more land + protect amer honor), + dem-rup favored fra in battle between fra/brit

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USS Constitution

'old ironside'; popular/powerful amer warship; thick dies, heavier firepower, + larger crews

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Battle of Thames

between amer + brit; harrison overtook + beat brit troops; caused brit to retreat from detroit + fort malden

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Battle of Bladensburg

brit forces ~4k landed in chesapeake bay area; continued onto washington, captured + burned DC

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Burning of Washington D.C.

battle of Bladensburg when British forces invaded Amer capital + burned the white house, capital + other buildings down

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Fort McHenry

brit fleets attacked from here in baltimore w/cannons but failed to capture city

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Francis Scott Key

detained amer in brit ship; inspired by amer defenders at fort mchenry + wrote words of "the star-spangled banner"

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Andrew Jackson

crushed southwest natives w/Brit allies in battle of horseshoe bend + brit frontal attack at battle of new orleans; from TN; hero from New Orleans; took part in election of 1824; strongest personal appeal (in W especially); campaign went against corruption + govt privilege; died of lead poisoning; fought in 100+ duels; spoil system, which increased party support + corruption

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Battle of New Orleans

battle where brit made a frontal assault on entrenched amer riflemen + cannoneers mistakenly; considered most devastating defeat in entire war; 2k Brits were lost in ½ hour + 70 Amer

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Congress of Vienna

convention of major euro powers to redraw euro boundaries after napoleon was exiled

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Treaty of Ghent

declared end of war of 1812; both sides stopped fighting + restores conquered land; stated war was draw as neither side could impose their will + meet their grievances

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Hartford Convention

called in MA when capture of new orleans seemed close; 26 men met in secrecy for 3 weeks to talk abt their grievances + redress for their wrongdoings; demanded ⅔ congressional votes, abolish ⅗ clause, presidents serve 1 term, 2 consecutive presidents can't be from same state; became downfall of federalists

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Virginia Dynasty

4 of the first 5 presidents were from VA; plantation owners

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Rush-Bagot Agreement

agreement between US + Brit; severely limited naval armament on great lakes; later expanded to undefended US canada border

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The American System

plan developed by Clay for raising tariffs to pay for internal improvements; 3 parts - 1) strong bank system would provide easy + abundant credits 2) Clay would advocate for a protective tariff 3) revenues from the tariffs would provide funds for networks of roads + canals

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James Monroe

nominated for rep party for election of 1816; continued VA dynasty

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"Era of Good Feelings"

boston newspaper that announced it; commonly used since to describe Monroe's administration; misnomer as there were still problems - issues of tariff, bank of US, internal improvement, sale of public land, sectionalism, + slavery becoming a bigger problem

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"Wildcat banks"

western banks that foreclosed mortgages on many farms during panic of 1819; legal but unwise; western debtors thought bank of US would become evil

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Tallmadge Amendment

failed proposal to prohibit slaves into MO + pave way for gradual emancipation for slaves' children; southerners opposed this cuz they saw it as threat to sectional balance between north + south

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"Peculiar institution"

another term for slavery + its economic impacts in south

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Missouri Compromise

'compromise of 1820'; MO was slave state; Maine entered as a free state; all states north of 36 degree 30' were free states + all south were slave states

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McCulloch v. Maryland

MD was trying to tax the national bank to try + destroy a branch of Bank of US; Marshall declared bank constitutional by invoking implied powers; strengthened federal govt + denied MD the right to tax the bank

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Cohens v. Virginia

Cohen brothers went to Supreme court after VA court found them guilty of illegally selling lottery tickets; reinforced federal supremacy by establishing the rights of supreme court to review decision of state supreme courts in questions involving federal govt powers

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Gibbons v. Ogden

NY tried to give priv company a monopoly on waterborne commerce between NY + NJ (only they could use that waterway); NY lost + marshall concluded that supreme court upheld broad congressional power to regulate interstate commerce

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Fletcher v. Peck

GA legislature bribed to give 35 mil acres of land to priv speculators; next legislature canceled transaction + marshall issued that the legislative grant was contract + the constitution forbids state laws from 'impairing' contracts; helped to protect property rights against popular pressure

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Dartmouth College v. Woodward

college chartered by King George III + NH legislature wanted to change name; Daniel Webster defended college + didn't want to change it; college wins cuz 'original charter must stand'; contracts can't be broken

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Anglo-American Convention

signed by Brit + US; allowed new england fishermen access to Newfoundland fisheries; established the Northern border of LA territory; provided for joint occupation of Oregon country for 10 yrs; w/o surrender of any claims/rights to Amer or Brit

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Florida Purchase Treaty

aka Adams-Onis treaty; Spa gave FL + its claim to oregon to US in exchange for amer claims of texas; gave Amer southwest to spa

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Monroe Doctrine

declared that europe should not interfere in affairs of western hemisphere; any interference would be seen as threat to US; just a show of nationalism; no major impact until later 1800s; nation didn't have power to back it up

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Corrupt Bargain

Jackson couldn't win majority electoral votes; HOR had to pick from top 3 candidates + Clay got to choose (Speaker of the House + eliminated); chose JQA (hates Jackson + Crawford just had a stroke); Adams then makes Clay his secretary of state as they have much in common (both nationalists + advocates of Amer system)

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John Quincy Adams

from MA; won election of 1824 (6th president); part of "corrupt bargain"; Clay is secretary of state; formed new political party (National Republicans) + was its leader; didn't use spoil system to reward those loyal to him

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Henry Clay

from KY; took part in election of 1824; eliminated but got to chose president; was Speaker of the House before secretary of state for Adams

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John C. Calhoun

ran for VP for both JQA + Jackson during election of 1824

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12th Amendment

directed HOR to choose winner of election when there's no outright majority winner of electoral votes; must choose from top 3

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National Republicans

JQA was leader; Clay part of it; supported strong central govt, road building, + Bank of US to shape economy; supporters were merchant + farmers (like federalists)

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Jackson was leader; supported less centralized govt

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Spoils system

rewarded political supporter w/public office/position; Jackson introduced this on a large scale during his presidency; increase party support + corruption

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Tariff of 1828

'tariff of abominations'; Congress passed tariff that favored manufacturing in north but hated in south; South forced to buy goods from Amer markets; (55%)

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The South Carolina Exposition

secretly written by VP Calhoun; said tariff of abominations is unjust/unconstitutional; proposed that states should nullify tariff

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to make invalid

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Compromise Tariff of 1833

Clay proposed new tariff that slowly lowered tariff to level of tariff in 1816; reduced by 10% for 8 years; prevented civil war + prolonged union for 30 years; opposed by New Eng + middle states; favored by South + Calhoun

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"Five Civilized Tribes"

Cherokees, Choctaws, Creeks, Chickasaws, + Seminoles; Jackson forced them out of their land + assimilate them into white society

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Indian Removal Act

act that allowed removal of Natives who lived east of MI river to west; heaviest blow to five civilized tribes

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Trail of Tears

Cherokees were forced to leave native land + march; caused many to die; ended up at Indian territory where they were free of white encroachment for 15 years

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Andrew Jackson's "bank war"

over bank renewal in 1832; if signed, he would lose his followers from west; if vetoed, would lose presidency coming up by losing wealthy groups in east; ends up vetoing in saying that Bank Bill was unconstitutional, even tho McCulloch v. MD said it was constitutional; gave executive bench more power than judicial branch; harmful to nation

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Nicholas Biddle

president of bank of US; immense/unconstitutional power over nation's financial affairs; called him "Czar Nicholas I" + bank "hydra of corruption"

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"Pet banks"

state-level banks loyal to Democrats; surplus federal funds after death of bank put here

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Specie Circular

US treasury decree that required all public land be bought w/coin; issues after small state banks flooded market w/unreliable paper money; halted speculation + contributed to panic of 1837

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Whig Party

political party formed to oppose democrats; stood for protective tariffs, national banking, + federal aid for internal improvements; claimed to appeal common people + declared democrats as party of cronyism/corruption

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Martin van Buren

VP for Jackson (forcefully) during 2nd time; resented by democrats cuz he snuggled into office + disappointment compared to Jackson; got Jackson's enemies; handed all economic problem Jackson made; blamed for panic of 1837; not reelected

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Panic of 1837

economic depression during Van Buren's presidency; caused by rampant speculation by banks + Jackson's financial policies; started when 2 Brit banks failed + Brit investors called in foreign loans, but US couldn't provide them; 100s of banks fell + carried down many millions in govt funds; Van Buren - reluctant to Whigs' ideas to expand bank credit, raise taxes, + subsidize internal improvement

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Independent Treasury Bill

govt would hold its revenues than deposit them in banks, keeping funds away from priv companies; denies bank system as reserve + shrunk available credit resource; repealed the next year by whigs but reenacted by democrats

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Stephen Austin

granted huge tract of land from new regime in mexico city; expected to bring 300 fams to TX; immigrants were expected to convert to Roman Caths + Mexicanize; didn't happen cuz most stayed Amer

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Sam Houston

ex-governor of TN; commander in chief of TX army at battle of San Jacinto; elected president of TX

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Santa Anna

dictator of Mexico removed local rights of texans + tried to raise army to suppress rebellion; Austin went to mexico to negotiate differences in slavery, immigration, + local rights, but jailed for 8 months

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Lone Star Republic

nickname for TX after it won its independence from mexico; recognized by Jackson before leaving office but wanted admission into union

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The Alamo

a spa mission + fort which was where Anna sieged TX forces/army of 200 ppl in 13 days

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Battle of San Jacinto

final battle of TX revolution; houston could lure Anna into San Jacinto + then captured & forced him to sign 2 treaties that granted TX independence;' after he was released, he said the agreement was illegal

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increase in percentage + # of people living in cities; in 1790, only 2 cities (NY + Philly) had population of 20,000; by 1860, 43 cities + ~300 other places had 5,000 inhabitants; lots of by-products including smelly slums, feeble street lighting, inadequate policing, impure water, foul sewage, ravenous rats, + improper garbage disposal

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Population growth

population continued to double every 25 years cuz of medicine + as Amer moved westward

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Irish immigration

1.5+ million ppl immigrated cuz of potato famine in Ireland; poor, so forced to live in cities like Boston + NYc (eventually they became largest Irish cities); scorned by Amer ('proper' Protestants) as they thought they were a social menace

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German immigration

1.5 million immigrants; many were farmers; escaped from militarism + war from euro (isolationist sentiment); had liberal political refugees; many had material goods so could push out to midwest + built their farms; they formed influential voter; less powerful cuz more scattered; brought Conestoga wagon, KY rifle, + Christmas tree; supported public schools (kindergarten) + hated slavery; wanted to preserve their language + culture

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amer who opposed immigration; feared that foreign horses would outbreed, outvote, + overwhelm 'native' stocks; Catholicism would rise in ranks (1st in 1850 w/~1.8 million) as more irish/germans in 1840s/50s

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"Know-Nothing Party

formed by nativists + known as 'order of the star-spangled banner'; political party in 1850s; anti-Cath + anti-immigrants; aka amer party; derived from secretiveness

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Industrial Revolution

transformation from agriculture to industrial nation; wouldn't of been possible w/o immigrants; developed machines to produce textiles + transformed agricultural production & methods of transport/communication

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Factory system

system bringing manufacturing steps together in 1 place to increase efficiency; spread from Britain

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Samuel Slater

'father of the factory system' in amer + father of movement; brought over british machinery plans to amer; made 1st efficient amer machinery for spinning cotton thread in 1791

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Eli Whitney

mechanical genius from MA; graduated from Yale + went to GA + served as priv tutor while studying law; invented cotton gin in 10 days + interchangeable parts

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Cotton gin

invented by Whitney in 1793; 50% more effective than hand picking; made cotton profitable in amer; revived slavery

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"King Cotton"

name given to S after cotton became dominant agricultural product; slave labor cleared more land for cotton, pushing more west; factories flourished in New Eng

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Tariff of 1816

1st protective tariff in amer that helped industry; raised prices of British goods (cheaper + better quality)

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Interchangeable parts

created by Whitney; identical pieces could be assembled quickly by unskilled workers; largely adopted in 1850; become basis of modern mass production; helped factories in north flourish

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Samuel F.B. Morse

invented telegraph; in 1844, strung wire 40 miles from washington to baltimore + tapped out a message

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"Wage slaves"

northern factory workers were kicked out when they were too old to work

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Labor unions/strikes

workers formed an organization for better working conditions + wages; forbidden by law

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Commonwealth v. Hunt

MA Supreme Court decision declaring labor unions were legal + said their methods were 'honorable/peaceful'; strengthened labor movement (upheld legality of unions)

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"Factory girls"

young women employed in factories; worked 6 days a week + labored for long hours in hard conditions; lived away from farms + families; forbidden to form unions + had few opportunities to share discontent over conditions; new level of independence

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"Cult of domesticity"

idealized view of women + home; women expected to be selfless caregivers for children + husbands; commanded immense moral power + made decisions that altered family's character

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John Deere

invented steel plow, changing farming; steel plow broke soil sharply + effectively; solved problems of thick soil in west; light enough to be pulled by horses

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Cyrus McCormick

from VA; invented mechanical mower-reaper to harvest gains (wheat); 1 man = work of 5

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Robert Fulton

painter-engineer who installed a steam engine in ship; started steamboat craze; steamboats could charge against current (10 mph vs previous 1 mph); 60 steamboats on MI + tributaries; ~1000 steamboats in 1860

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