business - finance test

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3 reasons for business growth

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business growth, economies and diseconomies of scale, internal and external growth, integration, capital and revenue expenditure, internal external sources of finance, short term and long term finance, fixed and variable costs, profit and loss account, cash flow statement, and balance she

55 Terms


3 reasons for business growth

  1. greater chance of survival against competition

  2. greater market share

  3. spread risks by diversifying into new markets

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how is growth measured?

  • sales turnover (revenue)

  • market share (% of industry’s sales)

  • employees (number of)

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define economies of scale

a reduction in the average costs of production due to an increase in productive efficiency

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define diseconomies of scale

an increase in the average costs of production due to a decrease in production efficiency

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give an example of how growing companies start to experience inefficiency

e.g: customers trying to phone call centres but get stuck talking to staff that cannot help

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define internal diseconomies of scale and give examples

inefficiencies that the business itself can make

  • technical

  • organisational

  • financial

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define external diseconomies of scale and give examples

inefficiencies that the business achieves because someone else has expanded

  • higher location costs

  • traffic congestion

  • need for labour

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how can firms tackle diseconomies of scale?

  • outsourcing / relate pay to performance

  • motivating the staff

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define the 6 internal economies of scale

  • technical (bigger units of production can reduce costs)

  • managerial (bigger businesses can have specialised managers)

  • financial (less risk)

  • marketing (more effective marketing campaigns due to larger sums of $$)

  • purchasing (bulk buying discounts)

  • risk bearing (large firms are able to produce a wider range of products to spread the risk)

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define the 2 external economies of scale

  • consumers (e.g., a shopping centre compared to an individual store)

  • employees (labour concentrations)

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define efficiency

making the best possible use of resources (maximising output from input)

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costs of production formula

total costs = fixed costs + variable costs

TC = FC + VC

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average costs formula

average costs = (total costs) / (quantity produced)

AC = TC / Q

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state 3 benefits of large organisations

  • cheaper to produce a bigger range of products

  • brand recognition and customer loyalty

  • customer convenience and discounts

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state 3 benefits of small organisations

  • personalised service

  • flexibility

  • greater exclusiveness - can charge more on products

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define internal (organic) growth

when the business uses its own resources to increase the scale of its operations through advertising, producing better quality products, and selling in different locations

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state 3 benefits and 3 limitations of organic growth

  • better control

  • inexpensive

  • no new personnel

  • change in hierarchal structure

  • need to restructure

  • takes time

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define external growth

a merger between two companies with the aim of improving performance

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state 3 benefits of external growth

  • fast way to grow

  • quick way to reduce competition by taking over your rival

  • spreading risk

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explain the methods for external growth

  • joint ventures - two or more businesses get together (share costs, risks, rewards)

  • strategic alliance - affiliated businesses remain independent

  • management buy-out - to prevent take-over the management buys shares and becomes owners

  • merger - two or more businesses agree to form one company

  • takeover - one party takes a controlling interest in the other company

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explain the different types of integration

  • forward vertical - when a larger business merges with a smaller business in the same industry to reduce cost of production

  • horizontal integration - when a larger business takes over a company in the same industry to increase market share (in different locations)

  • backward vertical - when a business merges with a supplying business to reduce cost of production (e.g. kfc and potato farm)

  • conglomeration - when two businesses in unrelated lines of business integrate to diversify risk (if a business does not do well there is another one)

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list 3 mergers benefits and limitations

  • greater market share

  • diversification

  • survival

  • loss of control

  • conflict

  • culture clash

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define franchises*

a form of business ownership where a business buys a license to trade another firm’s name

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define a multinational company

a company that has business operations in at least one country other than its home country

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define capital expenditure

money spent on fixed assets (land, buildings, machinery, etc)

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define revenue expenditure

money spent on daily operation (wages, rent, insurance, raw materials, electricity)

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define and list internal sources of finance
*know advantages and disadvantages

money obtained from within the business

  • personal funds

  • family and friends

  • working capital (sale of goods and services)

  • retained profits

  • selling assets (e.g. equipment)

  • investing extra money

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define and list external sources of finance

*know advantages and disadvantages

money obtained from sources outside the business (financial institutions or individuals)

  • selling shares (preference shares and ordinary shares)**

  • loan capital / debt capital (money sourced from financial institutions like banks with interest charged)

  • overdrafts (when a lending institution allows a firm to withdraw more money than it currently has in its account short-term)

  • trade credit (an agreement between businesses that allows the buyer of goods or services to pay the seller at a later rate)

  • crowdfunding (when a business venture or project is funded by a large number of people each contributing a small amount of money)

  • leasing (a source of finance that allows a firm to use an asset without having to purchase it with cash)

  • venture capital (given to higher risk, high potential start-up / small businesses)

  • business angels (rich individuals who provide financial capital to small start-ups or entrepreneurs in return for ownership equity in their business

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define short term finance (<12 months)

money needed for the day-to-day running of a business

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define long term finance (>12 months)

funding obtained for purchasing long-term fixed assets of a business (long term bank loans, share capital)

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list the factors influencing the choice of finance

  • purpose - use of funds

  • cost - interest payments, administration costs, opportunity cost (the loss of other alternatives when one alternative is chosen)

  • status and size - public ltd’s have more options in obtaining finance than sole traders because of their status and size

  • amount required - for small amounts, firms may consider short term sources of finance, and vice versa

  • flexibility - the ease with which a business can switch from requiring one source of finance to another

  • state of the external environment - factors that the business has no control over (e.g. increases in interest rates or inflation)

  • gearing - the relationship between share capital and loan capital. if a company has a large proportion of loan capital to share capital it is said to be high geared (high risk) and if a company has a smaller proportion of loan capital to share capital is low geared

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define cost

expenditure to produce or sell a good or service, including the acquisition of business resources

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define and list fixed costs

costs that do not change with the amount of goods or services produced

  • rent

  • insurance

  • salaries

  • interest payments

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define and list variable costs

costs that change with the number of goods or services produced (paid per quantity produced)

  • raw material costs

  • sales commissions

  • packaging

  • energy usage costs

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define direct costs and give an example

costs that can be identified with the production of specific goods or services

e.g. the cost of flour used in making bread in a bakery

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define indirect costs / overheads and give an example

costs that are not clearly identified with the production of specific goods or services

e.g. rent

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define revenue

income earned from the sale of goods or services

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total revenue (TR) equation

price per unit (P) x quantity sold (Q) = total revenue (TR)

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profit equation

total revenue (TR) - total costs (TC) = profit

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the purpose of accounts to different stakeholders

  • shareholders - value of business

  • managers - business performance

  • employees - profitability of business

  • customers - will there be a constant supply of products?

  • suppliers - can negotiate better cash or credit terms with firms

  • the government - is the business abiding by the law?

  • competitors - business competition

  • financiers (e.g. banks) - check business creditworthiness to establish how much money they can lend it

  • the local community - job opportunities

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what is the profit and loss account (P&L) / income statement used for?

shows the records of income and expenditure flows of a business over a given time period and establishes whether a business has made profit or a loss

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P&L account equation

revenue - expenses = profit/loss

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examples of revenue in a P&L account

  • product sales

  • services rendered

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examples of expenses in a P&L account

  • direct costs

    • COGS

  • indirect costs

    • overhead expenses (rent, salaries, insurance, admin, legal, accounting, marketing, depreciation)

    • variable indirect costs (advertising, commissions, utilities)

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P&L account format

sales revenue


gross profit

sales revenue - COGS

overhead expenses

net profit before interest tax

gross profit - overhead expenses


net profit before tax

net profit before interest tax - interest


net profit after interest and tax

net profit before tax - tax


retained profit

net profit after interest tax - dividends

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what is the balance sheet used for?

a financial statement that outlines the assets, liabilities, and equity of a firm at a specific point in time

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balance sheet simple equation

what the business owns = what the business owes


assets = liabilities (for 3rd parties) + equity (for owners)

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list the types of non-current and current assets

non-current assets / fixed assets (long-term)

  • machinery (tangible)

  • goodwill - customer loyalty, brand reputation, public trust (intangible)

  • shares (investments)

current assets

  • cash or any other asset that it likely to be turned into cash within 12 months (stocks)

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list the types of long-term and current liabilities

long-term liabilities

  • borrowings / debts

current liabilities

  • bank overdraft

  • trade creditors

  • other short-term loans

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list the types of equity

  • share capital (money from sales of stocks)

  • retained earnings

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define depreciation

the decrease in the value of a fixed asset over time (due to repeated use, new technology, or new trends)

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balance sheet format

“statement of financial position for (company name) as at (date)



non-current assets

property, plant, equipment


accumulated depreciation


non-current assets


current assets







current assets


total assets

= non-current assets + current assets

current liabilities

bank overdraft


trade creditors


other short term loans


current liabilities


non-current liabilities

borrowings (long term)


non-current liabilities


total liabilities

= current liabilities + non-current liabilities

net assets

= total assets - total liabilities


share capital (not available for a non-profit entity)


retained earnings


total equity


= net assets

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define patents

the granting of a property right by a sovereign authority to an inventor

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what is a cash flow statement used for?

a summary of the business’s cash inflows and outflows over a period of time

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how is a cash flow statement different to an income statement?

a cash flow statement shows where the money is coming from, where it’s going, and how much cash a company has at a given point in time, while the income statement measures the profitability of the business

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