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Presumptive statement seeking proof in an investigation.
Taking things for granted to simplify logical procedures.
Working belief accepted at face value in scientific activity.
Null Hypothesis
Assumed true unless data convincingly prove it false.
Alternative Hypothesis
Accepted only if data convincingly support its truth.
Significance Level
Threshold set pre-data collection to determine hypothesis rejection.
Rejection Region
Values of test statistic leading to null hypothesis rejection.
One Tailed Test
Alternative hypothesis is directional, specifying a single direction.
Two Tailed Test
Alternative hypothesis does not specify departure from null hypothesis.
Critical Value
Value corresponding to a specific rejection region in hypothesis testing.
Test Statistic
Inferential statistic used to test a null hypothesis.
Measure of how many standard deviations a data point is from the mean.
Hypothesis Testing Process
Four-step procedure to test hypotheses in a structured manner.
Population Mean
Average value of a specific group in a population
Population Standard Deviation
Measure of the amount of variation in a population
Critical Values
Values used to determine rejection of the null hypothesis
Two-Tailed Test
Hypothesis test looking for differences in both directions
Probability of obtaining results at least as extreme as the observed results
Statistic used in T tests to support or reject the null hypothesis
Degrees of Freedom
Number of independent values or quantities which can be assigned to a statistical distribution
T Distribution Table
Table listing critical values for T tests at different levels of significance
One Sample T-Test
Test to compare one population mean using a single sample
Dependent Samples
Samples that are related or paired in some way
Independent Samples
Samples that are not related or paired
Longitudinal Data
Data from same participants at different time points
Dependent Samples T-Test
Compares means from the same group measured twice
Difference Scores
Scores calculated by subtracting paired values
Assumptions for Dependent Samples T-Test
Continuous dependent variable, matched pairs, no outliers
Independent Samples T-Test
Compares means from two separate groups
Homogeneity of Variances
Equality of variances in different groups being compared
Pooled Variance
Combined variance of two independent samples
Standard Error
Measure of the variability of sample statistic
Sum of Squares
Sum of squared deviations from the mean
Continuous Scale
Measurement scale with equal intervals and a true zero point
Spurious Outliers
Outliers that do not represent true data patterns
Standard Deviation
Measure of the dispersion of a set of values
One-Tailed Test
Test that looks for a difference in one direction only
Raw Scores
Original data values before any transformation
Average value of a set of numbers
Interval Measurement
Measurement scale with equal intervals but no true zero
Ratio Measurement
Measurement scale with equal intervals and a true zero
Matched Pairs
Participants present in both groups being compared
Levene's Test
Test for homogeneity of variances in statistical analysis
Near-to-Normal Distribution
Data distribution closely resembling a normal distribution
Degrees of Freedom Calculation
Determining the number of independent values in a calculation