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Health Psychology
The study of how psychological, behavioral, and cultural factors contribute to physical health and illness
the response of the body and mind to challenges or demands, characterized my physical emotional, and mental reactions
can cause hypertension, headaches, and weakened immune system
events or conditions that trigger stress by challenging an individual’s ability to cope or adjust
positive stress that enhances motivation, well being, and performance
negative stress that decreases motivation, impairs performance, and leads to emotional and physical problems
Daily hassles
minor irritations that occur regularly
Significant life changes
major events that require adaptation
unpredictable, large-scale events that cause widespread stress
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
stressful or traumatic events in childhood that can have long-lasting effects on health and well-being throughout a person’s life
Fight-Flight-Freeze Response
A physiological reaction to perceived threats that prepares the body to fight, flee, or freeze to enhance survival
General Adaptation Syndrome
3 stage response to stress that includes alarm, resistance, and exhaustion, describing how the body reacts and adapts to stress over time
Alarm Reaction Phase
initial stage of the GAS, where the body reacts to a stressor with a “fight-or-flight” response, activating stress hormones and physiological changes
Resistance Phase
The second stage of the GAS where the body tries to adapt and cope with a stressor, maintaining heightened alertness and stress hormone levels
Exhaustion Phase
The final stage of the GAS, where the body’s resources are depleted after prolonged stress, leading to distressed tolerance and potential health issues
Tend-and-Befriend Theory
Behavioral reaction to stress that involves nurturing activities to protect oneself and one’s offspring, and seeking social support to reduce stress
Problem-Focused Coping
Involves directly managing or solving the source of stress to reduce its impact
Emotion-focused coping
Managing the emotional response to stress rather than changing the situation itself
positive psychology
the scientific study of human flourishing to help individuals and communities to thrive
a state of happiness and contentment, with low levels of distress, overall good physical and mental health and good quality of life
the ability to adapt and recover quickly from difficulties or change, maintaining psychological well-being in the face of adversity
Positive Subjective Experiences
Feelings that foster enjoyment, interest, and contentment, and contribute to overall well-being and happiness
the appreciation of what is valuable and meaningful to oneself, enhancing overall well-being by fostering positive feelings and relationships
Positive objective experiences
a measurable, observable event or situation that is considered positive or beneficial to an indivudal’’s well being (can be measured)
subjective well-being
self-perceived happiness or satisfaction with life
post traumatic growth
positive psychological changes experiences as a result with highly challenging life circumstances, leading to a higher level of personal functioning
Signature strengths & virtues
core characteristics that a person naturally possesses and expresses, which contribute to fulfilling, authentic, and engaged living
the ability to make sound decisions based on deep understanding and experience, contributing to effective problem-solving and interpersonal relationships
the mental or moral strength to persevere and withstand fear or difficulty, enabling individuals to face challenges and act in accordance with their values despite potential risks
the quality of being compassionate, empathetic, and supportive toward others, fostering positive interpersonal relationships and social well being
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
An alternative to ECT that involves placing a pulsating magnetic coil over the prefrontal regions of the brain, treats depression with minimal side effects
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
A biological treatment in which a brain seizure is triggered as an electric current passes through electrodes attached to the patient’s forehead
the most dramatic and least used biomedical intervention for changing behaviors, involves removing or lesioning brain tissue; process is irreversible
itnentionally damaging or removing specific areas of the brain to treat certain disorders
a psychosurgical procedure once used to calm uncontrollably emotional or violent patients. The procedure cut the nerves connecting the frontal lobes to emotional controlling centers of the inner brain
designed to treat the combination of manic episodes and depression characteristic of bipolar disorder because they reduce dramatic mood swings
an involuntary movement, such as a tic or spasm.
rational-emotive behavioral therapy
a form of cognitive behavior therapy based on the concept that an indivudal’s self-defeating beliefs influence and cause negative feelings and undesirable behaviors
dialetical behavior therapy
a flexible, stage-based therapy that combines principles of behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, and mindfulness.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Researched by Aaron Beck, based on the idea that how we think (cognition), how we feel (emotion) and how we act (behavior) all interact together
token economy
behavioral strategy relies on reinforcement to modify behavior. clients are allowed to earn tokens that can be exchanged for special privileges or desired items
the use of an external monitoring device (e.g., electrocardiograph) to provide an individual with information regarding their physiological state.
Applied Behavior Analysis
the techniques used in this type of treatment are based on the theories of classical conditioning and operant conditioning
Cognitive Triad
a set of three beliefs thought to characterize major depressive episodes. These are negative beliefs about the self, world, and the future.
Cognitive restructuring
a technique used in cognitive behavior therapy to help the client identify their self-defeating beliefs or cognitive distortions, refute them, and then modify them so that they are adaptive and reasonable
cognitive therapy
A form of psychotherapy based on the concept that emotional and behavioral problems in an individual are, at least in part, the results of maladaptive or faulty ways of thinking
dream interpretation
can help you understand your dreams and the dreaming process. It helps one process emotions and heal from emotional challenges.
free association
the client spontaneously reports thoughts, feelings, and mental images that come to mind (no cencorship)
psychodynamic theory
the primary focus of psychodynamic therapy is to uncover the unconscious content of a client’s psyche in order to alleviate psychic tension
avoiding causing harm to others “above all, do no harm”
the commitment to keeping promises and being loyal to others, upholding trust in a relationship
acting with honesty and consistency, upholding ethical standards in all situations
respect people’s rights and dignity
recognizing and respecting the inherent worth and value of every individual
consequences of deinstitutionalization
large potion of the homeless population is considered to be mentally ill. 26% of homeless adults living in shelters experience mental illness
when better psychotropic drugs were created this movement began to remove patients who were not considered a threat to themselves from mental hospitals
Decentralized approach
instead of relying solely on a central therapist across various settings and providers, often utilizing technology like telehealth to allow patients to access therapy from their homes or convenient locations, prioritizing a more patient-centered and accessible model
psychotropic medication therapy
also known as psychoactive drugs, are used to treat mental illnesses
therapeutic alliance
a cooperative working relationship between client and therapist, considered by many to be an essential aspect of successful therapy.
evidence-based interventiosn
integration of the best available scientific research from laboratory and field settings with clinical expertise so as to provide effective psychological services that are responsive to a patient’s culture, preferences and characteristics
psychologist or other trained professional working with an individual or group to identify a problem and develop solutions
psycho pharmacologic revolution
effective drugs for conditions like schizophrenia and depression were found in the 1950s by accident
holes are drilled into a living person’s skull in order to release demonic spirits thought to be causing the person’s disordered behaviors
characterized by an intense focus on orderliness, perfectionism, and control that the person loses flexibility, openness, and efficiency
dependent personality disorder
characterized by a pattern of clinging and obedience, fear of separation, and an ongoing need to be taken care of
avoidant personality disorder
characterized by consistent discomfort and restraint in social situations, overwhelming feelings of inadequancy, and extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation/potential rejection, humilation
narcisstic personality disorder
characterized by a proud pattern of grandiosity need for admiration, and lack of empathy
histronic perosnality disorder
characterized by a pattern of excessive emotionally (dramatic) and attentions seeking
characterized by repeated instabiltioy in interpersonal relationships, slef-image, and mood and by impulsive behavior
Antisocial personality disorder
characterized by a general pattern of disregard for and violation of other people’s rights
Schizotypical personality disorder
characterized by extreme discomfort in close relationships, very odd patterns of thinking and perceiving, and behavioral eccentricities
Schizord Personality Disorder
characterized by persistent avoidance of social relationships and little expression of emotion
Paranoid Personality Disorder
pattern of distrust and suspiciousness about to her people's motives, individual thinks that others are out to threaten, betray, exploit, or harm
Personality Disorder
any in a group of disorders involving persuasive patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and the self that interfere with long-term functioning of the individual and are not limited to isolated episodes
Bulimia Nervosa
Recurrent binge followed by compensatory behaviors for the intake of the food, such as purging
characterized by eating a large amount of food in a short amount of time
includes self-induced vomiting, excessive use of laxatives, diuretic, fasting, or excessive exercise
life-threatening eating disorder that involves intense fear of weight gain or becoming overweight, distorted perception of one’s weight/body shape, persistent restriction of calorie ntake
the ability to connect to the larger universe and find meaning beyond oneself, often through appreciation of beauty, gratitude, hope, humor, and spirituality
self-regulation and control over excess and impulsed, promoting balance and moderation in person behavior and relationships
a comittment to Fairless, equity, and advocating for the rights of others, which helps maintain healthy community and societal relationshops
the quality of being compassionate, empatheicm and supportive, towards other, fostering