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Who were the first people to circumnavigate the world?

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Who were the first people to circumnavigate the world?

Sailors who embarked on around the around-the-world voyage with Ferdinand Magellan.

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What is a turning point?

A moment in history that marks a decisive change.

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What is a colony?

A country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country.

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What are glaciers?

A slowly moving mass or river of ice formed by the accumulation and compaction of snow on mountains or near the poles. During the last age glaciers almost covered one-third of the earth's surface.

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What is a city-state?

A city and its surrounding lands function as an independent political unit.

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What is a quipu, and who used it?

The Inca Empire used the quipu to keep up with data. they would tie knots in the string, to act as "letters".

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What are terraces?

Flat pieces of land carved out of the side of a mountain are used to grow agricultural produce.

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What is culture?

The way of life for a group of people.

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What were pueblos?

Pueblos were trading posts, towns, homes, or shops of the Native Americans located in the southwestern part of the United States.

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What is a culture region?

An area in which people have many shared cultural traits.

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What is a tribe?

A community of people who share common customs, language, and rituals.

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What is diffusion?

The process by which a characteristic spreads over a specific area.

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What is a potlatch?

Among North American Indian peoples of the Northwest coast, a potlatch was an opulent ceremonial feast at which possessions were given away or destroyed to display wealth or enhance prestige.

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What is a clan?

Group of related families that have a common ancestor.

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What is feudalism?

Social system in which landowners granted land in return for military service or labor.

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What is a Manor?

A large estate, including farmland and villages, held by a lord.

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What were the Crusades?

A series of holy wars

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What is an astrolabe?

A device that enabled navigators to learn their ship's latitude location by charting the position of the stars.

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What were caravans used for?

So Arabs could safely transport goods across the desert.

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What was the Renaissance?

A rebirth of learning that produced many great works of art and literature.

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What happened to Christopher Columbus by the end of his life?

Became a respected seaman with great navigational skills.

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What was a major reason why Spain sponsored Columbus' voyages?

Spain hoped to gain a large trading advantage over Portugal.

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What was a large reason why the Crusades occurred?

For the Christians to take control of the Holy Lands away from the Muslims.

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What was the Columbian Exchange?

The exchange of plants, animals, ideas, slaves, and diseases between the Old World and New World (Old = Europe, New = the Americas)

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Who was Vasco Nunez de Balboa?

Spanish explorer who crossed the Isthmus of Panama in 1513 and reached the western ocean, which he named the Pacific.

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What was a long-term effect of the Crusades?

Trade, recovery of Greek & Roman Learning, and European exposure to new ideas and possibilities.

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What group of people possessed a great deal of influence among the tribes of the Iroquois Indians?

The women of the tribes.

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Who was Vasco de Gama?

Portuguese captain who sailed around the Cape of Good Hope 1st to reach India.

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What group of people first invented movable type?

The Chinese

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In the 1400s what group of people possessed the largest empire in the world?

The Inca Indians in South America

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What group of people had Tenochtitlan as their capital city?

Aztecs Indians

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What group of people created the most accurate calendar up to modern times?

Maya Indians

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How did the Southern gentry educate their children?

Hired private tutors.

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How did young men usually learn a trade during colonial times?

They became an apprentice.

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What court case helped establish the concept of Freedom of the Press?

The Zenger Case

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What group of people had the right to vote in the English colonies?

White men only

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What established church was supported in Rhode Island?

There was no established church; all faiths could worship freely.

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Why did the Pilgrims create the Mayflower Compact?

To help govern their new colony fairly.

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Who did James Oglethorpe want to make a new colony in North America for?

A colony where debtors would be protected.

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Which colony began as a Dutch settlement?

New York

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Why was there an attempt to establish a colony on Roanoke Island?

Provide new markets for English products and a source for raw materials for English industries.

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What group of people were not protected by Maryland's 1649 Act of Toleration?


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Why did Bacon's Rebellion collapse?

Its leader, Nathaniel Bacon, became sick and died.

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What was the backcountry?

A frontier region extending through several colonies, from Pennsylvania to Georgia.

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What states made up the Middle Colonies?

New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware

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For what group of people did the Puritans assure the freedom of worship?


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Why did the Puritans leave England?

To escape persecution by England's king

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What was the first permanent English settlement in North America?


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What is triangular trade?

The Network of interchange Among Europe, Africa and the colonial Americas.

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What is an import?

A good or service brought in from another country for sale.

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What is an export?

Send (goods or services) to another country for sale.

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What is mercantilism?

The theory that a nation's economic strength came from selling more than it bought from other nations.

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What is libel?

A published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation, a written defamation.

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What is an apprentice?

Someone who learns a trade by working for someone in that trade for a certain period of time.

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What is Gullah?

A combination of English and West African languages spoken by African Americans in South Carolina and Georgia.

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What is a gentry?

Upper class of colonial society

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What is racism?

Belief that one race is superior to another.

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What are slave codes?

Strict laws that restricted the rights and activities of slaves

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What is a Debtor?

A person who owes money.

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What is Indigo?

A plant used to make blue dye.

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What is the Act of Toleration of 1649?

Maryland law that provided religious freedom for all Christians.

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Who were the Pennsylvania Dutch?

German-speaking Protestants who settled in Pennsylvania.

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Who were the Quakers?

  • A group of Protestants that settled in Pennsylvania under the leadership of William Penn.

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• Practiced religious tolerance

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• Believed in the equality of all people

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What was a royal colony?

A colony that was directly ruled by a monarch according to the laws of England.

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What was a proprietary colony?

An English colony in which the king gave land to proprietors in exchange for a yearly payment.

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Who were the Purtians?

A group of English Protestants who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

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What was the Mayflower Compact?

Document signed by men on the Mayflower, they agreed to work together and make decisions together, led to self-government in the colonies

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What was persecution?

The mistreatment or punishment of a group of people because of their beliefs.

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What is a Pilgrim?

A person who makes a journey for religious reasons.

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What was Bacon's Rebellion?

Bacon's Rebellion was an armed rebellion in 1676 by Virginia settlers led by Nathaniel Bacon against the rule of Governor William Berkeley.

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What is a representative government?

The form of government in which voters elect people to make laws for them.

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What was a charter?

A legal document giving certain rights to a person or company.

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What is an alliance?

An agreement between nations to aid and protect one another.

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What was the Northwest Passage?

The hoped-for water passage through North America to Asia.

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What was a creole?

They were American born of Spanish descent.

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What was a mestizo?

Mixed Spanish and Native American population.

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What was a peninsulare?

A person born on the Iberian Peninsula; typically, a Spanish or Portuguese official who resided temporarily in Latin America for political and economic gain and then returned to Europe.

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What was a conquistador?

Spanish soldiers who helped conquer the new world.

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What is a guerrilla?

A military fighter who uses hit-and-run tactics against an enemy.

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What is a siege?

Military tactic in which an enemy is surrounded, and all supplies are cut off in an attempt to force a surrender.

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What is cavalry?

Soldiers on horseback.

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What does it mean to ratify?

Sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid.

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What is the preamble?

An introduction to a declaration, constitution, or other official document.

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What are natural rights?

Rights inherent in human beings from birth, not dependent on governments.

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What is a traitor?

A person who betrays his or her country.

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What is a mercenary?

A hired soldier, usually from a foreign country.

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What are unalienable rights?

Rights that cannot be taken away: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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What is a blockade?

An act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving.

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What were minutemen?

Men trained and ready to fight the British in a minute's warning.

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What was a Patriot?

A colonist who opposed British rule.

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What is a militia?

A force made up of civilians trained as soldiers but not part of the regular army.

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What is civil disobedience?

The refusal to comply with certain laws or to pay taxes and fines, as a peaceful form of political protest.

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What was a loyalist?

Someone who was still loyal to Great Britain but lived in the colonies.

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What does it mean to repeal something?

To cancel or revoke a law by a legislative act.

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What was a Writ of Assistance used for?

To search colonists' property without giving a reason for smuggled goods.

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What is a boycott?

To reject/refuse something to buy or participate.

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What was the Committee of Correspondence?

These committees wrote letters to one another, that told about what was happening in their town and colony. Samuel Adams organized the first C. of C.

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What is a petition?

A formal written request to a government.

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