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metals have low or high ionization energy?
low ionization energy
non metals
Electronegative: Form anions by gaining electrons
non metals have low or high ionization energy?
high ionization energy
chemical properties of non metals
react with metal → anions ( gains electrons)
metallic character decreases ( right or left?)
metallic character increases ( up or down ?)
if IE goes down, what happens to the electrons?
more likely to lose electrons
what is the most metallic element on the PT?
Fr (francium)
non metallic character increases ( right or left?)
non metallic character decreases ( up or down?)
if IE increases, and EA is more negative (increases) going right, what is going to happen to the electrons?
Most likely to gain electrons
most non metallic element?
F ( Fluorine)
EA increases ( right or left?)
EA right
EA decreases ( up or down?)
energy change when an atom gains an electron to form a ( positive or negatively??) charged ion
is it endothermic or exothermic If it gains energy?
is it endothermic or exothermic If it loses energy?
metals have high or low EA??
low EA ( loses electrons)
non metals have a high or low EA
high EA ( gains electrons)
If it gains protons, then the nuclear charge (increases or decreases??)
increases, easier to accept an electron
Zeff increases moving ( left or right) because there is a (weaker or stronger) attraction between the valence electrons and the nucleus as the atomic radius decreases
right; stronger
zeff fourmula
z= actual nuclear charge
s= charge screened by other electrons
Electron-nucleus attraction effects:
small atom, high IE, large electron affinity
Electron-electron repulsion effect
large atom, small IE, small or 0 electron affinity
atomic radii increases ( upwards or downwards?)
atomic radii decreases ( going left or right??)
going right
most electronegative element?
F; draw electrons towards itself when bonded
least electromagnetic
Cs; give away electrons when bonded
IE decreases what else increases…
number of shells and and AR increases, requires less energy to remove an electron
If IE increases what happens?
nuclear charge increases and more energy required to remove electrons ( charge increases so more ionization energy in periods left right)
IE increases form left to right ( true or false)
IE decreases from top to bottom ( true or false)
if a core electron is removed, what happens to the IE?
it is high/ increases
Large jump in the energy given = move to a
different shell ( moved to core electrons)
cations: (subtract or add electrons in reverse filling order)
Anions : (subtract or add in reverse filling order)
Transition metal cations: (subtract or add) from highest n-value orbitals
subtract ( in the beginning)
cations have a (larger or smaller atomic radius?
smaller atomic radius
anions have a smaller or larger atomic radius
larger atomic radius
Pauli’s Exclusion Principle:
each electron within any orbital has its own magnetic spin of either N or S
Aufbau Principle
electrons in ground state of the atom will occupy the lowest energy orbitals first, and only fill the higher energy orbitals when no lower energy orbitals are left
Hund’s Rule
electrons fill into empty orbitals within the same sublevel before they double up
Electrons remain as far as possible from each other by occupying different orbitals