________ is helicase used to unwinds RNA structure to be scanned properly.
SURF complex
________ formed due to paused ribosome in proximity of EJC → adaptor to bring in RNA decay effectors that dispose of mRNA that is detected as abnormal.
Caudal gene
________ → important for patterning the posterior end of embryo, but its mRNA is expressed throughout the embryo- bicoid stops protein being where bicoid is present.
________ inhibits protein synthesis so that backlog is reduced.
________- make antagonists of kinase activity of PKR- so they directly stop activity or kinase domain.
________ & 1A- important for locating correct AUG → to avoid frame shifts.
________ contributes to protein code being produced- section from start codon to end codon.
Msl2 mRNA
________ is transcribed in both, but translated in male but not female during development- to repress production in female flies.
________ (RBP) is RNA binding protein that interacts w /3 UTR of caudal mRNA.
________ important in development- to get rid of cells that are no longer needed & in normal tissue homeostasis to eliminate infected cells.
GTP hydrolysis
At the end of translation, eIF2 associates w /GDP due to ________ during initiation.
________ has 1 domain that helps bind dsRNA & kinase domain at C terminus thats activated when ________ binds the dsRNA → leads to eIF2 alpha phosphorylation → blocks viral protein production.
________ promotes mRNA translation by multiple mechanisms.
________ required for translation initiation- associates w /initiator tRNA & the ternary complex can participate in translation.
________ is only expressed in females & is a binding protein.
eIF4F complex
In normal cells, ________ helps to recruit 43s ribosome pre- initiation complex- through interactions that eIF4G has w /eIF3.
________ is hallmarker for viral infection.
________ senses ER stress- responds to presence of unfolded proteins in ER.
________ helps install m⁶A & adds on m⁶A → promotes translation of message m⁶A is on (cap- dependant translation)
________ recruits 4E- HP (4E homologous protein) to bing caudal cap but not initiate translation.
Caudal gene
________ is an important patterning mol. during embryogenesis.