Walter B. Miller
The lower class has developed an independent subculture with its own distinctive norms and values that class with those of the mainstream culture, explaining the higher crime rate.
Strain theory of the working-class who are denied the opportunity to achieve ‘money success' legitimately’
Status frustation for the working-class who find themselves at the bottom of the official status hierarchy due to blocked opportunities, leading to delinquent subculture and alternate status heirarchy.
Labelling theory approach
Reject the view that official statistics give a valid picture of which class commits most crime
Instead of seeking the causes of W/C criminalisty, they focus onwhy the come to be labelled, emphasising stereotypes.
Criminogenic capitalism
Crime is the only way the W/C can survive due to poverty
Crime may be the only way to obtain consumer goods, resulting in utilitarian crime
Alienation and lack of control leads to frustration and aggression
‘Dog eat dog’ system
David Gordon (1976)
Crime is a rational response to the capitalist system and hence it is found in all social classes despite official statistics
William Chambliss (1975)
Laws to protect private property are the cornerstone of the capitalist economy, illustrated through the English law into Britains East African colonies
Laureen Snider (1993)
The capitalist state is reluctant to pass laws that regulate the activities of the businesses or threaten their profitability.
Selective enforcement
The police and courts tend to ignore the crimes of the powerful whilst criminalising the W/C and powerless groups.
Frank Pearce (1976)
Laws that are occasionally passed appearing to only benefit the W/C also benefit the ruling class by creating a false class consciousness among the workers. Selective enforcement encourages W/C to blame the criminals rather than capitalism for their problems.
Evaluation of Marxism
Ignores the relationship between crime and non-class inequalities
Deterministic and over-predicts W/C crime
Not all capitalist societies have high crime rates
Ignored intra-class crimes
Taylor et al (Neo-marxism)
Takes a voluntaristic view - the idea of free will and crime is a meaningful actions and a conscious choice with a political motive.
A fully social theory of deviance (Taylor et al Neo-marxism)
The wider origins of the deviant act
The immediate origins of the deviant act
The meaning of the act itself
The immediate origins of the social reaction
The wider origins of the social reaction
The effects of labelling
Feminist criticism of critical criminology
Gender Blind, focusing on male criminality at the expense of female criminality
Left realist criticism of critical criminology
Romantises working-class criminals as ‘Robin Hoods’ who are fighting capitalism by redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor but in reality these criminals prey on the poor
Burke (2005)
Critical criminology is both too general to explain crime and too idealistic to be useful in tackling crime
Reiman and Leighton (2012)
‘The Rich get richer and the Poor get Prison’ book shows that the more likely a crime is to be committed by higher-class people, the less likely it is to be treated as an offence.
Edwin Sutherland (1949)
‘White collar crime’ - a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation
Occupational Crime
Crime commiited by employees for their own personal gain, often against their organisation of work
Corporate crime
Crime committed by employees for their organisation in pursuit of it’s goals
Pearce and Tombs (2003)
Define corporate crime as any illegal act or omission that is the result of deliberate decisions or culpable negligence by a legitimate business organisation, intended to benefit the business