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the psychological term for the difference between individuals as well as for the consistency in an individual’s behavior over time and in varying situations is BLANK
the way of organizing all the known facts about personality is called a BLANK
one goal of personality theory is to discover BLANK in people’s behavior
most personality theorists began their careers in psychology as BLANK and then moved into the area of theory development
psychoanalytic theories developed by BLANK and his followers stress BLANK motives
Freud, unconcious
BLANK theorists, such as Maslow, emphasize growth potential
BLANK theorists, such as Allport and Eysenck, stress the need to understand basic personality characteristics
the first theorist to realize that “slips of the tongue” were not accidental occurrences but had meaning was BLANK
Sigmnd Freud
Freud concluded that the most powerful influences in our personality were aspects of the psyche that were not BLANK
Freud stressed the experience of BLANK in determining adult personality
the reservoir of instictual urges is the BLANK
the id strives for BLANK, regardless of the consequences
immediate gratification
the component of personality that is mostly conscious is the BLANK
the source of ideals and conscience is that part of the psyche called the BLANK
super ego
if the id deals with the “wants” and the ego with the “cans,” the superego deals with the BLANK
the superego uses BLANK as a form of punishment its standards have been transgressed
the techniques that the ego uses to protect itself from overwhelming anxiety are called BLANK
defense mechanisms
defense mechanisms stem form the BLANK part of the ego
when the ego reduces anciety by shifting unconsciously to another object, this is the defense mechanism called BLANK
pushing an uncomfortable thought or feeling into the unconscious is the defense mechanism called BLANK
if we unconsciously replace an unacceptable feeling or urge with its oppostie we are using the defense mechanism of BLANK
reaction formation
the defense mechanism in which we see our thoughts, feelings, or urges as coming from the outside world rather than from ourselves is called BLANK
when, under stress, we return to an earlier or less mature way of behaving, it is called BLANK
Jung tended to take a more BLANK view of human natrue than Freud did
Jung’s term for what Freud called the unconsciousness was “the BLANK unconscious”
BLANK unconscious” was the term Jung employed for the storehouse of insticnts, urges, and memories of the entire human species
BLANK are inherited, universal ideas, according to Jung
Adler felt that the driving force in people’s lives is the desire to overcome feelings of BLANK
BLANK theory of personality centers around the need to belong and the loneliness that freedom brings
basic anxiety is the core of BLANK theory of personality
BLANK, while accepting Freud’s theory, outlined eight psychological stages of development
Erik Erikson
Int he 1940s, Dollard and Miller used learning theory to analyce many of BLANK ideas
Skinner’s approach is labeled radical BLANK
Bandura believes that personality is acquired by BLANK, or imitation
observational learning
Maslow decided to study BLANK individuals as opposed to studying disturbed individuals, which was the general trend in psychology at the time
one charateristic of self-actualized individuals is that they tend to perceive BLANK accurately
most people who are not self-actualizing tend to BLANK their hopes and fears onto the world at large
self-actualizers tend to have a strong sense of BLANK with other human beings
an important characteristic of self-actualizers is BLANK
to accept your organism and become open to all feelings is to be BLANK
trait theorists try to explain the BLANK of an individual’s behavior in different situations
the BLANK approach studies one indivudal in detail
the mathematical tool of BLANK has been used to quantify common traits
factor analysis
I consider myself a introvert. 3 personal characteristics would be that I am more shy, reserved, and I am more self-aware