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One sample t-test (Assumptions)
Variable is normally distributed
Sample is random
One sample t-test (Definition)
Compare mean to a constant
Parametric and non-exact
Two-tailed, right-tailed, or left-tailed
Paired t-test (Assumptions)
Paired differences are normally distributed
Sample is random
Paired t-test (Definition)
Compare means of paired groups
Parametric and non-exact
Two-tailed, right-tailed, or left-tailed
Two-sample t-test (Assumptions)
Both groups are normally distributed
Both groups are homoscedastic
Both samples are random
Two-sample t-test (Definition)
Compare means of 2 unpaired groups
Parametric and non-exact
Two-tailed, right-tailed, or left-tailed
Welch’s Approximate t-test (Assumptions)
Both groups are normally distributed
Both samples are random
Welch’s Approximate t-test (Definition)
Compares means of 2 unpaired groups
Parametric and non-exact
Two-tailed, right-tailed, or left-tailed
F-test (Assumptions)
Both samples are normally distributed
Both samples are random
F-test (Definition)
Compares variances of 2 groups
Parametric and non-exact
Two-tailed, right-tailed, or left-tailed
Levene Test (Assumptions)
All samples are approximately normally distributed
All samples are random
Levene Test (Definition)
Compares variances of 2 or more groups
Parametric and non-exact
Omnibus test
Always right-tailed
Shapiro-Wilk Test (Definition)
Compares sample distribution to normal distribution
Sign Test (Assumptions)
Dichotomous outcomes
Trials are independent and have the same probability of success
Samples (or the paired differences) are random
Sign Test (Definition)
Compares median to a constant
Non-parametric and exact
Non-parametric version of one-sample or paired t-test
Two-tailed, right-tailed, or left-tailed
Mann-Whitney U Test (Assumptions)
Both populations have the same distribution shape
Both samples are random
Mann-Whitney U Test (Definition)
Compares medians of 2 unpaired groups
Non-parametric and non-exact
Non-parametric version of two-sample t-test
Two-tailed, right-tailed, or left-tailed
One-way ANOVA (Assumptions)
Residuals are independent, normally distributed, and homoscedastic
One-way ANOVA (Definition)
Compares means of a numerical response variable across 2 or more levels of a factor
Parametric and non-exact
Omnibus test
Always right-tailed
Kruskal-Wallis Test (Assumptions)
Data in each group have the same distribution shape
Samples are random
Kruskal-Wallis Test (Definition)
Compare medians of a numerical response variable across 2 or more levels of a categorical explanatory variable
Non-parametric and non-exact
Non-parametric version of ANOVA
Omnibus test
Always right-tailed
Multi-Way ANOVA (Assumptions)
Residuals are independent, normally distributed, and homoscedastic
-Way ANOVA (Definition)
Compare means of a numerical response variable across 2 or more level of 2 or more factor
Parametric and non-exact
Omnibus test
Always right-tailed
Tukey-Kramer HSD (Assumptions)
Both groups are normally distributed
Both groups are homoscedastic
Both samples are random
Tukey-Kramer HSD (Definition)
Pairwise comparison of group means
Parametric and non-exact
Always right-tailed
Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient (Assumptions)
X and Y are linearly related
Bivariate normality
Both samples are random
Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient (Definition)
Linear relationship between variables
Parametric and non-exact
Two-tailed, right-tailed, or left-tailed
Spearman Rank Correlation (Assumptions)
X and Y are monotonically related
Ranks X are normally distributed with equal variance for ranks Y
Ranks Y are normally distributed with equal variance for ranks X
Both samples are random
Spearman Rank Correlation (Definition)
Monotonic relationship between variables
Non-parametric and non-exact
Non-parametric version of Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient
Two-tailed, right-tailed, or left-tailed
Simple Linear Regression (Assumptions)
X and Y are linearly related
Residuals are normally distributed, homoscedastic, and independent
Simple Linear Regression (Definition)
Finds the best linear relationship between a numerical response variable and a numerical explanatory variable
Parametric and non-exact
Two-tailed by default
Multiple Linear Regression (Assuptions)
Xk and Y are linearly related
Residuals are normally distributed, homoscedastic, and independent
The explanatory variables are not colinear
Multiple Linear Regression (Definition)
Finds the best linear relationship between a numerical response variable and 2 or more numerical explanatory variables
Parametric and non-exact
Two-tailed by default
ANCOVA (Assumptions)
Xi and Y are linearly related
Residuals are normally distributed, homoscedastic, and independent
Explanatory variables are not colinear
ANCOVA (Definition)
Relates a single response variable to a set of explanatory variables, at least one factor and one covariate
Parametric and non-exact
Two-tailed or right tailed
General Linear Model (Assumptions)
Xi and Y are linearly related
Residuals are normally distributed, homoscedastic, and independent
Explanatory variables are not colinear
General Linear Model (Definition)
A statistical framework used to relate a single response variable to one or more categorical and numerical explanatory variables
Parametric and non-exact
Always right-tailed