PSC 101 Bio Psych Midterm 2

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(5.2) Which ion has the greatest intracellular concentration?

  • Cl-

  • K+

  • Ca2+

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(5.2) Which ion has the greatest intracellular concentration?

  • Cl-

  • K+

  • Ca2+


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(5.3) When Cl- channels open, Cl- will flow ___________ the cell and cause the cell to ______________.

  • Into, Hyperpolarize

  • Out of, Depolarize

  • Into, Depolarize

  • Out of Hyperpolarize

Into, Hyperpolarize

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(6.2) An AP will fire if the membrane potential becomes:

  • -74 mV

  • -84 mV

  • -64 mV

  • -54 mV

-54 mV

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(6.3) Which channels are the most important for action potential firing?

  • Voltage-gated Na+ channel & Ligand-gated Cl- channels

  • Voltage-gated Na+ channel & Voltage-gated K+ channels

  • Voltage-gated Ca2+ channel & Voltage-gated Na+ channels

  • Ligand-gated Ca2+ channel & Ligand-gated Cl- channels

Voltage-gated Na+ channel & Voltage-gated K+ channels

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(6.4) The refractory period is:

  • The period of time that it is impossible or very unlikely for an action potential to fire.

  • The time between action potential peaks.

  • The period of time it takes a neuron to reach action potential threshold.

  • Peak action potential membrane potential amplitude.

The period of time that it is impossible or very unlikely for an action potential to fire.

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(6.5) Nodes of Ranvier are:

  • The site of NT release

  • Where the cell body meets the axon

  • Unmyelinated segments of axon between myelinated segments

  • Myelinated segments of an axon

Unmyelinated segments of axon between myelinated segments

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(7.2) Which is not a method to clear neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft?

  • Reuptake

  • Reduce

  • Diffusion

  • Degradation


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(7.2) SNARE complexes are triggered by:

  • ATP

  • Hyperpolarization

  • Ca2+

  • GPCRs


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(7.3) GPCR are:

  • Voltage-gated channels responsible for depolarizing the cell during an action potential.

  • NT Receptors that activate other proteins causing long-term changes in the cell.

  • The fastest type of NT receptors.

  • Cause the vesicles to fuse with the membrane.

NT Receptors that activate other proteins causing long-term changes in the cell.

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(7.3) D1 and D2 receptors in the basal ganglia demonstrate:

  • That the same NT can have inverse effects on different receptors.

  • DA is always excitatory.

  • GPCRs activates faster than ionotropic receptors.

  • DA is able to activate 5-HT receptors.

That the same NT can have inverse effects on different receptors.

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(8.1) What will not make it through the blood-brain barrier?

  • Amino Acids

  • Small drugs and toxins

  • Oxygen

  • Large drugs and toxins

Large drugs and toxins

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(8.1) Which is the slowest route of administration?

  • Ingestion

  • Intravenous injection

  • Inhalation

  • Absorption through the nose


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(8.2) Exposure to high amounts of botulinum toxin through eating bad meat will result in:

  • Loss of wrinkles around the eyes.

  • Evening out muscle tension for eye movement.

  • Contracting botulism and possibly death.

  • Relief of tension headaches.

Contracting botulism and possibly death.

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(8.3) Organophosphates interfere with synaptic signaling by:

  • Increasing the number of ACh receptors in the post synaptic cell

  • Breaking down SNARE complex in the presynaptic cell

  • Inhibiting ACh reuptake

  • Forming an unbreakable bond with ACh degradation proteins

Forming an unbreakable bond with ACh degradation proteins

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(8.4) Reupdate inhibitors influence synaptic communication by increasing:

  • The number of postsynaptic receptors

  • The amount of time the NT is in the synaptic cleft

  • The amount of NT release per vesicle

  • Ca2+ influx into the cell

The amount of time the NT is in the synaptic cleft

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(9.1) Opioids can influence pain perception by:

  • Inhibiting cells that carry pain information from the body to the brain.

  • Preventing the brain from remembering the painful stimuli.

  • Breaking the SNARE complex.

  • Activating the reward pathway.

Inhibiting cells that carry pain information from the body to the brain.

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(9.2) Long-term changes to the response to opioids due to high and/or chronic opioid drug dose(s) is called:

  • Gene Knockout

  • Tolerance

  • Amnesia

  • Depression


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(9.3) Why do reward-seeking behaviors change following high and/or chronic dose(s) of opioid drugs?

  • Connections in the NA are rewired

  • Pain receptors are inhibited

  • Fewer DA reuptake proteins are in presynaptic cells

  • VTA cells produce more DA

Connections in the NA are rewired

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(9.3) In the NA, you would expect to find opioid receptors on the:

  • Inhibitory interneuron

  • Postsynaptic neuron

  • DA neuron

  • NMJ

Inhibitory interneuron

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(9.4) Naloxone is a(n):

  • Antagonist for ACh receptors

  • Agonists for DA receptors

  • Reuptake inhibitor for endogenous opioids

  • Antagonist for opioid receptors

Antagonist for opioid receptors

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(5.1) Ca2+ has a greater __________ ionic concentration.

  • Intracellular

  • Extracellular


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(5.1) Cl- has a greater __________ ionic concentration.

  • Intracellular

  • Extracellular


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(5.1) K+ has a greater __________ ionic concentration.

  • Intracellular

  • Extracellular


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(5.1) Na+ has a greater __________ ionic concentration.

  • Intracellular

  • Extracellular


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(5.2) Ions are able to move in and out of the cell through:

  • The membrane

  • Vesicles

  • Ion channels

  • Gap junctions

Ion Channels

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(5.2) Any positive ion can pass through a Na+ channel.

  • True

  • False


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(5.2) ______ channels are always open and are important for maintaining the Em.

  • Leak

  • Voltage-Gated

  • Ligand-Gated

  • G-Protein Linked


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(5.4) A single EPSP in enough to cause most neurons to fire an AP.

  • True

  • False


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(5.4) Temporal summation is:

  • Rapid stimulations from an axon on the same dendrite

  • Multiple dendrites being activated at the same time

  • Slow stimulation to the same dendrite

  • A single EPSP traveling from a dendrite to the axon hillock

Rapid stimulations from an axon on the same dendrite

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(5.4) Spatial summation is:

  • Rapid stimulations from an axon on the same dendrite

  • Multiple dendrites being activated at the same time

  • Slow stimulation to the same dendrite

  • A single EPSP traveling from a dendrite to the axon hillock

Multiple dendrites being activated at the same time

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(6.1) Action potentials carry information from the:

  • Axon hillock to the synaptic terminal

  • Dendrites to the cell body

  • Synaptic terminal to the axon hillock

  • Cell body to the dendrites

Axon hillock to the synaptic terminal

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(6.1) How do APs convey information?

  • Alternating between EPSPs and IPSPs.

  • Varying the AP amplitude.

  • Varying the number of APs fired per second.

  • Changing the AP threshold.

Varying the number of APs fired per second.

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(6.2) What is an AP threshold?

  • The membrane potential needed to trigger an AP

  • The limit of APs that can be fired per second

  • The top amplitude an AP can reach

  • The number of IPSPs needed to fire an AP

The membrane potential needed to trigger an AP

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(6.2) Em = _____, AP threshold = ______

  • -45 mV, -70 mV

  • -70 V, -55 V

  • -70 mV, -55 mV

  • -60 mV, -50 mV

-70 mV, -55 mV

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(6.3) Which ions are essential for AP firing?

  • Na+, Ca2+

  • Na+, Cl -

  • Na+, K+

  • Ca2+ , Cl -

Na+, K+

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(6.3) What is a difference between the Na+ and K+ channels that are important for AP firing?

  • Allow ions to flow across the membrane

  • Inactivation mechanisms

  • Ion selective

  • Voltage-gated

Inactivation mechanisms

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<p>(6.4) Will this EPSP cause the neuron to fire an AP?</p><ul><li><p>Yes</p></li><li><p>No</p></li></ul>

(6.4) Will this EPSP cause the neuron to fire an AP?

  • Yes

  • No


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<p>(6.4) Will these EPSPs cause the neuron to fire an AP?</p><ul><li><p>Yes</p></li><li><p>No</p></li></ul>

(6.4) Will these EPSPs cause the neuron to fire an AP?

  • Yes

  • No


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<p>(6.4) At this timepoint, which ion has the greatest movement across the membrane?</p><ul><li><p>Na+</p></li><li><p>K+</p></li></ul>

(6.4) At this timepoint, which ion has the greatest movement across the membrane?

  • Na+

  • K+


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<p>(6.4) At this timepoint, which ion has the greatest movement across the membrane?</p><ul><li><p>Na+</p></li><li><p>K+</p></li></ul>

(6.4) At this timepoint, which ion has the greatest movement across the membrane?

  • Na+

  • K+


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(6.5) The relative refractory period is due to?

  • Na+ channels being inactivated

  • K+ channels being inactivated

  • Membrane potential being depolarized

  • Membrane potential being hyperpolarized

Membrane potential being hyperpolarized

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(6.5) The absolute refractory period is due to?

  • Na+ channels being inactivated

  • K+ channels being inactivated

  • Membrane potential being depolarized

  • Membrane potential being hyperpolarized

Na+ channels being inactivated

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(6.6) Where would you not expect to find Na+ or K+ voltage-gated channels?

  • Myelinated segments of the axon

  • The axon of an unmyelinated neuron

  • The axon hillock

  • The Nodes of Ranvier

Myelinated segments of the axon

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(6.6) APs are passive processes where they are fired at the axon hillock and passively travel along the axon.

  • True

  • False


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(7.1) Most synapses are formed between an axon and the______ for another neuron.

  • Axon Hillock

  • Cell Body

  • Dendrite

  • Synaptic Terminal


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(7.1) What is not true about chemical synapses?

  • Release NTs

  • Uses gap junctions to communicate

  • Pre and postsynaptic cells do not touch

  • Are the majority of synapses in the nervous system

Uses gap junctions to communicate

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(7.1) Electrical synapses are faster at signaling and more dynamic than chemical synapses.

  • True

  • False


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(7.2) The protein complex used to fuse NT vesicles with the membrane are called:



  • SNAP



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(7.2) Ca2+ ions flow into the presynaptic cell because:

  • NT bind to receptors

  • Voltage-gated channels are activated

  • Ion vesicles fuse with the membrane

  • The cell is hyperpolarized

Voltage-gated channels are activated

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(7.2) How are NTs cleared from the synaptic cleft by degradation?

  • NTs are taken back into the cell

  • NTs drift out of the synaptic cleft

  • Receptors transport NTs into the postsynaptic cell

  • Enzymes break down free floating NTs in the synaptic cleft

Enzymes break down free floating NTs in the synaptic cleft

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(7.3) NTs activate receptors by:

  • Binding to a ligand binding site

  • Depolarizing the membrane

  • Hyperpolarizing the membrane

  • Promoting gene expression

Binding to a ligand binding site

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(7.3) What is different between ionotropic and GPCR receptors?

  • Respond to NTs

  • Have ligand binding sites

  • Can change membrane potential

  • Their signaling speeds are equal to each other

Their signaling speeds are equal to each other

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(7.3) Why does GPCR activation have longer term effects on a cell?

  • They hyperpolarize the cell more than ionotropic receptors

  • They cannot change the membrane potential

  • They activate other proteins

  • They influence the cell more quickly than ionotropic receptors

They activate other proteins

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(7.4) Inhibitory axons typically form synapses on the _______ of the postsynaptic neurons.

  • Axon

  • Cell Body

  • Dendrite

  • Synaptic Terminal

Cell Body

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(7.4) _______ is the most common neurotransmitter in the brain and it is commonly associated with being an excitatory signal.

  • GABA

  • Glutamate

  • Dopamine

  • 5-HT


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(7.4) GABAA receptors are _______ receptors and they primarily ______.

  • Ionotropic, allow Cl- into the cell

  • GPCR, activate G proteins

  • Ionotropic, allow K+ out of the cell

  • GPCR, allow Na+ into the cell

Ionotropic, allow Cl- into the cell

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(7.5) Which is not a reason why neuromodulator NTs are a major focus of research?

  • Their role in cognition

  • Association with neurological disorders

  • They are the most prevalent type of NT in the brain.

  • Their role in motor control

They are the most prevalent type of NT in the brain.

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(7.5) Dopamine is produced:

  • All across the brain

  • In the cortex

  • In the thalamus

  • In the midbrain

In the midbrain

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(8.1) Which of the following is the fastest route of administration?

  • Intravenous injection

  • Inhalation

  • Ingestion

  • Absorption

Intravenous injection

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(8.1) Why do some drugs interact with the brain, while others do not?

  • If they are injected rather than ingested

  • If the veins are myelinated or not

  • If the substance is small enough

  • If it is a drug, rather than a medication

If the substance is small enough

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(8.1) Antihistamines are a(n) _________ for histamine receptors.

  • Antagonist

  • Agonist

  • Protagonist

  • Opioid


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(8.2) The primary NT used to communicate at the NMJ is:

  • Dopamine

  • Glutamate

  • GABA

  • Acetylcholine


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(8.2) Botox influences NMJ signaling by:

  • Breaking down SNARE complex

  • Preventing NT vesicles from forming

  • Removing ACh receptors from the presynaptic cell

  • Blocking voltage-gated Ca2+ channels from opening

Breaking down SNARE complex

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(8.2) Botulinum toxin is always toxic and has no clinical value.

  • True

  • False


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(8.3) Organophosphates interact with signaling at the NMJ by:

  • Destroying the SNARE complex

  • Blocking ACh reuptake

  • Preventing ACh degradation

  • Breaking down the blood-brain barrier

Preventing ACh degradation

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(8.3) Blocking ACh degradation results in:

  • Increased AP firing in the presynaptic cell

  • Uncontrollable activation of the postsynaptic cell

  • Blocking Ca2+ influx in the presynaptic cell

  • Complete inhibition of postsynaptic cells

Uncontrollable activation of the postsynaptic cell

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(8.3) Atropine can counteract the effects of organophosphates by:

  • Stopping the postsynaptic cell from responding

  • Reducing the amount of ACh in the synaptic cleft

  • Reducing the amount of ACh released by the presynaptic cell

  • Inhibiting APs in the presynaptic cell

Stopping the postsynaptic cell from responding

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(8.4) SSRIs influence the:

  • Reuptake of DA

  • Degradation of ACh

  • Diffusion of 5-HT

  • Reuptake of 5-HT

Reuptake of 5-HT

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(8.4) According to the Serotonin Hypothesis, SSRIs help people with depression and anxiety disorder because:

  • They increase the amount of time 5-HT remains in the synaptic cleft.

  • They remove the number of 5-HT receptors in the postsynaptic cell, reducing postsynaptic response.

  • They block 5-HT degradation proteins.

  • They increase the amount of 5-HT released per NT vesicle.

They increase the amount of time 5-HT remains in the synaptic cleft.

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(8.4) Which is not a reason for why SSRIs are being researched for their effectiveness of treating depression and anxiety disorders?

  • SSRIs do not work for everyone with depression and anxiety disorders.

  • It is poorly understood how the long-term effects of the medication result in behavioral changes

  • The short-term mechanism of SSRIs are poorly understood.

  • The Serotonin Hypothesis of depression disorders is being reevaluated.

The short-term mechanism of SSRIs are poorly understood.

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(9.1) Opioids suppress pain by:

  • Activating natural pain suppression mechanisms.

  • Killing the cells that perceive the pain.

  • Breaking down the SNARE complex of pain receptors.

  • Inhibiting all sensory perception.

Activating natural pain suppression mechanisms.

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(9.1) Opioid receptors are:

  • Naturally occurring substances produced by opium poppies

  • Illegal recreational drugs

  • Type of protein produced by the body

  • Synthetic drugs used as pain killers

Type of protein produced by the body

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(9.1) Opioid medications used for clinical pain management have no side effects, whereas recreationally used opioids do have side effects.

  • True

  • False


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(9.2) Endogenous opioids are released into the cleft in equal concentrations as opioid drug saturation.

  • True

  • False


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(9.2) Removal of opioid receptors will only influence signaling for opioid drugs.

  • True

  • False


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(9.2) The reason opioid receptors are removed from the membrane is because:

  • DA neurons influence the activity of the endogenous opioid producing cells.

  • The reuptake proteins are inactivated.

  • The presynaptic cell runs out of endogenous opioids.

  • The postsynaptic cell detects the over activation due to the high concentration.

The postsynaptic cell detects the over activation due to the high concentration.

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(9.3) You would expect VTA cells to increase their activity when:

  • Receiving an expected reward.

  • Receiving an unexpected reward.

  • Experiencing hedonic pleasure.

  • Not receiving an expected reward.

Receiving an unexpected reward.

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(9.3) Reward seeking behaviors are mediated by which receptors?

  • DA & Opioid

  • 5-HT & Opioid

  • ACh & Glu

  • Glu & GABA

DA & Opioid

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(9.3) In the NA, you would expect to find opioid receptors on the:

  • DA neuron

  • Postsynaptic neuron

  • Inhibitory interneuron

  • NMJ

Inhibitory interneuron

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(9.4) The majority of fatal opioid ODs are due to?

  • Stroke

  • Asphyxiation

  • Neurotoxicity

  • Paralysis


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(9.4) Naloxone works by:

  • Blocking opioids from binding to receptors

  • Increasing opioid reuptake

  • Forming an unbreakable bond with opioid degradation proteins

  • Breaking down the SNARE complex

Blocking opioids from binding to receptors

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