bottom of brain, connected to spinal cord, controls heartbeat and breathing
center of brain, above limbic systemegg-shaped, brain sensory control center, receives info except smell
limbic system
below cerebral hemispheres, above brain stem, made up of hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus, controls emotions/drives
below thalamus, above pituitary gland, controls bodily maintenance (hunger, thirst, homeostasis)
motor cortex
rear of frontal lobe, controls voluntary movement
auditory cortex
side of temporal lobe, above ears, receives info from ears
frontal lobe
behind forehead, controls speaking/muscle movements, makes plans and judgements
occipital lobe
back of head, receives visual info
Broca's area
frontal cortex, speech production
corpus callosum
wide band of axon fibers in cerebrum, above thalamus, connect two hemispheres, carry messages between hemispheres
pituitary gland
base of head, attached to bottom of hypothalamus, "master gland," controls endocrine glands, pea sized
reticular formation
nerve network in brainstem, from spinal cord to thalamus, between ears, filters incoming stimuli, relays important info
either side of spinal cord, two baseball sized, non-verbal learning, skill and memory
in front of hippocampus, two lima bean sezed neural clusters, controls aggression and fear
cerebral cortex
top of cerebrum, thin layer of interconnected neural cells, higher level processes, language, memory, reasoning, etc
sensory cortex
front of the parietal lobes, registers and processes body touch and movement sensations
visual cortex
back of head, in occipital lobe, receives info from eyes
parietal lobe
top of head, receives sensory input for touch and body position
temporal lobe
in cerebral cortex, above ears, receive info from each ear
Wernicke's area
near auditory cortex, language conprehension
above medulla, on spinal cord, coordinate movement, control sleep
in limbic system, between hypothalamus and hippocampus, process conscious memories