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Fort Laramie Treaty
Treaty that was signed to show how the Black Hills were for the Native people and Americans would only use as a bridge to go to California.
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Fort Wise Treaty OF 1861
Colorado and Nevada officially claimed by ā€œGreat Fatherā€ (Abraham Lincoln). Only 6 of the 40 chiefs signed (Black Kettle of the Chyenne and others.) Indians who do not sign the treaty and/or leave Sand Creek reservation are considered ā€œhostileā€.
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Chivington Massacre of 1864
Over 160 Indians were killed (ā…” were women and children) when the men from the tribe were sent to gather food.
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Fettermen Massacre Of 1868
All 80 U.S. soldiers were killed and there were an estimated 2,000 native Americans
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Treaty of 1868
Ended conflict (temporarily) and forced closure of U.S forts along trails. Indians were forced onto reservations in present - day Oklahoma (Indian Territory). Gave the Sioux the Black Hills in present-day South Dakota.
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The Battle of Little Bighorn
Custer fights Crazy Horse over the black hills, Custard loses and the Sioux, Crazy Horse, and Sitting Bull. Hollow won because Bison werenā€™t coming back, their leader fled the country, they were getting hunted down and killed. One of the most people in their tribe, Crazy Horse, got hunted down and killed.
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Buffalo Billā€™s Wild West Show
Where a man named William Cody would have a show where he reenacted things that happened in the past and made fun of Indians in the shows and make them look stupid.
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The Ghost Dance
Religious dance that made the Native Americans think itā€™s going to rain and flood the entire Earth and the anglos will be drowned and the Native Americans will float above the water. The dance also gave them hope and they were told to do it by Wakan Tanka. It also made them believe other things like their dead ancestors coming back and stuff.
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Wounded Knee Massacre
Soldiers open fire on the Indians killing indiscriminately then they threw the Indians into a ditch.
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Dawes Act
authorized the President of the United States to survey Indian tribal land and divide the area into allotments for the individual Indian or household
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Sitting Bull
Leader of the Sioux who left them with a few tribe members to Canada then he came back and got put in jail for 2 years then released since he agreed to be obedient and not cause problems for America. Then got in trouble for not stopping the Ghost Dance. He died in 1890 when being arrested because he got shot in the head by accident.
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Crazy Horse
Leading Sioux leader who was seeking revenge for Chivington Massacre
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Creates the religious Ghost Dance to help inspire and give hope to the Indian tribes on the reservations.
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George Armstrong Custer
Civil War veteran who gained national attention on the Western frontier, he was sent to map excursions in the West. Then was killed over the Black Hills
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William Cody
Man who invented Buffalo Billā€™s Wild West Show and teamed up with Sitting Bull to mock Indians for the entertainment of anglos.
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Helen Hunt Jackson
Activist for the Native Americans who got into heated arguments with the federal government and exposed them for things with documents and other things.