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heterotrophic eukaryotes
secrete powerful enzymes to digest their food externally
acquire their nutrients by absorption
breakdown and absorb nutrients from dead organisms
obtain energy and nutrients from living photosynthetic organisms (lichen)
Made up of hyphae, which makes up mycelium
Indentifyable Traits of Fungi
Decomposers/symbionts (live with something else)
They are sessile (non-motile, do not move)
Chitin cell walls, chitin is also found in insect exoskeletons
Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast
tan, fleshy symbotic mat of bacteria and fungi
makes kombucha
a mass/group of hyphae
mushroom part (many cells working together)
Threadlike cells that make up fungi
separated by cross-walls with pores large enough for ribosomes, mitchondria, and nuclei to cross
are sometimes multinucleate without cross-walls
have huge surface area to secrete digestive enzymes and aborbs food
surrounded by cell wal made of chitin, not cellulose
Reproductive mycelium
represents symbiotic relationship between fungi and plant root cells
nonparasidic, mutual relationship
common in soil and are present at roots in nearly all vascular plants
mycorrhizal fungi absorb phosphorus and other essential materials from the soil and make them available to the plant
sugars produces by the plant through photosynthesis nourish the mycorrhizal fungi
LIfe Cycle of a Fungus
Asexual Reproduction of Fungi
making clones
spores grow and spread out
fungi can produce hige numbers of asexual spores, each germinate ot form a new fungus
spore-producing structures arise from haploid mycelia thay have undergone neither a heterokaryotic stage of meiosis
many fungi that reproduce sexually can also produce spores asexually
Sexual Reproduction of Fungi
makes variation
fuses nucliei of two different hyphae (heterokaryotic stage)
fuse to create a zygote (2n)
goes through meisosis
makes spores
Heterokaryotic Stage of Sexual Reproduction
The fusing of two nuclei from separate hyphae cells
shares and pass two pieces of DNA
hours or centuries may pass before parental nuclei fuse to form a short lived diploid phase
Zygotes undergo meiosis to produce haploid spores
single celled fungi, never make mycelium
only reproduce asexually cell division or budding (binary fission)
beer, bread
any rapidly growing fungus that reproces asexually by producing spores
form of asexual reproduction of fungi
live together with something
fungi can be symbiont
living with something and absorbs food from their host at the expense of the host
fungi can be parasites