Chapter 3 - Cells: Plasma Membrane

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Prefix for “the cell”


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  • internal cell like component of the cells in which the organelles are suspended

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Bone cell, cell only found in bone tissue

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  • smallest living unit of life capable of carrying out multiple functions on its own

  • different types of cells have different functions in the body

  • loss of homeostasis in cells often leads to disease

  • All cells can produce ATP

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What allows cells to have different functions?

  • Cells in different parts of the body have different functions

  • Different microscopic anatomy

  • Different particular organelles

    • ex: Lining of stomach cells have organelles that produce hydrochloric acid

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Every cell has 3 basic parts

  • Plasma membrane

    • outermost boundary

    • selectively permeable

      • some materials are locked, some locked in, some can pass

  • Cytoplasm

    • intracellular fluid

      • fluid part is cytosol

  • Nucleus

    • conotains all of the genetic info

      • codes for proteins

      • controls cellular activities

    • not all cells have nucleus

      • e.x: red blood cells and thrombocytes (platelets) do not

        • short life span

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fluid mosaic model

  • Describes the general structure of the plasma membranes

  • Fluid portion: plasma membranes

    • So thin almost fluid in nature

    • Ver flexible

  • Mosaic portion: Proteins and other molecule randomly dispersed in it

    • They are more or less randomly arranged

    • Some mobile, others anchored

<ul><li><p>Describes the general structure of the plasma membranes</p></li><li><p>Fluid portion: plasma membranes</p><ul><li><p>So thin almost fluid in nature</p></li><li><p>Ver flexible</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Mosaic portion: Proteins and other molecule randomly dispersed in it</p><ul><li><p>They are more or less randomly arranged</p></li><li><p>Some mobile, others anchored</p></li></ul></li></ul><p></p>
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Plasma membrane

  • Consists of a phospholipid bilayer with proteins randomly dispersed in it

    • Hydrophobic tail point inward

    • Hydrophilic phosphate head point outword

  • separates the intracellular fluid (ICF) from the extracellular fluid/interstitial fluid (ECF)

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Chemical components of cell membranes

  1. lipids

    1. phospholipids

    2. cholesterol

  2. Proteins

    1. integral proteins

    2. peripheral proteins

  3. Carbohydrates

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Phospholipids (composition of cell membrane)

  • 1 of the types of lipids that cell membranes is composed of

  • forms basic structure of membrane

  • Polar phosphate head

    • hydrophilic portions contact intracellular or extracellular fluid

  • Nonpolar Fatty acid tails

    • 2

    • hydrophobic portions that face the inside of the membrane

  • Aggregation

    • leads to ability of cells to reseal when torn/damaged

    • limited function, only in small portions

<ul><li><p>1 of the types of lipids that cell membranes is composed of</p></li><li><p>forms basic structure of membrane</p></li><li><p>Polar phosphate head</p><ul><li><p>hydrophilic portions contact intracellular or extracellular fluid</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Nonpolar Fatty acid tails</p><ul><li><p>2</p></li><li><p>hydrophobic portions that face the inside of the membrane</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Aggregation</p><ul><li><p>leads to ability of cells to reseal when torn/damaged</p></li><li><p>limited function, only in small portions</p></li></ul></li></ul><p></p>
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Cholesterol (composition of cell membrane)

  • 1 of the types of lipids that cell membranes is composed of

  • inserted in membrane

  • “stiffens” the membrane

    • still flexible but not as easily damaged

    • increases membrane stability

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Proteins (composition of cell membrane)

  • functionally important

  • constitute most of the cells specialized membrane functions

  • can be classified by location or function

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Proteins in the cell membrane classification by location

  1. Integral proteins

    • embedded in the plasma membrane

    • proteins that span the entire width of the membrane have a name: Transmembrane proteins

    • Functions:

      • Transport, carriers, enzymes, receptors, cell-cell recognition, etc

  2. Peripheral proteins

    • loosely attached to integral protein

    • are not found ‘in’ the lipid bilayer

    • Functions:

      • Enzymes, motor proteins, cell-cell attachment

<ol><li><p>Integral proteins</p><ul><li><p>embedded in the plasma membrane</p></li><li><p>proteins that span the entire width of the membrane have a name: <strong>Transmembrane proteins</strong></p></li><li><p>Functions:</p><ul><li><p>Transport, carriers, enzymes, receptors, cell-cell recognition, etc</p></li></ul></li></ul></li><li><p>Peripheral proteins</p><ul><li><p>loosely attached to integral protein</p></li><li><p>are not found ‘in’ the lipid bilayer</p></li><li><p>Functions:</p><ul><li><p>Enzymes, motor proteins, cell-cell attachment</p></li></ul></li></ul></li></ol><p></p>
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Proteins in the cell membrane classification by function

  1. Transport proteins

  2. Receptor proteins

  3. Enzymes

  4. Cell-cell recognition proteins

  5. Attachment proteins

  6. Intercellular junctions

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Transport proteins

  • move substance in and/or out of cells

    • or around inside the cell

  • Other types

    • carrier protein

    • motor protein

  • Some proteins (left) form channels through which a particular solute can be selectively moved

    • Channel proteins

    • usually water filled

    • still selective

  • Other proteins (right) actively pump substances across the membrane surface by using ATP

    • Pumps

    • require energy inputs

      • Molecule may be huge

      • pump may need to change shape

<ul><li><p>move substance in and/or out of cells</p><ul><li><p>or around inside the cell</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Other types</p><ul><li><p>carrier protein</p></li><li><p>motor protein</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Some proteins (left) form channels through which a particular solute can be selectively moved</p><ul><li><p>Channel proteins</p></li><li><p>usually water filled</p></li><li><p>still selective</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Other proteins (right) actively pump substances across the membrane surface by using ATP</p><ul><li><p>Pumps</p></li><li><p>require energy inputs</p><ul><li><p>Molecule may be huge</p></li><li><p>pump may need to change shape</p></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul><p></p>
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Receptor proteins

  • Steps:

    1. bind to some type of chemical messenger (ex.: hormone)

    2. when bind the proteins changes shape

    3. change of shape will lead to chain of events inside cell

  • can relay messages to cell interior when protein is bound to/exposed to certain chemical messengers

  • varying specificity

    • some only bind to one to of message

    • other bind to multiple types

    • some need multiple types to be bound to change shape

  • not always stimulatory, some slow down or stop activity

<ul><li><p>Steps:</p><ol><li><p>bind to some type of chemical messenger (ex.: hormone)</p></li><li><p>when bind the proteins changes shape</p></li><li><p>change of shape will lead to chain of events inside cell</p></li></ol></li></ul><ul><li><p>can relay messages to cell interior when protein is bound to/exposed to certain chemical messengers</p></li><li><p>varying specificity</p><ul><li><p>some only bind to one to of message</p></li><li><p>other bind to multiple types</p></li><li><p>some need multiple types to be bound to change shape</p></li></ul></li><li><p>not always stimulatory, some slow down or stop activity</p></li></ul><p></p>
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  • Proteins that catalyze chemical reactions

    • Lower required activation energy

  • varying specificity

  • some act alone, others may act as a “team” to catalyze sequential steps

<ul><li><p>Proteins that catalyze chemical reactions</p><ul><li><p>Lower required activation energy</p></li></ul></li><li><p>varying specificity</p></li><li><p>some act alone, others may act as a “team” to catalyze sequential steps</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Cell-cell recognition proteins

  • allow body cells to recognize one another

  • every individual person has their own glycoprotein

  • must useful in immune systems

<ul><li><p>allow body cells to recognize one another</p></li><li><p>every individual person has their own glycoprotein</p></li><li><p>must useful in immune systems</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Attachment proteins

  • help to hold amount protein in place

    • maintains cell shape

  • can be inside or outside cell

<ul><li><p>help to hold amount protein in place</p><ul><li><p>maintains cell shape</p></li></ul></li><li><p>can be inside or outside cell</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Intercellular junctions

  • some proteins are used to link cells together

  • length of time to link cells varies

    • some milliseconds to seconds

    • some permanent

      • hold tissue together

<ul><li><p>some proteins are used to link cells together</p></li><li><p>length of time to link cells varies</p><ul><li><p>some milliseconds to seconds</p></li><li><p>some permanent</p><ul><li><p>hold tissue together</p></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul><p></p>
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Carbohydrates (composition of cell membrane)

  • are not big in membrane

    • relatively not alot of them

  • extracellular surface is dotted with short-branching carbohydrates

  • can be attached to membrane lipids or proteins

    • glycoproteins

    • glycolipids

    • carbohydrate portion always faces extracellular fluid

  • Both produce gylcocalyx

    • Different cell types have different arrangements

      • allows for identification of cell types by other body cells

    • Can also be used by immune cells to identify “self” cells from “non-self” cells

    • Can also contribute to structure/shape of cell membrane

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Cell junctions

  • a class of proteins that provide contact or adhesion between two or more cells

    • Can be permanent or temporary

  • 3 types

    • Tight junction

    • desmosomes

    • gap junctions

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Tight junction

  • proteins in cell membranes of neighboring cells fuse together

    • riveting cells together

  • normally permanent

  • junction in impermeable

    • prevents passage of materials between cells

    • e.x: inner-lining of the stomach cells are joined by tight junctions, prevent gastric juice from “leaking out”

<ul><li><p>proteins in cell membranes of neighboring cells fuse together</p><ul><li><p>riveting cells together</p></li></ul></li><li><p>normally permanent</p></li><li><p>junction in impermeable</p><ul><li><p>prevents passage of materials between cells</p></li><li><p>e.x: inner-lining of the stomach cells are joined by tight junctions, prevent gastric juice from “leaking out”</p></li></ul></li></ul><p></p>
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  • anchoring junctions from one cell to another that prevents separation

    • 2 neighboring cells stick together

  • Most likely to find in parts of the body that’s frequently pulled or stretched

    • e.x: skin

  • are permittable

  • components

    • cadherins

      • protein filaments extend from cell surface and link to filaments on other cell surface

      • cellular velcro

    • Plaque

      • holds cadherins in place from inside the cell

    • Keratin filaments

      • hold plaque in place to prevent excessive movement/shifting

<ul><li><p>anchoring junctions from one cell to another that prevents separation</p><ul><li><p>2 neighboring cells stick together</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Most likely to find in parts of the body that’s frequently pulled or stretched</p><ul><li><p>e.x: skin</p></li></ul></li><li><p>are permittable</p></li><li><p>components </p><ul><li><p>cadherins</p><ul><li><p>protein filaments extend from cell surface and link to filaments on other cell surface</p></li><li><p>cellular velcro</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Plaque</p><ul><li><p>holds cadherins in place from inside the cell</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Keratin filaments</p><ul><li><p>hold plaque in place to prevent excessive movement/shifting</p></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul><p></p>
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Gap junctions

  • communication junctions

  • intercellular channels between two cells

  • line up with one on neighboring cells exactly

    • make 1 straight told

  • always cells to communicate with each other

    • exchange ions

    • pass materials

  • different type of gap junction proteins

    • selective

<ul><li><p>communication junctions</p></li><li><p>intercellular channels between two cells</p></li><li><p>line up with one on neighboring cells exactly</p><ul><li><p>make 1 straight told</p></li></ul></li><li><p>always cells to communicate with each other</p><ul><li><p>exchange ions</p></li><li><p>pass materials</p></li></ul></li><li><p>different type of gap junction proteins</p><ul><li><p>selective</p></li></ul></li></ul><p></p>
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Membrane transport

  • Important for

    • gaining the materials cell needs

      • oxgyen

      • nutrients

    • depositing waste

      • CO2

      • nitrogenous waste

    • release products

  • 2 types

    • Passive

    • Active

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Passive Membrane Transport

  • Movement of molecules across the membrane down their concentration gradient with no ATP required

  • Diffusion

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What is the driving force of diffusion

  • Kinetic energy of molecules

  • In areas of high molecule concentration molecules collide & bounce off one another more frequently increasing the rate of diffusion

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Diffusion speed determined by what factors

  1. Concentration: greater concentration difference between two areas

    leads to faster diffusion

  2. Molecular size: smaller molecules diffuse faster

  3. Temperature: higher temperatures results in faster diffusion rates

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What are the types of passive diffusion?

  1. simple diffusion

  2. facilitated diffusion

    1. carrier-mediated

    2. channel-mediated

  3. osmosis

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simple diffusion

  • diffusion of substance directly through the lipid bilayer

  • Most molecules diffusing are small in size & nonpolar

  • ex: most gases, steroid hormones, fatty acids

<ul><li><p>diffusion of substance directly through the lipid bilayer</p></li><li><p>Most molecules diffusing are small in size &amp; nonpolar</p></li><li><p>ex: most gases, steroid hormones, fatty acids</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Facilitated diffusion

  • diffusion of molecules through the membrane with the use of a protein

  • 2 types

    • carrier-mediated

    • channel-mediated

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Carrier mediated facilitated diffusion

  • transmembrane proteins used to carry large molecules through the membrane

  • Protein changes shape while moving substance

  • Limits: the cell can only move substances as fast as proteins become available to move them

<ul><li><p>transmembrane proteins used to carry large molecules through the membrane</p></li><li><p>Protein changes shape while moving substance</p></li><li><p>Limits: the cell can only move substances as fast as proteins become available to move them</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Channel mediated facilitated diffusion

  • transmembrane proteins form water-filled channels through which molecules can pass

  • Selective size of channel determines what substance can/cannot pass through

  • Proteins can form leaky or gated channels

    • These channels are always open, allowing ions and substances to pass through.

    • These channels open and close in response to specific signals, such as changes in membrane potential, mechanical stress, or the binding of a molecule.

<ul><li><p>transmembrane proteins form water-filled channels through which molecules can pass</p></li><li><p>Selective size of channel determines what substance can/cannot pass through</p></li><li><p>Proteins can form leaky or gated channels</p><ul><li><p>These channels are always open, allowing ions and substances to pass through. </p></li><li><p>These channels open and close in response to specific signals, such as changes in membrane potential,  mechanical stress, or the binding of a molecule. </p></li></ul></li></ul><p></p>
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  • diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane

  • Movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated solution until concentration is equal on both sides of the membrane

  • Can occur without proteins or with the use of aquaporin proteins

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  • total concentration of all solute particles in a solution

  • A solution with a high osmolarity will have a greater number of solute particles than a solution with low osmolarity

  • One solute particle displaces one water molecule

  • Imbalances in osmosis cause body cells to swell or shrink (depending on total water volume inside cell)

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Water moves by osmosis until

  • hydrostatic pressure (the pressure of water pushing on the inner cell wall) is equal to osmotic pressure (tendency of water to move into a cell by osmosis)

  • When the two pressures are equal there is no net movement of water observed

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<p>What will happen?</p>

What will happen?

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<p>What will happen?</p>

What will happen?

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  • ability of a solution to change the shape of a cell by altering the cells internal water volume

  • Water will follow solutes a change in solute concentration on either side of a membrane will also cause a change in water concentration

  • Tonicity always refers to the solution that a cell is submerged in!!!!

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Isotonic solutions

  • have the same concentration of nonpenetrating solutes as those found inside the cell

  • No net loss or gain of water observed

  • ex: 0.9% NaCl solutions, extracellular fluid

<ul><li><p>have the same concentration of nonpenetrating solutes as those found inside the cell</p></li><li><p>No net loss or gain of water observed</p></li><li><p>ex: 0.9% NaCl solutions, extracellular fluid</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Hypertonic solutions

  • have a higher concentration of solutes than inside the cell

  • Water moves out of the cell

  • Cell will “shrivel up” or crenate

  • Ex: 10% NaCl solutions

<ul><li><p>have a higher concentration of solutes than inside the cell</p></li><li><p>Water moves out of the cell</p></li><li><p>Cell will “shrivel up” or crenate</p></li><li><p>Ex: 10% NaCl solutions</p><p></p></li></ul><p></p>
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Hypotonic solutions

  • have a lower concentration of solutes than inside the cell

  • Water moves into the cell

  • Cell will ”swell up” until they burst (lyse)

  • Ex: distilled water

<ul><li><p>have a lower concentration of solutes than inside the cell</p></li><li><p>Water moves into the cell</p></li><li><p>Cell will ”swell up” until they burst (lyse)</p></li><li><p>Ex: distilled water</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Active Forms of Membrane Transport

  • Movement of molecules across the plasma membrane that requires energy input (use of ATP)

  • Active transport requires transport proteins

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Types of active forms of membrane transport

  1. Active transport

  2. Vesicular transport

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Why use energy for active transport

Molecules may be too big, too charged, insoluble in lipid membrane, or moving against their concentration gradient

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Active Transport

use of a transmembrane protein and ATP to move molecules across the plasma membrane against their concentration gradient

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What are the types of active transport?

  1. Primary active transport

  2. Secondary active transport

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Primary Active Transport

  • energy required to do work comes directly from ATP hydrolysis by transport proteins called pumps

  • Hydrolysis of ATP leads to transfer of phosphate group from ATP to the pump

  • Phosphorylation of pump leads to a change in protein shape allows protein to move molecule across the membrane

  • Important example: Sodium-potassium (Na+ - K+) pump

    • Uses enzyme Na+ - K+ ATPase enzyme

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What is Na+ - K+ ATPase?

  • Pumps Na+ and K+ against their gradients & in opposite directions across the membrane

  • For each ATP molecule, ATPase moves 3 Na+ ions out of the cell, 2 K+ ions in to the cell

  • Importance: ATPase pumps maintain electrochemical gradient necessary for function of muscle and nervous tissue

<ul><li><p> Pumps Na+ and K+ against their gradients &amp; in opposite directions across the membrane</p></li><li><p>For each ATP molecule, ATPase moves 3 Na+ ions out of the cell, 2 K+ ions in to the cell</p></li><li><p>Importance: ATPase pumps maintain electrochemical gradient necessary for function of muscle and nervous tissue</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Secondary active transport

  • indirectly uses energy stored in concentration gradients of ions

    created by primary active transport

  • Example: Moving Na+ out of cell creates concentration gradient

  • Cotransport protein pumps Na+ back into the cell, and carries another molecule with it

<ul><li><p>indirectly uses energy stored in concentration gradients of ions</p><p>created by primary active transport</p></li><li><p>Example: Moving Na+ out of cell creates concentration gradient</p></li><li><p>Cotransport protein pumps Na+ back into the cell, and carries another molecule with it</p><p></p></li></ul><p></p>
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  • movement of two transported substances in the same direction

  • active transport systems

<ul><li><p>movement of two transported substances in the same direction</p></li><li><p>active transport systems</p></li></ul><p></p>
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  • movement of two transported substances in the opposite direction

  • active transport systems

<ul><li><p>movement of two transported substances in the opposite direction</p></li><li><p>active transport systems</p></li></ul><p></p>
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  • movement of one substance

  • active transport systems

<ul><li><p>movement of one substance</p></li><li><p>active transport systems</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Vesicular Transport

  • movement of fluids with large particles & macromolecules inside membranous sacs called vesicles

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Functions of vesicular transport


  1. Endocytosis—movement of a substance into the cell

  2. Exocytosis—movement of a substance out of the cell

  3. Transcytosis—movement of substances into, across, then out of a cell

  4. Vesicular trafficking—movement of a substance from one area of the cell to another

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  • Vesicular transport used to bring substance into the cell from the ECF

  • Begins with formation of infolding of plasma membrane

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Types of endocytosis

  1. Phagocytosis

  2. Pinocytosis

  3. Receptor-mediated endocytosis

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  • cell engulfs large and/or solid material

  • Forms vesicle called a phagosome

  • Pseudopod formation involves receptors formation is specific

  • Phagosome usually fuses with lysosome, where contents are digested

<ul><li><p>cell engulfs large and/or solid material</p></li><li><p>Forms vesicle called a phagosome</p></li><li><p>Pseudopod formation involves receptors formation is specific</p></li><li><p>Phagosome usually fuses with lysosome, where contents are digested</p></li></ul><p></p>
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  • cell brings in a small volume of extracellular fluid containing small solute particles

  • No receptor use needed, endocytosis is not a specific process

<ul><li><p>cell brings in a small volume of extracellular fluid containing small solute particles</p></li><li><p>No receptor use needed, endocytosis is not a specific process</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Receptor-mediated endocytosis

  • allows endocytosis of specific substances to occur

  • Extracellular substances bind specific receptor proteins

  • Importance: Substances can be specifically concentrated in vesicles & brought into cell

  • Fate of contents:

    • Substance can be distributed through the cell

    • Vesicle can fuse with lysozyme for digestion of concentrated substance

<ul><li><p>allows endocytosis of specific substances to occur</p></li><li><p>Extracellular substances bind specific receptor proteins</p></li><li><p>Importance: Substances can be specifically concentrated in vesicles &amp; brought into cell</p></li><li><p>Fate of contents:</p><ul><li><p>Substance can be distributed through the cell</p></li><li><p>Vesicle can fuse with lysozyme for digestion of concentrated substance</p></li></ul></li></ul><p></p>
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  • Vesicular transport used to remove substances from cell to the ECF

  • Secretory vesicle created around the substance to be removed

  • Secretory vesicle travels to plasma membrane, fuses with it, and dumps contents out of the cell

  • Functions: hormone secretion, neurotransmitter release, mucus secretion, waste removal, etc. etc.

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Membrane Potential

  • Selective permeability of plasma membrane generates a membrane potential (voltage) across the membrane

  • Voltage electrical potential energy resulting from separation of oppositely charged particles (ions)

  • All cells have a resting membrane potential voltage difference across cell membrane when cell is at res

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Average resting membrane potential of cells


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Are cells electrically polarized?

  • Yes!

    • Negatively charged inside

    • Positively charged outside

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How is the resting membrane potential created?

  • Creation of membrane potential involves an ion imbalance on either side of the plasma membrane

  • Ion concentrations of Na+ and K+ are different on either side of the membrane

    • Na+ concentration is higher outside the cell

    • K+ concentration is higher inside the cell

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How does potassium effect resting membrane potential

  • Potassium ions (K+) have a pivotal role in creating the resting membrane potential

  • Plasma membranes are more permeable to K+ than to Na+

  • K+ “leaks” out of cell, proteins remain inside the cell

  • The more K+ that leaves, the more (-) charged the inside of the cell becomes

  • Some K+ ions will enter the cellprevents inside of cell from becoming too negative

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How is the resting membrane potential maintained?

  • Active transport maintains electrochemical gradients to keep the cell in a steady state

    • Electro=charged

    • Chemical=ion concentration

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Can cells respond to both extracellular chemicals (hormones, neurotransmitter)? What about to other surrounding cells?

  • Yes, cells can respond to both extracellular chemicals (hormones, neurotransmitter) and to other surrounding cells

  • These interactions are used to maintain homeostatic balance in the body

  • Plasma membrane receptors are important for allowing a cell to interact with its environment

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Plasma Membrane Receptors

  • Integral proteins at membrane surface serve as binding sites

<ul><li><p>Integral proteins at membrane surface serve as binding sites</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Main functions plasma membrane receptors:

  1. contact signaling

  2. chemical signaling

<ol><li><p>contact signaling</p></li><li><p>chemical signaling</p></li></ol><p></p>
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Contact signaling (plasma membrane)

  • cellular recognition by physical contact between cells

  • Importance: normal cellular development and immunity rely on contact signaling

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Chemical signaling (plasma membrane)

  • when a chemical messenger (called a ligand) binds a specific receptor and initiates a response

  • Overall process: ligand binds to receptorreceptor structure

    changes cell proteins are altered

  • The specific response is linked to the cell’s internal machinery (its structure & function), not the ligand itself

  • Example: G protein-coupled receptors

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