- short answer, reverse ID vocab
17th Amendment ~ direct election of US senators
allows voters to cast direct votes for US senators; prior to this modification, senators were chosen by state legislatures
allows citizens to propose new laws and amendments by gathering signatures to place the proposal on a ballot. Voters can approve or reject it in an election if the initiative is qualified
Jane Addams
founder of Hull House: settlement house in Chicago to provide services for immigrants and poor
important advocate for social justice, women’s rights, and the peace movement
Horizontal Integration
business strategy where a company merges or acquires all of its competitors - ex: John D. Rockefeller to expand standard oil
when a single company dominates an entire industry
journalists, writers, and photographers who exposed corruption and social issues like poor working conditions, business abuse, and political corruption
election within a political party to select a candidate who will represent the party in a general election
allows citizens to remove an elected official from office before their term ends
allows citizens to (re)approve or reject laws and amendments through a direct vote
approve or reject a proposed law on the ballot
voters can put an existing law up for reapproval or repeal through a sufficient # of signatures
Secret Ballot
voting method where votes are kept private, promotes free and fair elections
Settlement Houses
housing projects that offered support services to immigrants and the poor ~
education, healthcare, housing assistance
ex: Hull House Chicago
Social Gospel
religious and social movement that advocates for social justice and reforms based on Christian ethics - focuses on issues like poverty and inequality
the right to vote in political elections
women’s suffrage achieved through 19th amendment in 1920
Temperance Movement
social movement that aimed to reduce and prohibit alcohol consumption
Prohibition in the US through 18th amendment in 1920
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
1911 factory fire in NYC that killed 146 workers dur to locked exits → major workplace safety reforms
Vertical Integration
business strategy where one company/entity controls the entire process of production and distribution in an industry