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Ionizing radiation
carries more energy and can remove electrons from atoms, potentially causing damage
x-rays, gamma rays
examples of ionizing radiation
Non-ionizing radiation
does not have enough energy to ionize atoms
visible light, radio waves
examples of non-ionizing radiation
Alpha particles
2 protons, 2 neutrons; are heavy and highly ionizing
Beta particles
are lighter and can penetrate more but are still ionizing
Gamma rays and X-rays
are both high-energy electromagnetic radiation but differ in their origin
electron shells
origin of x-rays
origin of gamma rays
Direct effects
occur when radiation directly damages biological molecules like DNA
Indirect effects
involve the formation of free radicals through radiation interaction with water
Deterministic effects
have a threshold dose and result from high doses (e.g. radiation therapy, cataracts)
Stochastic effects
have no threshold and are more likely with lower doses over time (e.g. cancer)
S Phase
DNA replication
M Phase
Mitosis, where chromosomes separate
Reduces chromosome number by half, crucial for reproductive cells
Double-strand DNA breaks
more likely to cause severe genetic consequences like mutations or cell death.
Gray (Gy)
Absorbed dose
Sievert (Sv)
Equivalent dose, accounting for radiation type and biological effects
Becquerel (Bq)
Measures radioactive decay
Higher doses
in dose effects, this lead to deterministic effects
radiation burns
example of deterministic effects
lower doses
in dose effects, this lead to stochastic effects
cancer risk
example of stochastic effects
Occupational Exposure
Radiation exposure during work, such as in radiology departments
Medical Exposure
Exposure due to medical imaging or treatment
Public Exposure
General population exposure from sources like cosmic radiation or environmental contamination
Internal Exposure
comes from inhaled or ingested substances
External Exposure
comes from radiation outside the body
lead apron
Protective measures like ________ help reduce exposure
Increasing the __________ from a source decreases exposure.
CT and X-ray
High radiation dose compared to other modalities
MRI and Ultrasound
Non-ionizing, generally considered safer but may not provide the same diagnostic information
Involves positron-emitting radionuclides, used for metabolic activity evaluation
A type of internal radiation therapy where a radioactive source is implanted near the tumor, maximizing dose to the cancer while minimizing exposure to healthy tissue.
ALARA Principle: As Low As Reasonably Achievable
the standard for minimizing exposure in medical environments
Monitoring of radiation exposure using dosimeters to ensure safety in environments with ionizing radiation.