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3 Factors of involvement obligation
nature of relationship
degree of effectiveness
nature of relationship
location and relation to conflict
degree of effectiveness
how well you can help, who helps best
ability, funding, and materials to aid
2 approaches to implementing
soft systems of implementing
hard, coercive enforcement measures
soft systems of implementing
inquires, exposing injustice, and empowering victims and de-powering violators
hard, coercive enforcement measures
intervention, international tribunals, the ICC
punishments or penalties imposed by one state, a group of states, or the global community on another state/s in order to gain compliance with a widely accepted code of behavior
economic sanctions exs.
limiting trade, reducing financial access, freezing deposits
diplomatic and political sanctions
embarrass leaders/communities, reduce connections and world notice
cultural sanctions
reduce or stop cultural exchanges, tourism, connections, etc.
unilateral sanctions
imposed by one country, more common before 1990
multilateral sanctions
imposed by more than one country, more common after 1990
reasons for sanction failure
enabling of repressive govts.
humanitarian intervention
the use of military force to protect human rights
consensual intervention
agreed upon by all parties, often less violent and little force involved
opposed intervention
conducted against the will of the occupied state’s wishes, often involves violent/armed assistance
consensual monitoring, light force form of assistance
heavily armed military intervention
the systematic mass murder of an ethnicity, religion, or national group based on discriminatory pre-concepts
The Genocide Convention
classifies and responds to (possible) genocides
The Nuremberg Tribunal
created to try and punish Nazi soldiers after WW2, lead directly to the creation of the ICC
international crime court location and date
2002, The Hague, Denmark
2 drawbacks of individualized tribunals by country
expensive and time consuming to create
hard to get all 5 members of the UN Security Council to consent
Importance of the ICC
tries and punishes leaders of nations that can’t otherwise have the power to do so, enforces international standards for humanity