Ring mandrel
Steel bar shaped forming tool used to form rings of different sizes. Can be tapered or stepped.
 Large clamp fixed to a table holds on to the object and allows the use of both hands.
Stationary bench tool made of steel to hammer metal down.
Claw hammer
 A general purpose hammer with a flat surface on one side and a claw shape on the other side. Originally used for hammering nails with the flat side, removing nails with the claw.
Ball peen hammer
 Used to form and shape metal. Has one beveled flat end and one rounded end.
Wood Mallet
Used to safely form metal without marring the surface.Â
Rawhide Mallet
Used to safely form rings or other shapes without marring the surface. The preferred mallet because of the material it is made of.
Makes a dent in the metal.
Tool used to cut larger objects. Commonly used by plumbers to cut metal and plastic. Has a fine tooth blade.
Coping saw
Tool used for cutting wood. It has a thin blade able to cut curves like a scroll saw.
Jeweler’s saw
Tool that is specifically used to cut out small metal pieces with its thin blade.
Miter saw-Electric
bench tool used mostly by carpenters to cut wood in straight lines only.
V bench pin
Block of wood with a “v” shape cut into it used to clamp onto table. Provides a solid platform for support while sawing metal.
C clamp
Tool used to clamp things together such as a bench pin into place, or to hold wood together while glueing. Has the shape of a “c”
Drill bit
A small metal bar with teeth to make a hole. Bits art made in different sizes according to the size of the hole you want to make/ The drill bit is placed in the chuck of the drill and tightened in place with the chuck key.
Drill press
Stationary machine that hold the chuck and drill bit in order to make holes
Hand dril
Drill that you turned by hand.
Cordless drill
Battery power tool that has a spinning chuck that makes hole drive screws.
Tool used to loosen or tighten the drill chuck to change the bits.
Tool used to shape and smooth metal and take off burs or sharp edges.
Liver of Sulfur
Chemical substance that is an oxidizer to blacken metal used in patination.
Flexing the wire
Technique in which you straighten crooked wire by two pressed blocks of wood.
Steel wool
Thin metal used to smooth metal surfaces.
Sandpaper grit
How rough or smooth the sandpaper is.
Creative Expression-
Expressing yourself in jewelry standards.