where are GN anaerobes found?
resp: prevotella, porphyro, fuso
GI: bacteroides
GU: fuso, prevotella, bacteroides
anaerobic infections
endogenous: trauma or accidental contact with other sites
surgery, punctures, aspiration of oral secretions to lungs
exogenous is bite wounds
local or spreads
abscess, bacteremia, peritonitis, pneumonia
most commonly isolated anaerobic GNR
abscess formation = hallmark
polymicrobic infections in abd, pelvis, perirectal skin, solid organs
bacteroides virulence factors
enzymes to spread/digest tissue and survive prolonged oxygen exposure
b. frag group
b. fragilis, distasonis, ovatus, thetaiotamicron, vulgatus
bile resistant: black on BBE
infections: intra abd, perirectal, decubitus ulcers, bacteremia
R to penicillin (beta lactamase producer)
enterotoxigenic = diarrhea
b. ureolyticus group
bile sensitive
S to kanamycin
campylobacter spp
bilophila wadsworthia (resistant, fish eyes)
sutterella (resistant)
all nitrate pos
b. frag presumptive ID
anaBAP/LKV: large, convex with chartreuse fluoro
BBE: large, convex, gray black
R to K and V
indole not performed
esculin hydrolysis bacteroides frag group
b. uniformis neg (others pos)
indole - bacteroides frag group
pos: b. ovatus, thetaiotamicron, uniformis
neg: others
cat 15% - bacteroides frag group
pos: b. fragilis, distasonis, ovatus, thetaiotamicron
V: uniformis
neg: others
presumptive ID of b. ureolyticus
anaBAP: translucent, pitting
no LKV: S to kana
neg 15% catalase, indole
tiny GNR/ccb
no BBE
bilophila wadsworthia presumptive ID
anaBAP: tiny translucent
no LKV: S to K and V
strong cat pos 15%
BBE: fish eye colonies (black centers)
neg indole
esculin hydrolysis b. ureolyticus group
b. wadsworthia pos, others neg
oxidase bacteroides ureolyticus group
c. ureolyticus pos, others neg
cat 15% - b. ureolyticus group
pos: b. wadworthia
V: c. ureolyticus
neg: others
urease - b. ureolyticus group
pos: c. ureolyticus
V: b. wadsworthia
neg: others
prevotella spp
normal oral, GU tract
all clinically relevant species are bile sensitive
pigmented prevotella species
p. denticola, intermedia, loescheii, melanginogenica
oral, dental, bite infections
head, neck, LRT infections
nonpigmented prevotella species
p. bivia, disiens
female genital tract infections and soft tissue infections
prevotella presumptive ID
anaBAP, LKV: small translucent/opaque colonies
brown black pigment
fluoro brick red
tiny GN ccb
no growth BBE
intermedia pos, others neg
colistin - prevotella
p. bivia R, others V
lipase - prevotella
p. intermedia, loescheii pos; others neg
porphyromonas spp
common oral flora
p. endodontalis, gingivalis
aggressive periodontitis; heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes
biofilms plaques
root canals, sinusitis
p. asaccharolytica: GI/GU tracts
porphyromonas presumptive ID
anaBAP: small translucent/opaque
brown/black pigment
fluoro brick red (except gingivalis)
no LKV: S to V
tiny GN ccb
no BBE
indole pos
f. nucleatum
most commonly isolated fuso
oral cavity, URT, GU, GI tracts
sole pathogen in pleuropulmonary
f. necrophorum
URT infections following pharyngotonsillitis, IM, bacterial pharyngitis
virulence factors: endotoxin, leucocidin, hemolysin, hemagglutinin
cause lemierre’s syndrome and vincent’s angina
large pleomorphic cells
pos lipase
lemeirre’s syndrome
after pharyngitis
endotoxins spread bacteria into jugular vein
inflammation, plt aggregation, clot formation in vein
persistent fever, acute pharyngitis, sepsis, neck tenderness, swelling
vincent’s angina
acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, trench mouth
bad breath, blunting of interdental papilla, necrotic sloughing of gingiva
very painful, bleeding
f. mortiferum, varium
found in polymicrobial intra abd infections
mortiferum: bizarre, round bodies, neg indole
varium: large, rounded ends
f. nucleatum presumptive ID
anaBAP: opalescent bread crumb w chartreuse fluoro
no growth on LKV
fusiform thin pointed GNR
no growth BBE
indole pos
bile resistance - fusobacterium
R: mortiferum, varium
S: nucleatum, necrophorum
normal oral, GU, resp, GI tract flora
rare sole pathogen in meningitis, joints, pleuropulmonary, bacteremia, endocarditis
veillonella presumptive ID
anaBAP/LKV: small transparent/opaque colonies
red fluoro that fades rapidly
tiny GN dcc
no growth BBE
neg indole
vanc susceptible GN
kanamycin susceptible
bacteroides (not frag), bilophila, fuso, veillonella
colistin susceptible
bacteroides (not frag), bilophila, fuso, veillonella, prevotella